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TO:Brian Reale
 Colosa President & CEO
 Adolfo Lang
 Colosa General Manager
VIA:Hugo Loza
 Product Manager & Support Director
OF:Alison DeUgarte
 Quality Control Specialist
 Alejandra Ledezma
 Quality Control Specialist
 Wendy Nestór
 Quality Control Specialist
Date:November 1st, 2011
Ref:Release 2.0.34

I.General Objectives
 To inform about the testing did by the Quality Control department to Featured Bugs, processes 4x4 and Process Pre - Sales for the release 2.0.34.
 The Quality Control Department to perform its functions is based on the following work plan established for the 2.0.34 release:
 Features Bugs
 Release 2.0.34.
 Pre-Sales Process
 Employee Onboarding.
 Expense Report.
 Invoice Approval Process.
 Purchase Request.
 Leave of Absence Request.
 Customer Credit application process -v0.1.
 Employee Application process –v0.2.
 Employee Evaluation process –v0.3.
 Employee Hiring process .v0.2.
 Engineering Change Order Request process -v0.1.
 RMA process -v0.1.
 Supplier Registration process –v0.2.
 QA Process
 4WD Process.
 Project Department Process
 Operative Unit Process (Report Tables)


The platforms on which they were tested are listed below: 
 Windows7/Php5.2/Mysql5.1/ Windows 7/IE9/es
 Windows7/Php5.2/Mysql5.1/Windows 7/IE9/en
 Windows7/Php5.2/Mysql5.1/Windows 7/Firefox5/es
 Windows7/Php5.2/Mysql5.1/Windows 7/Firefox5/en
 Windows7/Php5.2/Mysql5.1/Windows 7/Chrome 4/es
 Windows7/Php5.2/Mysql5.1/Windows 7/Chrome 4/en
 Centos5.5/Php5.2/Mysql5.1/Windows 7/IE9/es
 Centos5.5/Php5.2/Mysql5.1/Windows 7/IE9/en
 Centos5.5/Php5.2/Mysql5.1/Windows 7/Firefox5/es
 Centos5.5/Php5.2/Mysql5.1/Windows 7/Firefox5/en
 Centos5.5/Php5.2/Mysql5.1/Windows 7/ Chrome4/es
 Centos5.5/Php5.2/Mysql5.1/Windows 7/ Chrome4/en
 Windows7/Php5.3/Mysql5.1/Windows 7/IE9/es –ZendServer
 Windows7/Php5.3/Mysql5.1/Windows 7/IE9/en– ZendServer
 Windows7/Php5.3/Mysql5.1/Windows 7/Firefox5/es – ZendServer .
 Windows7/Php5.3/Mysql5.1/Windows 7/Firefox5/en –ZendServer
 Windows7/Php5.3/Mysql5.1/Windows 7/Chrome4/es – ZendServer
 Windows7/Php5.3/Mysql5.1/Windows 7/Chrome4/en –ZendServer


 - 2.0.34.rc110/10/11 (rejected version /problems generation PMTables, ReportTables).
 - 2.0.34.rc3 13/10/11 (rejected version/problems in Case Note and Summary).
 - 2.0.34.rc414/10/11
 - 2.0.34.rc524/10/11
 - 2.0.34.rc6 26/10/11 (rejected version/users generation).
 - 2.0.34.rc7 26/10/11 (rejected version/users generation).
 - 2.0.34.rc8 27/10/11 (stable version).
 - 2.0.34.rc9 31/10/11 (rejected version/workspaces creation – error on dashboard).
 - 2.0.34.rc10 31/10/11 (rejected version/– error on dashboard).
 - 2.0.34.rc 11 31/10/11 (Stable version).
