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A call to a REST endpoint which is processed without errors will return an HTTP status code of 200 (OK) or 201 (Created). Any HTTP status code above 201 indicates that a problem has occurred. If ProcessMaker detects an error, it will return an HTTP status code of 400 and one of the error messages listed below. If the HTTP status code is any other number besides 200, 201 or 400, the error message does not come from ProcessMaker and was probably generated by the web server.

ProcessMaker REST Error Messages

The following tables list the ProcessMaker REST error messages when the HTTP status code is 400.


#FeatureError Message
1ACTIVITYInvalid value specified for
2ACTIVITYInvalid value specified for 'tas_selfservice_time'
3ACTIVITYInvalid value specified for 'tas_group_variable'
4ACTIVITYInvalid value specified for 'tas_selfservice_timeout'
5ACTIVITYInvalid value specified for 'tas_assign_variable'
6ACTIVITYInvalid value specified for 'tas_selfservice_trigger_uid'
7ACTIVITYInvalid value specified for 'tas_duration'
8ACTIVITYInvalid value specified for 'tas_timeunit'
9ACTIVITYInvalid value specified for 'tas_type_day'
10ACTIVITYInvalid value specified for 'tas_calendar'
11ACTIVITYInvalid value specified for 'tas_def_subject_message'
12ACTIVITYInvalid value specified for 'tas_def_message_type'
13ACTIVITYInvalid value specified for 'tas_def_message_template'
14ACTIVITYInvalid value specified for 'tas_def_message'
15ACTIVITYThis id for `prj_uid`: ... do not correspond to a registered process
16ACTIVITYThis id for `act_uid`: ... do not correspond to a registered activity
17ACTIVITYinvalid value specified for `start`.
18ACTIVITYinvalid value specified for `limit`.
19ACTIVITYRecord not found for id:
20ACTIVITYThis id: ... do not correspond to a registered ....
21ACTIVITYThis row does not exist!
22ACTIVITYThe project with prj_uid: '...', does not exist.


#FeatureError Message
1ASSIGNEE & ADHOC ASSIGNEEThis id for `prj_uid`: 12345678912345678912345678912345 do not correspond to a registered process
2ASSIGNEE & ADHOC ASSIGNEEThis id for `act_uid`: 12345678912345678912345678912345 do not correspond to a registered activity
3ASSIGNEE & ADHOC ASSIGNEEinvalid value specified for `start`
4ASSIGNEE & ADHOC ASSIGNEEinvalid value specified for `limit`
5ASSIGNEE & ADHOC ASSIGNEERecord not found for id: 12345678912345678912345678912345
6ASSIGNEE & ADHOC ASSIGNEEThis id: 12345678912345678912345678912345 is already assigned to task: 12345678912345678912345678912345
7ASSIGNEE & ADHOC ASSIGNEEThis id: 12345678912345678912345678912345 do not correspond to a registered USER/GROUP
8ASSIGNEE & ADHOC ASSIGNEEThis row does not exist!


#FeatureError Message
1CASE SCHEDULERThis id: 12345678912345678912345678912345 do not correspond to a registered case scheduler
2CASE SCHEDULERThe User `12345678912345678912345678912345` doesn't have the activity `12345678912345678912345678912345` assigned.
3CASE SCHEDULERtask not found for id: 12345678912345678912345678912345
4CASE SCHEDULER`sch_name` can`t be empty
5CASE SCHEDULERduplicate Case Scheduler name
6CASE SCHEDULERinvalid value specified for `sch_start_time`. Expecting time in HH:MM format (The time can not be increased to 23:59)
7CASE SCHEDULERinvalid value specified for `sch_start_date`. Expecting date in `YYYY-MM-DD` format, such as `2014-01-01`
8CASE SCHEDULERinvalid value specified for `sch_end_date`. Expecting date in `YYYY-MM-DD` format, such as `2014-01-01`
9CASE SCHEDULER`sch_start_date` can`t be null'
10CASE SCHEDULER`sch_week_days` can`t be null
11CASE SCHEDULERinvalid value specified for `sch_week_days`
12CASE SCHEDULER`sch_start_day` can`t be null
13CASE SCHEDULER`sch_start_day_opt_1` can`t be null
14CASE SCHEDULERinvalid value specified for `sch_start_day_opt_1`. Must be between 1 and 31
15CASE SCHEDULER`sch_start_day_opt_2` can`t be null
16CASE SCHEDULERinvalid value specified for `sch_start_day_opt_2`
17CASE SCHEDULERinvalid value specified for `sch_start_day_opt_2`
18CASE SCHEDULER`sch_start_day` can`t be null
19CASE SCHEDULER`sch_months` can`t be null
20CASE SCHEDULERinvalid value specified for `sch_months`
21CASE SCHEDULER`sch_repeat_every` can`t be null
22CASE SCHEDULERinvalid value specified for `sch_repeat_every`. Expecting time in HH.MM format


