10835 | Unable to re-size dashboard SOLVED
10906 | Campo Check box no funciona correctamente en version 2.0.46-testing.7 SOLVED
10902 | Cambio del tipo de definicion de la clase headPublisher SOLVED
10906 | and 10902 merged from master
10903 | No es posible ejecutar un caso con Report Table (old version) SOLVED
10925 | When login with wrong credentials error should be generic. SOLVED
10917 | No se terminan de crear campos en la BD al hacer upgrade SOLVED
10925 | When login with wrong credentials error should be generic. SOLVED
10940 | Email issue SOLVED
10945 | En IExplorer 8 no hay scroll en la ventana de Departaments SOLVED
10946 | Despues de ingresar mas de 7 case notes despliega error SOLVED
10940 | BUG 10945 and BUG 10946
10953 | Al crear un segundo Report Table los campos desde la BD se modifican SOLVED
10953 | Al crear un segundo Report Table los campos desde la BD se modifican SOLVED
10955 | Con Paralell Derivation y permisos de supervisor, el nombre de las tareas en Reassing se cambia SOLVED
10963 | Double quotes in suggest field SOLVED
10952: | Background color de listbox en modo view only muy oscuro y/o color de letras debieran ser blancas SOLVED
7338 | User profile " Replaced by " doesn't work when PM derivate a case IMPROVEMENT
10980 | Issue in pagination displaying "Messages History" SOLVED
10829 | Paginacion en documents no muetsra documentos en la pagina siguiente SOLVED
10958 | La funcion PMF GenerateOutputDocuemnt no esta generando el output document SOLVED
11007 | Error al cambiar la configuracion del evento en Action SOLVED
10829 | Paginacion en documents no muetsra documentos en la pagina siguiente SOLVED
11017 | El usuario admin desaparese en la tabla USER_ROLES SOLVED
11025 | Error al crear un pmtable con nombre largo SOLVED
10989 | "PMFNewCaseImpersonate definition is incomplete" Error: There were no parameter to set which starting task to select. Sol: Adding a optional paramater to the newCaseImpersonate function. plus code style changes.
10834 | Cuando se configura de forma erronea los datos de la BD ... SOLVED
11021 | Change the role names from PROCESSMAKER_XXXX to only "XXXX"
11052 | Notice en Report Table al hacer correr un caso con old version SOLVED
11052 | Notice en Report Table al hacer correr un caso con old version IMPROVEMENT
11021 | Change the role names from PROCESSMAKER_XXXX to only "XXXX" IMPROVEMENT
10834 | Cuando se configura de forma erronea los datos de la BD ... SOLVED
11053 | SOLVED
11057 | English language - Label Id is set with accents SOLVED
10953 | Report Table error with currency fields
10955 | SOLVED
10701 | I added validation for IE SOLVED
11037 | Hook for session time setting SOLVED
9975 | Add the variables button inside the html editing... IMPROVEMENT
10921 | "When changing the password, the old password..." SOLVED
9975 | Add the variables button inside the html editing... IMPROVEMENT
10870 | "A better trigger editor is needed" error: The current trigger editor has no syntax check Sol: Using CodeMirror as well as XMl editor, will give trigger editor the feature that it needs. + removing auto tabs at code begin.
10834 | Cuando se configura de forma erronea los datos de la BD SOLVED
10178 | Pause the Case, add Unpause Time SOLVED
10920 | "Add subtitles inside a drop-down" SOLVED
10178 | Pause the Case, add Unpause Time SOLVED
9872 | Reassign Multiple Case, submit and 'Processing...' IMPROVEMENT
11072 | XSS vulnerability SOLVED
11003 | Alfresco Triggers are hardcoded to look for 'Sites' folder as the main root folder.
10620 | setCaseTrackerCode function does not work SOLVED
7802 | In Advanced Search -> Information -> Dynaform -> Change Log, the Submit Button was enabled.
11109 | "Event of adding a new line couldn't work with..." SOLVED
11095 | "Advanced Search. Opcion Process muestra los..." SOLVED
11088 | When creating a 'New Report Table', the process list is unsort.