III.Bugs of the Version
 Below are listed the planned bugs to be fixed on the version 2.0.34 (to ensure stability) and the other bugs found during the tests
  FEATURED BUGS 2.0.34 (RC7/RC8/RC9/RC10/RC11)  
6843time.log doesn't store the date NOT RUN   
6878processmaker-2.0.23/Running cases/It's a subprocess on the inbox, new case isn't marked in boldPlataformas: Windows 7/php5.3/ IE9/FireFox5/Chrome4-IE9; Centos5.5/Php5.2/Mysql5.1/WinXP/Firefox5/Chorme4-IE9; Windows 7/php5.2IE9//FireFox5/Chrome4-IE9PASSEDPM-QA: Solution to the error was tested and accepted as solved in the version 2.0.34 RC8. Plataforms: Windows 7/php5.3/ IE9/FireFox5/Chrome4-IE9; Centos5.5/Php5.2/Mysql5.1/WinXP/Firefox5/Chorme4-IE9; Windows 7/php5.2IE9//FireFox5/Chrome4-IE9  
7009Admin button of Advanced LDAP Plugin displays error message NOT RUN   
7010Admin button of Simple Reporting Plugin displays error messagePlataforms: Windows 7/php5.3/ IE9/FireFox5/Chrome4-IE9; Centos5.5/Php5.2/Mysql5.1/WinXP/Firefox5/Chorme4-IE9; Windows 7/php5.2IE9//FireFox5/Chrome4-IE9FAILEDPM-QA: Solution to the error was tested and rejected on the version 2.0.34 RC8, based on the following observations: In the above plugins the error message persists, this happen on Plataforms: Windows 7/php5.3/ IE9/FireFox5/Chrome4-IE9; Centos5.5/Php5.2/Mysql5.1/WinXP/Firefox5/Chorme4-IE9; Windows 7/php5.2IE9//FireFox5/Chrome4-IE9 x


7031processmaker-2.0.29.rc5/ADMIN/Plugins Manager/Characters that appear in "Active License Information"Plataforms: Windows 7/php5.3/ IE9/FireFox5/Chrome4-IE9; Centos5.5/Php5.2/Mysql5.1/WinXP/Firefox5/Chorme4-IE9; Windows 7/php5.2IE9//FireFox5/Chrome4-IE9PASSEDPM-QA: Solution was tested and approved as solved on the version 2.0.34 RC8. Plataforms: Windows 7/php5.3/ IE9/FireFox5/Chrome4-IE9; Centos5.5/Php5.2/Mysql5.1/WinXP/Firefox5/Chorme4-IE9; Windows 7/php5.2IE9//FireFox5/Chrome4-IE9  
7074PM. 2.0.30. Alerts on workspaces creation.Plataforms: Windows 7/php5.3/ IE9/FireFox5/Chrome4-IE9; Centos5.5/Php5.2/Mysql5.1/WinXP/Firefox5/Chorme4-IE9; Windows 7/php5.2IE9//FireFox5/Chrome4-IE9 9PASSEDPM-QA: Solution to the error was tested and accepted as solved in the version 2.0.34 RC8. Plataforms: Windows 7/php5.3/ IE9/FireFox5/Chrome4-IE9; Centos5.5/Php5.2/Mysql5.1/WinXP/Firefox5/Chorme4-IE9; Windows 7/php5.2IE9//FireFox5/Chrome4-IE9  
7087PM. 2.0.30 RC3. There is a problem in the logout.Plataforms: Windows 7/php5.3/ IE9/FireFox5/Chrome4-IE9; Centos5.5/Php5.2/Mysql5.1/WinXP/Firefox5/Chorme4-IE9; Windows 7/php5.2IE9//FireFox5/Chrome4-IE9PASSEDPM-QA: The solution to the error was tested and accepted as solved in the version 2.0.34 RC8. Plataforms: Windows 7/php5.3/ IE9/FireFox5/Chrome4-IE9; Centos5.5/Php5.2/Mysql5.1/WinXP/Firefox5/Chorme4-IE9; Windows 7/php5.2IE9//FireFox5/Chrome4-IE9  
7095PM. 2.0.30 RC4. problem of usability in long names.Plataforms: Windows 7/php5.3/ IE9/FireFox5/Chrome4-IE9; Centos5.5/Php5.2/Mysql5.1/WinXP/Firefox5/Chorme4-IE9; Windows 7/php5.2IE9//FireFox5/Chrome4-IE9PASSEDPM-QA: The solution to the error was tested and accpeted as solved in version 2.0.34 RC8. Plataforms: Windows 7/php5.3/ IE9/FireFox5/Chrome4-IE9;Centos5.5/Php5.2/Mysql5.1/WinXP/Firefox5/Chorme4-IE9;  
7099BATCH ROUTING ConfigurationProblem NOT RUN   