#FeatureError Message
1CASE TRACKERThe UID "{0}" doesn't exist in table {1}
2CASE TRACKERThe "{0}" attribute is not defined
3CASE TRACKERThe record "{0}", exists in table {1}
4CASE TRACKERThe "{0}" position for the record "{1}", exists in table {2}


#FeatureError Message
1DATABASE CONNECTIONSThe dababase connection with dbs_type: '' is invalid
2DATABASE CONNECTIONSThe dababase connection with dbs_server: '', is invalid
3DATABASE CONNECTIONSThe dababase connection with dbs_database_name: ''
4DATABASE CONNECTIONSThe dababase connection with dbs_port: '', is invalid
5DATABASE CONNECTIONSThe dababase connection with dbs_encode: '', is invalid
6DATABASE CONNECTIONSError Testting Connection: Resolving Host Name FAILED : ''
7DATABASE CONNECTIONSError Testting Connection: Checking port FAILED : ''
8DATABASE CONNECTIONSError Testting Connection: Trying to connect to host FAILED ''
9DATABASE CONNECTIONSError Testting Connection: Trying to open database FAILED ''
10DATABASE CONNECTIONSThe project with prj_uid: '', does not exist.
11DATABASE CONNECTIONSThe database connection with dbs_uid: '', does not exist.


#FeatureError Message
1DYNAFORMSThe DynaForm with {0}: {1}, does not exist
2DYNAFORMSThe DynaForm title with {0}: "{1}", already exists
3DYNAFORMSThe DynaForm with {0}: {1}, not is grid
4DYNAFORMSYou cannot delete this Dynaform while it is assigned to a step
5DYNAFORMSThe "{0}" attribute is not defined
6DYNAFORMSThe "{0}" attribute is empty
7DYNAFORMSInvalid value specified for "{0}"
8DYNAFORMSThe attribute {0}, has an element invalid (incorrect keys)
9DYNAFORMSThe field {0}: {1}, is not an primary key field of the PM Table
10DYNAFORMSThe primary key field {0} of the PM Table, is missing in the attribute {1}
11DYNAFORMSThe total primary key fields of the PM Table is {0}, the attribute {1} has {2} primary keys
12DYNAFORMSIt is trying to create a DynaForm by "{0}", please send only one attribute for creation


#FeatureError Message
1EVENTSThis process doesn't exist!
2EVENTSThis row doesn't exist!
3EVENTSThe field "tas_uid" is required!
4EVENTSThe field "evn_tas_uid_from" is required!
5EVENTSThe field "evn_tas_uid_to" is required!
6EVENTSThe project with prj_uid: '', does not exist.
7EVENTSThe event with evn_uid: '', does not exist.
8EVENTSThe task with tas_uid: '', does not exist.
9EVENTSThe trigger with tri_uid: '', does not exist.


#FeatureError Message
1FILES MANAGERinvalid value specified for `prf_uid`.
2FILES MANAGERinvalid value specified for `path`.
3FILES MANAGERinvalid value specified for `prf_filename`.
4FILES MANAGERinvalid value specified for `prf_path`. Expecting `templates/` or `public/`
5FILES MANAGERThe file: sample.html already exists.
6FILES MANAGERCan`t edit. Make sure your file has an editable extension.


#FeatureError Message
1INPUT DOCUMENTThe InputDocument with {0}: {1}, does not exist
2INPUT DOCUMENTThe InputDocument title with {0}: "{1}", already exists


#FeatureError Message
1OUTPUT DOCUMENTinvalid value specified for `out_doc_pdf_security_permissions`
2OUTPUT DOCUMENTinvalid value specified for `out_doc_title`, can`t be null
3OUTPUT DOCUMENTThe registry cannot be updated!
4OUTPUT DOCUMENTThis row doesn't exist!