11105 | PM no permite borrar la configuración del email SOLVED
11129 | No es posible editar un Process premissions... SOLVED
11111 | "Every time yo open the JavaScript editor a blank space..." SOLVED - Every time yo open the JavaScript editor a blank space will be added automatically on top. - Problem solved, deleted node with character \n * Available from version ProcessMaker-2.0.47 (2.5.1)
11079 | Notice when importing a process form Browse Library
11095 | "Advanced Search. Opcion Process muestra los..." SOLVED
11105 | PM no permite borrar la configuracióel email SOLVED
11088 | and 11111 SOLVED
11079 | Notice when importing a process form Browse Library SOLVED
11129 | No es posible editar un Process premissions... SOLVED
11132 | Cuando se elimina un usuarioo que tiene asignado... SOLVED
11087 | On PM Tables List the column 'Description' not sorted correctly.
11132 | Cuando se elimina un usuarioo que tiene asignado... SOLVED
11094 | "Advanced Search. Opcion Category muestras..." SOLVED
11084 | PMTables list, sorts only by page.
11074 | Triggers wizard. Doble instruccion en campo del wizard SOLVED
11084 | PMTables list, sorts only by page. SOLVED
11078 | "El ordenamiento por version en el Plugins manager..." SOLVED
11075 | Adicion de triggers: UP-DOWN no funciona SOLVED
11093 | 'Delegated Date' in Advanced Search, doesn't work if you set 'Date From' equals 'Date To'.
11073 | "Custom triggers. Campo Title no esta marcado como..." SOLVED
11141 | "Javascript doesn't execute when you open a..." SOLVED
11093 | 'Delegated Date' in Advanced Search, doesn't work if you set 'Date From' equals 'Date To'. SOLVED
11073 | "Custom triggers. Campo Title no esta marcado como..." SOLVED
11130 | Es posible eliminar un grupo que esta asignado como Supervisor en un proceso SOLVED
11141 | "Javascript doesn't execute when you open a..." SOLVED
11092 | "En el Admin el boton para ocultar el menu derecho desaparece cuando se reduce de tamaño el menu" SOLVED
11147 | Error en la creacion de un Report Table a partir de una grilla SOLVED
11082 | Los mensajes de error se despliegan con el boton muy pequeñ vacio SOLVED
11077 | "En el timing control el Task duration acepta..." SOLVED
11075 | Adicion de triggers: UP-DOWN no funciona SOLVED
11135 | "Nombre de procesos no aceptan ":" a pesar de que PM crea copias con ":" en el nombre" SOLVED
11075 | Adicion de triggers: UP-DOWN no funciona SOLVED
11083 | "La descripcion de las tablas no muestra..." SOLVED
10911 | "'Right click' not works on Designer tab in IE10." SOLVED
11135 | "Nombre de procesos no aceptan ":" a pesar de que PM crea copias con ":" en el nombre" SOLVED
11219 | Notice al crear un evento y los triggers no se cargan SOLVED
11223 | "Pause case. Al pausar un caso el popup muestra..." SOLVED
11219 | Notice al crear un evento y los triggers no se cargan SOLVED
11223 | "Pause case. Al pausar un caso el popup muestra..." SOLVED
11224 | La ventana actions/reassign no desaparece cuando se reasigan un caso, lo cual hace que permita reasignar varias veces SOLVED
11214 | "No se realiza la paginacion correcta en..." SOLVED
11217 | "P.M.2.0.46Testing11: doble scroll en el frmae de information uploaded documents" SOLVED
11081 | "El data report tiene una columna con cabecera..." SOLVED
11236 | Problemas en el editor de html del Output... SOLVED
10703 | When draft a case the 'Next Task' title don't render html tags.
11086 | "Rows are being ignored after adding them next to an empty row" SOLVED 8905 | Unpause a Case from a group supervisors session.
11086 | "Rows are being ignored after adding them next to an empty row" SOLVED
10852 | Control de los reenvíos de la notificaciones 'Messages History' SOLVED
11272 | Processmaker don't have to let edit UserName and Role.
11086 | "Cases list search doesnt work when a text is added on the filters" SOLVED
10852 | Control de los reenvíos de la notificaciones a través del historial de mensajes 'Messages History' SOLVED
7536 | Problem with moving a file from one folder to another folder in the ProcessMaker DMS" SOLVED
11272 | Processmaker don't have to let edit UserName and Role.