70104Add line breaks to the descriptions of Enterprise Edition plugins NOT RUN   
7111Feature requests for Batch Routing - Update dropdown in batch NOT RUN   
7117PM 2.0.29 Problems on the sending of the sendrequest of the login, shows a fatal errorPlataforms: Windows 7/php5.3/ IE9/FireFox5/Chrome4-IE9; Centos5.5/Php5.2/Mysql5.1/WinXP/Firefox5/Chorme4-IE9; Windows 7/php5.2IE9//FireFox5/Chrome4-IE9FAILEDPM-QA: Solution of the error was tested and rejected on the version 2.0.34 RC8, based on the following observation: this bug can't be tested beacuse the forgotpassword is disabled in this version, this happen on Plataforms: Windows 7/php5.3/ IE9/FireFox5/Chrome4-IE9; Centos5.5/Php5.2/Mysql5.1/WinXP/Firefox5/Chorme4-IE9; Windows 7/php5.2IE9//FireFox5/Chrome4-IE9 x
7142unable to reassign task to ad-hoc user via web-services function NOT RUN   
7155Admin"/"Configure" button displays errors for 4 Enterprise Edition PluginsPlataforms: Windows 7/php5.3/ IE9/FireFox5/Chrome4-IE9; Centos5.5/Php5.2/Mysql5.1/WinXP/Firefox5/Chorme4-IE9; Windows 7/php5.2IE9//FireFox5/Chrome4-IE9FAILEDPM-QA: Solution to the error was tested and rejected on the version 2.0.34 RC8, based on the following observation: In the following Plataforms Centos5.5/Php5.2/Mysql5.1/WinXP/Firefox5/Chorme4-IE9; Windows 7/php5.2IE9//FireFox5/Chrome4-IE9 are still showing the error message only in English. On the Plataforms Windows 7/php5.3/ IE9/FireFox5/Chrome4-IE9; are still showing the error message in English and Spanish x
7156Remove configuration option "Directory backups:" from Multi-tenant Management plugin NOT RUN   
7161PM. 2.0.30 RC7: Notice to import pluginsPlataforms: Windows 7/php5.3/ IE9/FireFox5/Chrome4-IE9; Centos5.5/Php5.2/Mysql5.1/WinXP/Firefox5/Chorme4-IE9; Windows 7/php5.2IE9//FireFox5/Chrome4-IE9FAILEDPM-QA: Solution to the error was tested and rejected on the version 2.0.34 RC8, based on the following observation: It's still displaying notice on plataforms Centos5.5/Php5.2/Mysql5.1/WinXP/Firefox5/Chorme4-IE9; just in English. In other plataforms Windows 7/php5.3/ IE9/FireFox5/Chrome4-IE9; Windows 7/php5.2IE9//FireFox5/Chrome4-IE9 is correct x
7305Output-sintaxisPlataforms: Windows 7/php5.3/ IE9/FireFox5/Chrome4-IE9; Centos5.5/Php5.2/Mysql5.1/WinXP/Firefox5/Chorme4-IE9; Windows 7/php5.2IE9//FireFox5/Chrome4-IE9PASSEDPM-QA: solution to the error was tested and accepted as solved on version2.0.34 RC8. Plataforms: Windows 7/php5.3/ IE9/FireFox5/Chrome4-IE9; Centos5.5/Php5.2/Mysql5.1/WinXP/Firefox5/Chorme4-IE9; Windows 7/php5.2IE9//FireFox5/Chrome4-IE9  
7401Problem with condition editor NOT RUN   
7415Problems after enabling the Custom Cases List Plugin NOT RUN   
7508LDAP user import error when uid has underscore NOT RUN   
7519Drop Down Field in Conditions Editor Will Not Allow Change Back to "No"Plataforms: Windows 7/php5.3/ IE9/FireFox5/Chrome4-IE9; Centos5.5/Php5.2/Mysql5.1/WinXP/Firefox5/Chorme4-IE9; Windows 7/php5.2IE9//FireFox5/Chrome4-IE9PASSEDPM-QA: solution to the error was tested and rejected on version 2.0.34 RC8, based on the following observations: Problem persists when it is selected option YES and is stil showing NO Windows 7/php5.2IE9//FireFox5/Chrome4-IE9  