#FeatureError Message
1PM GROUPThe group with {0}: {1}, does not exist
2PM GROUPThe group title with {0}: "{1}", already exists
3PM GROUPThe user with {0}: {1}, is not assigned to the group
4PM GROUPThe user with {0}: {1}, is already assigned to the group


#FeatureError Message
1PM USERinvalid value for `usr_country`
2PM USERinvalid value for `usr_city`
3PM USERinvalid value for `usr_location`
4PM USERinvalid value specified for `usr_email`, can`t be null.
5PM USERinvalid value specified for `usr_status`, can`t be null
6PM USER`usr_status`. Invalid value for status field.
7PM USERinvalid value specified for `usr_role`, can`t be null
8PM USER`usr_role`. Invalid value for role field.
9PM USERThis user: 12345678912345678912345678912345, can`t update the data.
10PM USERThe user with usr_uid: 12345678912345678912345678912345, cannot be deleted while has assigned cases.
11PM USERThis id for `usr_uid`: 12345678912345678912345678912345 do not correspond to a registered user
12PM USERinvalid value specified for `start`
13PM USERinvalid value specified for `limit`


#FeatureError Message
1PROCESS OF A PROJECT RESOURCESThe "{0}" attribute is not defined
2PROCESS OF A PROJECT RESOURCESThe "{0}" attribute is empty
3PROCESS OF A PROJECT RESOURCESInvalid value specified for "{0}"
4PROCESS OF A PROJECT RESOURCESThe "{0}" attribute is not array
5PROCESS OF A PROJECT RESOURCESInvalid value specified for "{0}". Expecting positive integer value
6PROCESS OF A PROJECT RESOURCESThe project with {0}: {1}, does not exist
7PROCESS OF A PROJECT RESOURCESThe user with {0}: {1}, does not exist
8PROCESS OF A PROJECT RESOURCESThe project title with {0}: "{1}", already exists
9PROCESS OF A PROJECT RESOURCESThe calendar definition with {0}: {1}, does not exist
10PROCESS OF A PROJECT RESOURCESThe project category with {0}: {1}, does not exist
11PROCESS OF A PROJECT RESOURCESThe PM Table with {0}: {1}, does not exist
12PROCESS OF A PROJECT RESOURCESThe activity with {0}: {1}, does not exist
13PROCESS OF A PROJECT RESOURCESThe routing screen template with {0}: {1}, does not exist


#FeatureError Message
1PROCESS PERMISSIONSThis row doesn't exist!
2PROCESS PERMISSIONSThe project with prj_uid: '', does not exist.
3PROCESS PERMISSIONSThe process permission with op_uid: '', does not exist.
4PROCESS PERMISSIONSThe user with usr_uid: '', does not exist.
5PROCESS PERMISSIONSThe group with usr_uid: '', does not exist.
6PROCESS PERMISSIONSThe task with tas_uid: '', does not exist.
7PROCESS PERMISSIONSThe dynaform with dynaforms: '', does not exist.
8PROCESS PERMISSIONSThe input with inputs: '', does not exist.
9PROCESS PERMISSIONSThe output with outputs: '', does not exist.


#FeatureError Message
1PROCESS SUPERVISORThis id for `pu_uid`: 12345678912345678912345678912345 do not correspond to a valid relation
2PROCESS SUPERVISORThis id: 12345678912345678912345678912345 do not correspond to a registered process supervisor
3PROCESS SUPERVISORThis id: 12345678912345678912345678912345 do not correspond to a registered USER/GROUP
4PROCESS SUPERVISORThis relation already exist!
5PROCESS SUPERVISORThis id for `dyn_uid`: 12345678912345678912345678912345 do not correspond to a registered Dynaform
6PROCESS SUPERVISORThis id for `inp_doc_uid`:12345678912345678912345678912345 do not correspond to a registered InputDocument
7PROCESS SUPERVISORThis row doesn't exist!


