Please rate how useful you found this document:
BUGS COMPLETED FROM QA LIST --- ---- ----------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -------- -- ----------------------------------------
1 5073 hugo COMPLETED resolved 2011-09-30 12:30:51 25 Request for comments or notes feature for running cases
2 5449 carlos COMPLETED resolved 2011-09-12 08:53:45 24 PM 1.2-4208/Win/ -Importación de un Proceso/*Mensaje de error al importar un archivo diferente.
2 5449 carlos COMPLETED resolved 2011-09-08 10:10:55 25 PM 1.2-4208/Win/ -Importación de un Proceso/*Mensaje de error al importar un archivo diferente.
3 5883 alvaro COMPLETED resolved 2011-09-15 11:51:02 25 Function executeQuery() does not work when executed from web-service to write to an external database.
4 6627 alvaro COMPLETED resolved 2011-09-13 10:15:28 25 Can not use the variable picker to insert variables after the first one in the properties for a subprocess
5 6824 carlos COMPLETED resolved 2011-09-14 11:11:40 25 Dates under Cases History not working
6 6842 alvaro COMPLETED resolved 2011-09-16 11:34:22 25 WebService getVariables gives an error with 1-element array
7 7103 hugo COMPLETED resolved 2011-10-03 08:45:03 25 Error message after installing the Enterprise plugin
8 7421 erik COMPLETED resolved 2011-09-29 16:47:47 25 No actualiza la tabla APP_DELEGATION el campo DEL_PREVIOUS
9 7432 hugo COMPLETED resolved 2011-10-03 08:45:03 25 Fatal error: Call to undefined method PEAR_Error::download() in /opt/processmaker/workflow/engine/plugins/knowledgeTree/
10 7469 carlos COMPLETED resolved 2011-09-14 11:11:40 25 Output-document(fecha)
11 7499 carlos COMPLETED resolved 2011-08-24 19:32:46 24 Internet Explorer (ingles)-Visibilidad Icono
12 7500 hector COMPLETED resolved 2011-08-24 19:32:46 24 P.M. 2.0.32 RC2: Notice al ingresar a Information-Dynaform
13 7502 hector COMPLETED resolved 2011-08-24 19:32:46 24 P.M. 2.0.32 RC4: En una columna de la opción Users, el nombre se muestra con simbolos
14 7537 carlos COMPLETED resolved 2011-10-19 09:25:37 24 Issue in v 2.0.32 rc5
14 7537 carlos COMPLETED resolved 2011-10-19 09:25:37 26 Issue in v 2.0.32 rc5
14 7537 carlos COMPLETED resolved 2011-10-19 09:25:37 26 Issue in v 2.0.32 rc5
14 7537 carlos COMPLETED resolved 2011-10-19 09:25:37 26 Issue in v 2.0.32 rc5
15 7538 carlos COMPLETED resolved 2011-10-24 16:26:15 24 need cancel button on the bottom of the Post Note function
15 7538 carlos COMPLETED resolved 2011-10-24 16:26:15 26 need cancel button on the bottom of the Post Note function
16 7545 erik COMPLETED resolved 2011-09-20 17:55:24 25 No se almacenan las ediciones a los datos en los campos que son Primary Key para los PM table
17 7551 carlos COMPLETED resolved 2011-09-14 11:11:40 25 "Require Authentication" checkbox does not hide the "Password" box when Email Settings are first displayed
18 7559 alvaro COMPLETED resolved 2011-09-13 15:10:13 25 Checkbox couldn't save value when it not checked
19 7568 hector COMPLETED resolved 2011-09-06 09:58:44 24 If date field has default value of "Today" and set to "view" mode, then it displays the word "today"
20 7601 hector COMPLETED resolved 2011-09-08 09:38:49 25 There is no comment label for the "Case Notes" button when running a case
21 7607 erik COMPLETED resolved 2011-09-14 11:11:40 25 PM 2.0.32 Problema al importar un pmtable no existe validacion
22 7608 alvaro COMPLETED resolved 2011-09-13 15:10:13 25 Many problems with PM Function PMFGetNextAssignedUsers()
23 7611 hector COMPLETED resolved 2011-09-12 08:53:45 25 0007530: Wraps in Textarea fields are saved as hard returns (in the field and database)
24 7612 carlos COMPLETED resolved 2011-09-12 08:53:45 25 Cannot create Dynaform using PM table
25 7619 erik COMPLETED resolved 2011-09-14 11:11:40 25 Sale un error al crear Pmtable
26 7620 hugo COMPLETED closed 2011-09-12 10:31:49 0 Problema al crear pmtable
27 7622 hector COMPLETED resolved 2011-09-12 10:31:10 25 Minor text changes for multiple instance tasks
28 7624 carlos COMPLETED resolved 2011-09-15 11:51:02 25 Many problems in Discriminator, Static Partial Join for Multiple Instances, Cancelling Partial Join for Multiple Instances
29 7633 erik COMPLETED resolved 2011-09-14 11:11:40 25 Problema al importar PMtables
30 7668 alvaro COMPLETED resolved 2011-09-30 05:59:47 25 From layout (width) broken when adding a grid
2 5449 carlos COMPLETED resolved 2011-09-12 08:53:45 24 PM 1.2-4208/Win/ -Importación de un Proceso/*Mensaje de error al importar un archivo diferente.