7527Notice/SubProcessPlataforms: Windows 7/php5.3/ IE9/FireFox5/Chrome4-IE9; Centos5.5/Php5.2/Mysql5.1/WinXP/Firefox5/Chorme4-IE9; Windows 7/php5.2IE9//FireFox5/Chrome4-IE9PASSEDPM-QA: solution to the error was tested and accepted as solved on version 2.0.34 RC8. Plataforms: Windows 7/php5.3/ IE9/FireFox5/Chrome4-IE9; Centos5.5/Php5.2/Mysql5.1/WinXP/Firefox5/Chorme4-IE9; Windows 7/php5.2IE9//FireFox5/Chrome4-IE9  
7528PM 2.0.32 Variables are not saved on the suporcess properties.Plataforms: Windows 7/php5.3/ IE9/FireFox5/Chrome4-IE9; Centos5.5/Php5.2/Mysql5.1/WinXP/Firefox5/Chorme4-IE9; Windows 7/php5.2IE9//FireFox5/Chrome4-IE9PASSEDPM-QA: solution to the error was tested and accepted as solved on version 2.0.34 RC8. Plataforms: Windows 7/php5.3/ IE9/FireFox5/Chrome4-IE9; Centos5.5/Php5.2/Mysql5.1/WinXP/Firefox5/Chorme4-IE9; Windows 7/php5.2IE9//FireFox5/Chrome4-IE9  
7532PM 2.0.32 when a process is created in an English Workspace and then it is changed into Spanish dynaform is not visible.Plataforms: Windows 7/php5.3/ IE9/FireFox5/Chrome4-IE9; Centos5.5/Php5.2/Mysql5.1/WinXP/Firefox5/Chorme4-IE9; Windows 7/php5.2IE9//FireFox5/Chrome4-IE9PASSEDPM-QA: solution to the error was tested and rejected on version 2.0.34 RC8, based on the following observation: When a process is created in English it can't be seen on a Spanish workflow, this happen on Plataforms: Windows 7/php5.3/ IE9/FireFox5/Chrome4-IE9; Centos5.5/Php5.2/Mysql5.1/WinXP/Firefox5/Chorme4-IE9; Windows 7/php5.2IE9//FireFox5/Chrome4-IE9 x
7540Errors when importing Enterprise plugin and MySQL 5.5+ NOT RUN   
7556OU for Retired Employees OU field is too smallPlataforms: Windows 7/php5.3/ IE9/FireFox5/Chrome4-IE9; Centos5.5/Php5.2/Mysql5.1/WinXP/Firefox5/Chorme4-IE9; Windows 7/php5.2IE9//FireFox5/Chrome4-IE9PASSEDPM-QA: solution to the error was tested and accepted as solved on version 2.0.33 RC5. Plataforms: Windows 7/php5.3/ IE9/FireFox5/Chrome4-IE9; Centos5.5/Php5.2/Mysql5.1/WinXP/Firefox5/Chorme4-IE9; Windows 7/php5.2IE9//FireFox5/Chrome4-IE9  
7561BPMN) New entry form on start event never reappears. NOT RUN   
7598New Feature about the process informationPlataforms: Windows 7/php5.3/ IE9/FireFox5/Chrome4-IE9; Centos5.5/Php5.2/Mysql5.1/WinXP/Firefox5/Chorme4-IE9; Windows 7/php5.2IE9//FireFox5/Chrome4-IE9PASSEDPM-QA: solution to the error was tested and accepted as solved on version 2.0.34 RC8. Plataformas: Windows 7/php5.3/ IE9/FireFox5/Chrome4-IE9; Centos5.5/Php5.2/Mysql5.1/WinXP/Firefox5/Chorme4-IE9; Windows 7/php5.2IE9//FireFox5/Chrome4-IE9  
7734It doesn't display buttons below the screenPlataforms: Windows 7/php5.3/ IE9/FireFox5/Chrome4-IE9; Centos5.5/Php5.2/Mysql5.1/WinXP/Firefox5/Chorme4-IE9; Windows 7/php5.2IE9//FireFox5/Chrome4PASSEDPM-QA: solution to the error was tested and accepted as solved on version 2.0.34 RC8. Plataforms: Windows 7/php5.3/ IE9/FireFox5/Chrome4-IE9; Centos5.5/Php5.2/Mysql5.1/WinXP/Firefox5/Chorme4-IE9; Windows 7/php5.2IE9//FireFox5/Chrome4-IE9  
7800Pagging bar is not showing correctlyPlataforms: Windows 7/php5.3/ IE9/FireFox5/Chrome4-IE9; Centos5.5/Php5.2/Mysql5.1/WinXP/Firefox5/Chorme4-IE9; Windows 7/php5.2IE9//FireFox5/Chrome4-IE9PASSEDPM-QA: solution to the error was tested and accepted as solved on version 2.0.34 RC8. Plataformas: Windows 7/php5.3/ IE9/FireFox5/Chrome4-IE9; Centos5.5/Php5.2/Mysql5.1/WinXP/Firefox5/Chorme4-IE9; Windows 7/php5.2IE9//FireFox5/Chrome4-IE9  