#FeatureError Message
1PROJECT USERThis id for `prj_uid`: 12345678912345678912345678912345 do not correspond to a registered process
2PROJECT USERThis id for `usr_uid`: 12345678912345678912345678912345 do not correspond to a registered user
3PROJECT USERThis user `usr_uid`: 12345678912345678912345678912345 has no initial activities assigned in this project.
4PROJECT USERThe `usr_uid` `12345678912345678912345678912345` doesn't have the activity `act_uid` `12345678912345678912345678912345` assigned


#FeatureError Message
1REPORT TABLEThe property fld_size: '', is incorrect numeric value.
2REPORT TABLEThe property fld_name: '', is incorrect value.
3REPORT TABLEThe property fld_dyn: '', is incorrect.
4REPORT TABLEThe fields must have a key 'fld_key'
5REPORT TABLEThe value of key column is required
6REPORT TABLEThe property rep_uid: '', is incorrect.
7REPORT TABLEThe property pmt_uid: '', is incorrect.
8REPORT TABLEThe field for column '' is required
9REPORT TABLEThe key '' not exist
10REPORT TABLEThe field for column '' is required
11REPORT TABLEThe project with prj_uid: '', does not exist.
12REPORT TABLEThe property rep_tab_name: '', is incorrect.
13REPORT TABLEThe property rep_tab_connection: '', is incorrect.
14REPORT TABLEThe property rep_tab_grid: '', is incorrect.
15REPORT TABLEThe property fld_type: '', is incorrect.


#FeatureError Message
1WEB ENTRYThe task "{0}" isn't initial task
2WEB ENTRYWeb Entry only works with tasks which have "Cyclical Assignment", the task "{0}" doesn't have a valid assignment type. Please change the Assignment Rules
3WEB ENTRYThe task "{0}" doesn't have users
4WEB ENTRYThe DynaForm "{0}" isn't assigned to the task "{1}"
5WEB ENTRYThe Web Entry exist
6WEB ENTRYThe user "{0}" doesn't have the task "{1}" assigned
7WEB ENTRYThe Web Entry doesn't exist


#FeatureError Message
1STEPThe UID "{0}" doesn't exist in table {1}
2STEPInvalid value specified for "{0}"
3STEPThe "{0}" attribute is not defined
4STEPThe "{0}" attribute is empty
5STEPThe record "{0}", exists in table {1}
6STEPThe record "{0}", doesn't exist in table {1}


#FeatureError Message
1SUB PROCESSThe project with prj_uid: '', does not exist.
2SUB PROCESShe task with tas_uid: '', does not exist.


#FeatureError Message
1TRIGGER WIZARDThe library with {0}: "{1}", does not exist
2TRIGGER WIZARDThe function with {0}: "{1}", does not exist in library
3TRIGGER WIZARDThe trigger with {0}: {1}, does not been created with the wizard
4TRIGGER WIZARDThe trigger with {0}: {1}, has been modified manually, is invalid for the wizard
5TRIGGER WIZARDThe wizard with the library "{0}" and function "{1}", is invalid for the trigger with {2}: {3}
6TRIGGER WIZARDThe "{0}" attribute is not defined
7TRIGGER WIZARDThe "{0}" attribute is not array
8TRIGGER WIZARDThe trigger with {0}: {1}, does not exist
9TRIGGER WIZARDThe trigger title with {0}: "{1}", already exists


#FeatureError Message
1TRIGGERSThere is a triggers with the same name in this process
2TRIGGERSThe trigger with {0}: {1}, does not exist
3TRIGGERSThe trigger title with {0}: "{1}", already exists


#FeatureError Message
1OAUTHinvalid_token', 'The access token provided is invalid'
2OAUTHinvalid_token', 'Malformed token (missing "expires" or "client_id")'
3OAUTHinvalid_token', 'The access token provided has expired'
4OAUTHArgument "is_authorized" must be a boolean. This method must know if the user has granted access to the client.
5OAUTHaccess_denied', "The user denied access to your application"
6OAUTHFirst argument to OAuth2\Storage\Pdo must be an instance of PDO or a configuration array
7OAUTHconfiguration array must contain "dsn"


#FeatureError Message
1CALENDARThe calendar with {0}: {1} does not exist.
2CALENDARThe calendar name with {0}: "{1}" already exists
3CALENDARValue specified for "{0}" does not exist in "{1}".
4CALENDARUndefined value for "{0}", it is required.
5CALENDARInvalid value for "{0}", it can not be empty.
6CALENDARInvalid value for "{0}", it only accepts values: "{1}".
7CALENDARInvalid value for "{0}".
8CALENDARInvalid value for "{0}", this value must be an array.
9CALENDARInvalid value for "{0}". Expecting positive integer value.
10CALENDARThe calendar name with {0}: "{1}" already exists
11CALENDARInvalid value for "{0}", it can not be empty.
12CALENDARInvalid value for "{0}", it only accepts values: "{1}".
13CALENDARInvalid value for "{0}".
14CALENDARInvalid value for "{0}", this value must be an array.
15CALENDARInvalid value for "{0}", it can not be empty.
16CALENDARInvalid value for "{0}", it only accepts values: "{1}".
17CALENDARThe calendar with {0}: {1} does not exist.


