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Check new documentation about features and improvements added on version 2.5.2, as well as updated documentation related with fixed bugs. Documentation will be split into sections.

Managing Dynaforms


  • Improvements in the trigger editor: when creating triggers, you will only need to fill out the name and description. Also when you edit your triggers, the trigger editor will open in a pop up window. Read the documentation to check new improvements of this editor

Cron Execution

  • Forcing the cron to stop it execution: +force was the parameter added in order to force to stop the cron execution.
  • Cron is executed even when the plugin is not enabled: Current plugins copied files in the bin/plugins folder in order to be executed by the cron, so it was not possible to know to which file the plugin belongs to, moreover it was not possible to know which environments should run those cron files. Another problem was that if there was an error while the cron was executed, the cron execution was abruptly canceled and the remaining actions were not executed. This leads to have the execution of the cron even if the plugin was not enabled. This problem was solved by adding the following line in the setup page:

Process Configuration

  • Change the from name It is possible to change the From Name for email notifications that are sent by the System.
  • Reassigning cases: It is possible to reassign the case to the same user who has the case and who has Supervisor permissions.
  • Changing Skin Layouts: The 404 Not Found and 403 Forbidden Error skins can be changed thanks to the addition of the error404.php and updating.php files inside the skin folder. Those files make both skins customized according to the user requirements.
  • Searching inside a Pm Table and Report Table:Now you can search for specific values when displaying PM Tables and Report Tables data
  • Memory Limit value was increased: Memory Limit default value was increased to 256M.
  • Trigger execution after a input document When a trigger is assigned to be executed after an Input Document step, the trigger is executed after the file is save and processed.

Commands to execute

ProcessMaker Functions


  • MSSQL extension is not supported anymore in installations that are using PHP v 5.3