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ProcessMaker has a new "heartbeat" function which is designed to send statistics to the ProcessMaker developers about how ProcessMaker is being used, including the number of workspaces, processes, users and cases. The statistics are just a quantity and they do NOT include any information about the processes, users or cases. The primary purpose of this reporting is to help the developers gauge how ProcessMaker is being used and to determine how to improve the application in the future.

Configuring the heartbeat from the ADMIN menu

In ProcessMaker version 1.6-4260 and later, the heartbeat can be configured or disabled from the ADMIN menu. Login into ProcessMaker with a user such as the "admin" user who has thePM_SETUP_ADVANCE permission in his/her role. Then go to ADMIN > Settings > Heart Beat.

Note: Take into consideration that from version on, users must have the PM_SETUP_HEART_BEAT permission assigned to their role to access the ADMIN > Settings > Heart Beat option.

In the Enable Heartbeat dropdown box, select Yes to enable the heartbeat or No to disable it. Then click on Save.