#FeatureError Message
1CASE TRACKER OBJECTSThe UID "{0}" doesn't exist in table {1}
2CASE TRACKER OBJECTSUndefined value for "{0}", it is required.
3CASE TRACKER OBJECTSThe UID "{0}" does not exist in table {1}
4CASE TRACKER OBJECTSThe record "{0}", exists in table {1}


#FeatureError Message
1DEPARTAMENTThe departament with $nameField: '' does not exist.
2DEPARTAMENTThe departament with $nameField: '$dep_uid' does not exist.
3DEPARTAMENTThe user with $nameField: '' does not exist.
4DEPARTAMENTThe user with $nameField: '$usr_uid' does not exist.
5DEPARTAMENTInvalid value for '$nameField' it must be an array.
6DEPARTAMENTThe field '$nameField' is empty.
7DEPARTAMENTThe Department row cannot be created!
8DEPARTAMENTThe row '" . $aData['DEP_UID'] . "' in table Department doesn't exist!
9DEPARTAMENTThe row '$ProUid' in table Group doesn't exist!


#FeatureError Message
1PROCESS CATEGORYInvalid value for "{0}". Expecting positive integer value.
2PROCESS CATEGORYcat_name. Process Category name can't be null
3PROCESS CATEGORYcat_name. Duplicate Process Category name
4PROCESS CATEGORYThe Category with cat_uid: '.$cat_uid.' doesn't exist!


#FeatureError Message
1WEB ENTRY v.2The web entry title with {0}: "{1}" already exists
2WEB ENTRY v.2Undefined value for "{0}", it is required.
3WEB ENTRY v.2Invalid value for "{0}", it can not be empty.
4WEB ENTRY v.2Invalid value for "{0}", it only accepts values: "{1}".
5WEB ENTRY v.2Invalid value for "{0}".
6WEB ENTRY v.2Invalid value for "{0}", this value must be an array.
7WEB ENTRY v.2Invalid value for "{0}", it only accepts values: "{1}".
8WEB ENTRY v.2The web entry with {0}: {1} does not exist.
9WEB ENTRY v.2The activity with {0}: {1} does not exist.
10WEB ENTRY v.2The DynaForm with {0}: {1}, does not exist.
11WEB ENTRY v.2The user with {0}: {1}, does not exist.
12WEB ENTRY v.2The task "{0}" is not initial task
13WEB ENTRY v.2Web Entry only works with tasks which have "Cyclical Assignment", the task "{0}" does not have a valid assignment type. Please change the Assignment Rules
14WEB ENTRY v.2The task "{0}" does not have users
15WEB ENTRY v.2The DynaForm "{0}" isn't assigned to the task "{1}"
16WEB ENTRY v.2The user "{0}" does not have the task "{1}" assigned
17WEB ENTRY v.2The project with {0}: {1} does not exist.
18WEB ENTRY v.2The registry cannot be created!.


#FeatureError Message
1CASESInvalid value for '$nameField' it must be an array.
2CASESThe user with userId: '' does not exist.
3CASESThe user with $nameField: '' does not exist.
4CASESThe user with $nameField: '$usr_uid' does not exist.
5CASESThe value for $action is incorrect.
6CASESThe process with $nameField: '$pro_uid' does not exist.
7CASESThe category with $nameField: '$cat_uid' does not exist.
8CASESThe value '$date' is not a valid date for the format '$format'.
9CASESIncorrect or unavailable information about this case: ' .$applicationUid
10CASESInvalid value specified for 'pro_uid'
11CASESInvalid value specified for 'tas_uid'
12CASESThe Application with app_uid: '.$applicationUid.' doesn't exist
13CASESInvalid value for '$nameField' it must be a string.
14CASESThe application with $nameField: '$app_uid' does not exist.
15CASESInvalid value for '$nameField' it must be a integer.
16CASESThe case '$app_uid' is already canceled
17CASESThe case '$app_uid' is canceled
18CASESThe trigger with $nameField: '$tri_uid' does not exist.
19CASESInvalid value for '$note_content', the permitted maximum length of 500 characters.
20CASESInvalid value for '$nameField' it must be a boolean.


