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Multiple Input Document Uploader 2.5.0 
(Release date: October 7th, 2012)


The Multiple Input Document Uploader is a plugin designed to upload one or more documents at the same time by using a user-friendly interface. When the plugin is enabled, a new interface is used for uploading, adding comments and deleting multiple files at the same time. When a file is uploaded as an Input Document, a progress bar is displayed to show what percentage of the file has been uploaded. The interface provides a preview of image files, as well as buttons to delete or cancel the upload of multiple documents at the same time.


  • ProcessMaker v. 2.5.0 o later
  • Enterprise Plugin v 2.0.17

Browser Compatibility

  • Firefox v.26 or later
  • Chrome V.31 or later
  • Internet Explorer v. 8, v. 9 and v. 10

What’s new

* Uploading files

The new interface comes with the functionality to to start uploading one or more files at the same time.

* Check the progress of your documents

The progress bar will show what percentage of the file has been uploaded.

* Documents versioning

Possibility to upload different versions of the same document and review the history of those documents.

* Version History

Possibility to check all versions for an uploaded file.

* Cancelling a file upload

Cancel the upload of one or more files at the same time.

* Deleting files

Delete one or more uploaded files from the interface at the same time.

* Previewing Video and Audio files

Video and audio files can be played before being uploaded.

* Previewing Image files

Before an image file is uploaded, a preview of the image will be displayed under the file name. Common image formats such as JPEG, PNG, BMP and GIF are supported.


Known Issues

  • 15448 - Selecting more than one document to be uploaded at the same time does not work if using Internet Explorer v. 8, 9 and 10, because of a compatibility found between HTML5 and Internet Explorer.
  • The size of the uploaded file is not visible if using Internet Explorer v. 8, 9 and 10.
  • Dragging & Dropping documents directly in the interface doesn't work if using IE v. 8, 9 and 10.
  • Only JPG, PNG and GIF images can be seen in the image viewer.


English (Default core language)