7826Problem Importing New Report tablesPlataforms: Windows 7/php5.3/ IE9/FireFox5/Chrome4-IE9; Centos5.5/Php5.2/Mysql5.1/WinXP/Firefox5/Chorme4-IE9; Windows 7/php5.2IE9//FireFox5/Chrome4-IE9PASSEDPM-QA: solution to the error was tested and accepted as solved on version 2.0.34 RC8. Plataforms: Windows 7/php5.3/ IE9/FireFox5/Chrome4-IE9; Centos5.5/Php5.2/Mysql5.1/WinXP/Firefox5/Chorme4-IE9; Windows 7/php5.2IE9//FireFox5/Chrome4-IE9  
7836Import PM TABLESPlataforms: Windows 7/php5.3/ IE9/FireFox5/Chrome4-IE9; Centos5.5/Php5.2/Mysql5.1/WinXP/Firefox5/Chorme4-IE9; Windows 7/php5.2IE9//FireFox5/Chrome4-IE10PASSEDPM-QA: solution to the error was tested and accepted as solved on version 2.0.34 RC8. Plataforms: Windows 7/php5.3/ IE9/FireFox5/Chrome4-IE9; Centos5.5/Php5.2/Mysql5.1/WinXP/Firefox5/Chorme4-IE9; Windows 7/php5.2IE9//FireFox5/Chrome4-IE10  
7838Problem to delete pmtablesPlataforms: Windows 7/php5.3/ IE9/FireFox5/Chrome4-IE9; Centos5.5/Php5.2/Mysql5.1/WinXP/Firefox5/Chorme4-IE9; Windows 7/php5.2IE9//FireFox5/Chrome4-IE11PASSEDPM-QA: solution to the error was tested and accepted as solved on version 2.0.34 RC8. Plataforms: Windows 7/php5.3/ IE9/FireFox5/Chrome4-IE9; Centos5.5/Php5.2/Mysql5.1/WinXP/Firefox5/Chorme4-IE9; Windows 7/php5.2IE9//FireFox5/Chrome4-IE11  
7840Problem with the language esPlataforms: Windows 7/php5.3/ IE9/FireFox5/Chrome4-IE9; Centos5.5/Php5.2/Mysql5.1/WinXP/Firefox5/Chorme4-IE9; Windows 7/php5.2IE9//FireFox5/Chrome4-IE12PASSEDPM-QA: solution to the error was tested and accepted as solved on version 2.0.34 RC8. Plataforms: Windows 7/php5.3/ IE9/FireFox5/Chrome4-IE9; Centos5.5/Php5.2/Mysql5.1/WinXP/Firefox5/Chorme4-IE9; Windows 7/php5.2IE9//FireFox5/Chrome4-IE12  


 We concluded that after having serious problems with the construction and operation of PMTables / ReportTables, from release 2.0.34 to release 2.0.32 rc1, most of the bugs were corrected satisfactorily. In addition to finding problems with the generation of users in the release 2.0.34.rc7 to release 2.0.34.rc6, we concluded that 2.0.34.rc11 version is a stable release for the functioning of PMTables / ReportTables, generation of users and workspaces.
 PM2.0.34 RC9 version was rejected because new workspaces couldn't be created and likewise there was a bug in dashboard. The PM version 2.0.34 RC10 was rejected because the error for the dashboard persisted.
 As mentioned previously there are problems with other bugs that are the most relevant to the latest versions, they are listed below:
 • Masks, in different fields; are not generated correctly.
 • In a process that has the option to add images, it is not possible its visualitation.
 • On Chrome, also numeric and date fields aren't working properly.
 • View documents in different Output Documents on Windows7/ZendServer.
 • There is a misconfiguration when masks are deleted.
 • In Chrome there is duplication in numeric fields for each integer number that is entered.
 • There are problems with requiered fields on grids, there isn't a validation and inmediately move to the next Dynaform.
 There is also a problem with the new functionality: "Dashboards", when it is doing the updates on PM, it is solved with a query to update the table "Dashlets" so you can use the new functionality developed.