#FeatureError Message
1CASES - INPUT DOCUMENTThis input document with id: '.$inputDocumentUid.' doesn't exist!
2CASES - INPUT DOCUMENTThis document filename doesn't exist!


#FeatureError Message
1CASES - OUTPUT DOCUMENTThis output document with id: '.$applicationDocumentUid.' doesn't exist!


#FeatureError Message
1BPMNWORKFLOWCan't create Bpmn Project.
2BPMNWORKFLOWCan't create Bpmn Project with prj_uid: %s, workflow creation fails.
3BPMNWORKFLOWRequired param "EVN_TYPE" is missing.
4BPMNWORKFLOWInvalid Gateway direction, accepted values: [%s|%s], given: %s.
5BPMNWORKFLOWUnsupported Gateway type: %s
6BPMNWORKFLOWFor ProcessMaker is only allowed flows between "gateway -> activity" ."Given: bpmnGateway -> "
7BPMNWORKFLOW`prj_name` is required but it is empty.
8BPMNWORKFLOWProject with name: {$projectData["prj_name"]}, already exists.
9BPMNWORKFLOWFor activity: {$value['act_uid']} `act_name` is required but missing.
10BPMNWORKFLOWFor event: {$value['evn_uid']} `evn_name` is required but missing.
11BPMNWORKFLOWUpdate Activity ({$activityData["ACT_UID"]}) Skipped - No changes required
12BPMNWORKFLOWUpdate Artifact ({$artifactData["ART_UID"]}) Skipped - No changes required
13BPMNWORKFLOWUpdate Gateway ({$gatewayData["GAT_UID"]}) Skipped - No changes required
14BPMNWORKFLOWUpdate Event ({$eventData["EVN_UID"]}) Skipped - No changes required
15BPMNWORKFLOWUpdate Flow ({$flowData["FLO_UID"]}) Skipped - No changes required


#FeatureError Message
1WORKFLOWBPMNCan't create Workflow Project.
2WORKFLOWBPMNCan't create Project with prj_uid: %s, workflow creation fails.


#FeatureError Message
1BPMNCreate Project with data: ", $data
2BPMNCreate Project Success!
3BPMNProject with prj_uid: {$this->getUid()} can not be deleted, it has started cases.
4BPMNRemove Project With Uid: {$this->prjUid}
5BPMNRemove Project Success!
6BPMNError: There is not an initialized project.
7BPMNError: There is not an initialized diagram.
8BPMNError: There is not an initialized diagram for Project with prj_uid: %s.
9BPMNAdd Activity with data:
10BPMNAdd Activity Success!
11BPMNUpdate Activity: $actUid, with data:
12BPMNUpdate Activity Success!
13BPMNRemove Activity:
14BPMNRemove Activity Success!
15BPMNAdd Event with data:
16BPMNAdd Event Success!
17BPMNUpdate Event: $evnUid", "With data:
18BPMNUpdate Event Success!
19BPMNRemove Event:
20BPMNRemove Event Success!
21BPMNAdd Gateway with data:
22BPMNAdd Gateway Success!
23BPMNUpdate Gateway: $gatUid", "With data:
24BPMNUpdate Gateway Success!
25BPMNRemove Gateway:
26BPMNRemove Gateway Success!
27BPMNAdd Flow with data:
28BPMNInvalid Object type, accepted types: [%s|%s|%s|%s], given %s.","BpmnActivity", "BpmnBpmnGateway", "BpmnEvent", "bpmnArtifact
29BPMNReference not found, the %s with UID: %s, does not exist!
30BPMNAdd Flow Success!
31BPMNUpdate Flow: $floUid", "With data:
32BPMNUpdate Flow Success!
33BPMNRemove Flow:
34BPMNRemove Flow Success!
35BPMNAdd Artifact with data:
36BPMNAdd Artifact Success!
37BPMNUpdate Artifact: $artUid", "With data:
38BPMNUpdate Artifact Success!
39BPMNRemove Artifact:


