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ProcessMaker Release Notes
v. 2.0.36 (Release date: January 10th, 2012)

ProcessMaker 2.0.36 has several bug fixes specially related with Chrome. This means that starting from this version we are compatible with Chrome.

Fixed bugs

  • Issues related with masks in Dynaforms fixed to work correctly in Chrome,
  • Formulas in grids that were not working correctly.
  • Warning on trigger creation
  • Parallel join routing fixed
  • Parallel by evaluation fixed (was working as parallel only)


  • Improved Plugin creation Wizard: The wizard will generate a sample plugin with more options and using lists according ProcessMaker 2.0
  • Under Documents option “Not in folder” was removed and any Input/Output document that has no Folder path configured will be saved at “root” level.

Known Issues

  • Calendar: There is no validation on holidays dates.
  • Calendar validation (When there is an invalid calendar assigned to a user)
  • Advanced search: When language is different than English Case numbers are not appearing correctly
  • Environment default settings (date and hour) are not being applied correctly.
  • Zend Server Output Document differences between DOC and PDF
  • When language is different form English in Chrome in Report Table creation (from Admin side) list of processes is not being displayed correctly.
  • Search of user groups is not working.