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ProcessMaker can manage numerous workspaces at a time. Each workspace has one MySQL database for each workspace in order to facilitate the use of ProcessMaker in hosted servers which limit the number of databases.

Note: If upgraded from a previous version, ProcessMaker 2.8 and later will continue to use 3 databases. For more information, please check out 2.0 ProcessMaker Database Model.


This database contains all the information required by the Process Engine, including information about processes, cases, users, PM Tables, etc.

Tables with prefix RBAC added to their table names contain the information about users to maintain a Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) system in ProcessMaker.


The database also includes Report Tables designed to allow external applications to access data from ProcessMaker cases. Report Tables have the prefix PMT_ in their names. Each Report Table creates a separate table in this database, which external databases can query.

Click the images below to see the Entity-Relationship diagram of this database. The diagram is divided in three parts for better understanding.

More Information

The default workspace created in ProcessMaker is called workflow, so its database is named wf_workflow. If doing a manual installation of ProcessMaker, the setup screen provides an option to rename this database. See Consulting the ProcessMaker databases for more information about how to access this database with MySQL and phpMyAdmin.

The files for the MySQL databases are generally stored in the following locations:

The location depends upon your distribution, but it is generally:


For example:



If installed with the ProcessMaker Windows Installer, the MySQL files are generally stored at:


For example:

C:\Program Files\ProcessMaker\MySQL\data\wf_workflow\

If installed with the manual installation, the MySQL files are generally stored at:


For example:

C:\ProgramData\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.1\data\wf_workflow\