9675: | Advanced LDAP Sync Plugin 1.4.27 Error al editar... IMPROVEMENT
10415 | "En browser Chrome, no se puede acceder al menu..." SOLVED
10275 | Problemas en campos currency con las mascaras SOLVED
7536 | Date fields are not in the same alignment on grids" SOLVED
11213 | "Date fields are not in the same alignment on grids" SOLVED
10235 | Checkgroup do not update. SOLVED
11213 | and 10275 SOLVED
10415 | "En browser Chrome, no se puede acceder al menu..." SOLVED
11255 | PM allows creating RT without validating if process is selected. SOLVED
11255 | PM allows creating RT without validating if process is selected. SOLVED
11284 | "When you select an image, the apply button image is shown on the right bottom side" SOLVED
11291 | " No se deberia permitir la redimension de la..." SOLVED
9933 | Step conditions evaluating too early IMPROVEMENT
11284 | "When you select an image, the apply button image is shown on the right bottom side" SOLVED
11216 | "sql stripped from suggest field" SOLVED
11283 | "Simplified Interface not reflecting minutes" SOLVED
11275 | Error creating Case Scheduler. SOLVED
10852 | Control de los reenvíos de la notificaciones a través del historial de mensajes 'Messages History' SOLVED
10920 | "Add subtitles inside a drop-down" SOLVED
10211 | No existe validacion en la opción "Base Skin"... IMPROVEMENT
9933 | Another improvement evaluating conditions with grid values
7222 | Error on the HTML Editor for grids.
11421 | "CheckGroups option ZERO always selected" SOLVED
11505 | Al realizar el upgrade se ven errores... SOLVED
11225 | "Datepicker isnt shown on the right place" SOLVED
8665 | 3K issue: Description: ./files directory cannot be up 32000 directories max at ext3 configuration. Solution : split the uid case directory at 3 level to create a tree structure. Apply this new structure to all PM. Set a upgrade procedure at time to use processmaker upgrade commnand as su.
11225 | "Datepicker isnt shown on the right place" SOLVED
11271 | "When user has all permission except PM_USER, user is directed to login screen" SOLVED
11246 | "P.M.2.0.46Testing11: Department's supervisor's flaws" SOLVED
11423 | Errors when restoring a ws with the Enterprise plugin enabled. SOLVED
8462 | "Directories are created with overly permissive settings" Solution : set shared directory permissions mode to 770
11407 | "No muestra el dashlet PM Table cuando se asigna..." SOLVED
11534 | Error al derivar un caso mediante condicion SOLVED
11421 | "CheckGroups option ZERO always selected" SOLVED
11455 | "P.M.2.0.46Testing12: On HTML editor, the Font Size menu list isnt shown below the Font Size combobox" SOLVED
11239 | "Problema con las grillas" SOLVED
11093 | "Advanced search. El filtro Delegate date no..." SOLVED
11421 | "CheckGroups option ZERO always selected" SOLVED
11225 | "Datepicker isnt shown on the right place" IMPROVEMENT
8665 | Extra: Changing log messages.
11225 | "Datepicker isnt shown on the right place" IMPROVEMENT
8665 | additional bug fix, error at time to download from an empty directory.
8462 | Directories are created with overly permissive settings. Sol: the /shared directory mode permission was changed to 770 and the files got 660 mode now.
11225 | "Datepicker isnt shown on the right place" IMPROVEMENT
11519 | Error de autenticación al probar envio de correos via hotmail SOLVED
8907 | Los botones principales se muestran desconfigurados" SOLVED
11584 | Inactive Users can login into ProcessMaker.
11726 | "Contador de triggers para asignacion no se..." SOLVED
1869 | los botones de save y cancel en importacion de usuario... SOLVED
11865 | Problema con los campos fecha SOLVED
11718 | Campo type en la creación de un report table no está validado SOL: Set the comboBox attribute 'editable' to false, to avoid invalid types. 9897 | uploadDoc() de Alfresco no te notifica si la ruta a un archivo es incorrecta IMPROVEMENT
9549 | "Posibilidad de copiar dynaforms" SOLVED
11896 | Nos muestra un error de 500 interval server, al tener un proceso con campos date SOLVED
11707 | Al realizar workspace-restore de un backup creado... SOLVED
9837 | "Date Field, default today wrong Date %d.%m.%Y" Sol: Data lenght is no the correct one, '.' was removed from masked string data.
11230 | Al crear un pmtable con un campo que tenga la validacion double y al ponerle un ..." Sol: Setvalidation code on client side (Extjs).
11793 | "Los botones tipo SUBMIT de los formularios, no..." SOLVED
11230 | "Al crear un pmtable con un campo que tenga la validacion double y al ponerle un ..." Sol. Set Validate code on Client side (ExtJs).
5488 | case inbox refresh time should be configurable - new feature request IMPROVEMENT
11928 | " Ultimo digito de una fecha se muestra incompleto" SOLVED
11963 | Problema en la creación de PM tables Sol. Set resizable attibute to false.