#FeatureError Message
1WORKFLOWCreate Process with data:
2WORKFLOWCreate Process Success!
3WORKFLOWRemove Process with uid:
4WORKFLOWRemove Process Success!
5WORKFLOWError: There is not an initialized project.
6WORKFLOWAdd Task with data:
7WORKFLOWAdd Task Success!
8WORKFLOWUpdate Task: $tasUid", "With data:
9WORKFLOWUpdate Task Success!
10WORKFLOWRemove Task:
11WORKFLOWRemove Task Success!
12WORKFLOWAdding SubProcess with data:
13WORKFLOWAdding SubProcess success!, created sp_uid:
14WORKFLOWRemove SupProcess:
15WORKFLOWRemove SupProcess Success!
16WORKFLOWSetting Start Task with Uid: $tasUid:
17WORKFLOWSetting Start Task -> $value, Success!
18WORKFLOWSetting End Task with Uid: $tasUid:
19WORKFLOWSetting End Task -> ".($value ? "TRUE" : "FALSE").", Success!
20WORKFLOWInvalid Route type, given: $type, expected: [".implode(",", $validTypes)."]
21WORKFLOWUpdate Route: $rouUid with data:
22WORKFLOWUpdate Route Success!
23WORKFLOWRemove Route:
24WORKFLOWRemove Route Success!
25WORKFLOWRemove Route from $fromTasUid -> to
26WORKFLOWRemove Route Success!
27WORKFLOWAdd Route from task: $sTaskUID -> to task:
28WORKFLOWAdd Route Success! - ROU_UID:
29WORKFLOWAdding Case Scheduler with data:
30WORKFLOWAdding Case Scheduler success!, created case Scheduler id:
31WORKFLOWRemove Case Scheduler:
32WORKFLOWRemove Case Scheduler Success!
33WORKFLOWUpdate Case Scheduler Success!
34WORKFLOWAdding Web Entry success!, created Web Entry id:
35WORKFLOWRemove Web Entry:
36WORKFLOWRemove Web Entry Success!
37WORKFLOWUpdate Web Entry Success!


#FeatureError Message
1PROCESSUndefined value for "{0}", it is required.
2PROCESSInvalid value for "{0}", it can not be empty.
3PROCESSInvalid value for "{0}", it only accepts values: "{1}".
4PROCESSInvalid value for "{0}".
5PROCESSInvalid value for "{0}", this value must be an array.
6PROCESSInvalid value for "{0}". Expecting positive integer value.
7PROCESSThe project with {0}: {1} does not exist.
8PROCESSThe user with {0}: {1} does not exist.
9PROCESSThe project title with {0}: "{1}" already exists.
10PROCESSThe project category with {0}: {1} does not exist.
11PROCESSThe PM Table with {0}: {1} does not exist.
12PROCESSThe activity with {0}: {1} does not exist.
13PROCESSThe routing screen template with {0}: {1} does not exist.
14PROCESSProcess data do not exist
15PROCESSUser data do not exist
16PROCESSProcess title data do not exist
17PROCESSProcess description data do not exist
18PROCESSProcess category data do not exist
19PROCESSThe Process Title "{PRO_TITLE}" already exists!


#FeatureError Message
1PMTABLEThe table "{0}" already exits!
2PMTABLECould not create the table with the name "{0}" because it is a reserved word.
3PMTABLEThe property fld_size: '". $columns[$i]['field_size'] . "' is incorrect numeric value.
4PMTABLEThe fields must have a key 'fld_key'
5PMTABLEERROR: The class fie "{0}" doesn't exist!
6PMTABLEThe value of key column is required
7PMTABLEError trying insert into
8PMTABLEThe property rep_uid: '$tab_uid' is incorrect.
9PMTABLEThe property pmt_uid: '$tab_uid' is incorrect.
10PMTABLEThe field for column '$value' is required
11PMTABLEThe key " . implode(',', $params) . " not exist
12PMTABLETable does not exist... skipped!
13PMTABLEThe field for column '$value' is required
14PMTABLEThe project with prj_uid: '' does not exist
15PMTABLEThe report table with rep_uid: does not exist.
16PMTABLEThe pm table with pmt_uid: does not exist.
17PMTABLEThe property $nametype: '$rep_tab_name' is incorrect.
18PMTABLEThe property rep_tab_connection: '$rep_tab_connection' is incorrect.
19PMTABLEThe property rep_tab_grid: '$rep_tab_grid' is incorrect.
20PMTABLEThe property fld_type: '$fld_type' is incorrect.