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Message types introduce a new concept of handling a set of message fields which will be used to send "messages" between two processes. Message fields introduce a new type of data which holds information that a process sends to another through message event elements. The message events that use the message types and that are supported by the ProcessMaker engine are the following:

Creating Message Types

Create a new "Message Type" with a set of variables by opening the process in which the connection will be used. Then, go to the right side of the screen where the Main Toolbox is located. Hover the cursor over the plus icon in the option "Message Types" of the Main Toolbox, in order to display the "Create" button on the left.

The first required field is "Name", which means adding a name to identify the "Message Type" being created.

The next, also required, field is "Message Field Name". In this particular field, enter a unique name to identify the variable. The name must be a valid PHP variable name, which starts with a letter or underscore, followed by any number of letters, numbers or underscores. Spaces, symbols and international letters whose value is greater than 255 are not allowed. Then click on "Create" and the new variable will be added to the list of "Message Type" variables. Create as many new variables as needed.

Note: Message Type does not allow to configure Multiple File variables. Otherwise, Variable Rest APIs display different values.

After the creation of the necessary variables, click on the "Save" to save changes and continue or "Cancel" to dismiss all changes.

If a variable needs to be edited, enter to the "Message Type" window and click on "Edit". Immediately after clicking on "Edit" the variable will reappear on the "Message Field Name" part of the window and the variable can have its name changed.

Variables can also be deleted by clicking on the "Delete" button. When clicked a message will appear requiring confirmation to erase the variable.