11979 | "Cambios en el skin, la fecha en el mensaje de bienvenida en la esquina superior..." Sol Adding time in the format string + update the entire page, caused the user & datetime are been called in the main request.
11510 | Números de casos duplicados SOLVED
11979 | "Cambios en el skin, la fecha en el mensaje de bienvenida en la esquina superior..." Sol Adding time in the format string + update the entire page, caused the user & datetime are been called in the main request.
11984 | No se muestra el menu horizontal en el case tracker... SOLVED
11060 | "Date time picker con hora habilitado no..." SOLVED
11982 | Issue in the order by modified date in the Documents Section. Set Sortable attribute to true.
11973 | " Imagenes de calendario se desalinean luego de agregar..." SOLVED
11510 | Números de casos duplicados SOLVED
11275 | Error en la creacion de Case Scheduler SOLVED
11025 | Error al crear un pmtable con nombre largo
11275 | Error en la creacion de Case Scheduler SOLVED - no validation. - was add validation for name case scheduler.
11219 | "Cuando se abre el bot?n action del nuevo evento..." SOLVED
11275 | Error en la creacion de Case Scheduler SOLVED - no validation. - was add validation for name case scheduler.
10703 | "Los labels con tags html se ven en inbox,..." SOLVED
11510 | Números de casos duplicados SOLVED
11982 | "Issue in the order by modified date in the Documents Section." Sol : Set Sorting enabled and adding code to retrieve sorted DB data.
10396 | Mensaje de Invalid Response al crear Dynaform. IMPROVEMENT
11951 | "Los campos requeridos que aceptan caracteres..." SOLVED
11835 | assignment rules after upgrade to 2.0.46
12030 | Grammar mistakes on new sinks SOLVED
11835 |./workflow/engine/config/schema.xml SOl: Set the default TAS_GROUP_VARIABLE to "" and set TAS_GROUP_VARIABLE to @@SYS_GROUP_TO_BE_ASSIGNED in php code
11969 | Web session TimeOut at HOME
11980 | Change the Administrator User Role to Operator Role. SOLVED
11993 | Al habilitar el html de cualquier campo en el Dynaform ... SOLVED
11553 | Pausa de casos no se aplica en tareas paralelas SOLVED
11998 | No se estan respetando los espacios generados en un XML SOLVED
12004 | "Texto 'required field' del pie de creacion de..." SOLVED
12098 | and 12116 solved
11886 | and 10395 SOLVED
9887 | and 11632 SOLVED
11461 | SOLVED
12145 | SOLVED
12170 | SOLVED
12185 | SOLVED
12141 | SOLVED
11068 | SOLVED
11856 | SOLVED
12173 | SOLVED
8665 | 32K Issue - Maximum of folder in shared/sites/files IMPROVEMENT
12257 | SOLVED
11068 | SOLVED
12256 | SOLVED
8665 | another improvement
12118 | SOLVED
12213 | "Adicionar soporte para hotfixes" SOLVED
11068 | Improvement in events creation when start a case IMPROVEMENT
12284 | SOLVED
12260 | SOLVED
12295 | SOLVED
11135 | and 12307 SOLVED
12310 | "Imposible crear report tables" SOLVED
12118 | Fatal error en un dynaform cuando se habilita el html IMPROVEMENT
11086 | Los datos introducidos despues de una fila vacia son ingnorados IMPROVEMENT
11555 | PMFDerivateCase: No cambia el estado de DRAFT SOLVED
11921 | PM vuelve a abrirse en el iframe en el cual se pierde la sesion SOLVED
11555 | PMFDerivateCase: No cambia el estado de DRAFT IMPROVEMENT
10341 | Al hacer correr el cron.php, se crea un archivo cron en la carpeta Shared, el mismo impide que vuelva a ejecutarse el comando SOLVED
12346 | "Error creating Pm Tables using fields double,..." SOLVED
12339 | Al crear un report table el sistema direcciona a una... SOLVED
12335 | Currency field in Report table with grid not storing... SOLVED
11846 | Al importar un proceso PM siempre debe tomar al usuario actual como Process Owner
12329 | "PM 2.5.1 Testing 3. No se respeta el rango de..." SOLVED
12112 | "'caseList' webservice is running a query that..." SOLVED
8665 | and 12335 SOLVED
12386 | "PM 2.5.1 Testing 3. No se pueden editar..." SOLVED