2 5449 carlos COMPLETED resolved 2011-09-08 10:10:55 25 PM 1.2-4208/Win/ -Importación de un Proceso/*Mensaje de error al importar un archivo diferente.
3 5883 alvaro COMPLETED resolved 2011-09-15 11:51:02 25 Function executeQuery() does not work when executed from web-service to write to an external database.
4 6627 alvaro COMPLETED resolved 2011-09-13 10:15:28 25 Can not use the variable picker to insert variables after the first one in the properties for a subprocess
5 6824 carlos COMPLETED resolved 2011-09-14 11:11:40 25 Dates under Cases History not working
6 6842 alvaro COMPLETED resolved 2011-09-16 11:34:22 25 WebService getVariables gives an error with 1-element array
7 7103 hugo COMPLETED resolved 2011-10-03 08:45:03 25 Error message after installing the Enterprise plugin
8 7421 erik COMPLETED resolved 2011-09-29 16:47:47 25 No actualiza la tabla APP_DELEGATION el campo DEL_PREVIOUS
9 7432 hugo COMPLETED resolved 2011-10-03 08:45:03 25 Fatal error: Call to undefined method PEAR_Error::download() in /opt/processmaker/workflow/engine/plugins/knowledgeTree/
10 7469 carlos COMPLETED resolved 2011-09-14 11:11:40 25 Output-document(fecha)
11 7499 carlos COMPLETED resolved 2011-08-24 19:32:46 24 Internet Explorer (ingles)-Visibilidad Icono
12 7500 hector COMPLETED resolved 2011-08-24 19:32:46 24 P.M. 2.0.32 RC2: Notice al ingresar a Information-Dynaform
13 7502 hector COMPLETED resolved 2011-08-24 19:32:46 24 P.M. 2.0.32 RC4: En una columna de la opción Users, el nombre se muestra con simbolos
14 7537 carlos COMPLETED resolved 2011-10-19 09:25:37 24 Issue in v 2.0.32 rc5
14 7537 carlos COMPLETED resolved 2011-10-19 09:25:37 26 Issue in v 2.0.32 rc5
14 7537 carlos COMPLETED resolved 2011-10-19 09:25:37 26 Issue in v 2.0.32 rc5
14 7537 carlos COMPLETED resolved 2011-10-19 09:25:37 26 Issue in v 2.0.32 rc5
15 7538 carlos COMPLETED resolved 2011-10-24 16:26:15 24 need cancel button on the bottom of the Post Note function
15 7538 carlos COMPLETED resolved 2011-10-24 16:26:15 26 need cancel button on the bottom of the Post Note function
16 7545 erik COMPLETED resolved 2011-09-20 17:55:24 25 No se almacenan las ediciones a los datos en los campos que son Primary Key para los PM table
17 7551 carlos COMPLETED resolved 2011-09-14 11:11:40 25 "Require Authentication" checkbox does not hide the "Password" box when Email Settings are first displayed
18 7559 alvaro COMPLETED resolved 2011-09-13 15:10:13 25 Checkbox couldn't save value when it not checked
19 7568 hector COMPLETED resolved 2011-09-06 09:58:44 24 If date field has default value of "Today" and set to "view" mode, then it displays the word "today"
20 7601 hector COMPLETED resolved 2011-09-08 09:38:49 25 There is no comment label for the "Case Notes" button when running a case
21 7607 erik COMPLETED resolved 2011-09-14 11:11:40 25 PM 2.0.32 Problema al importar un pmtable no existe validacion
22 7608 alvaro COMPLETED resolved 2011-09-13 15:10:13 25 Many problems with PM Function PMFGetNextAssignedUsers()
23 7611 hector COMPLETED resolved 2011-09-12 08:53:45 25 0007530: Wraps in Textarea fields are saved as hard returns (in the field and database)
24 7612 carlos COMPLETED resolved 2011-09-12 08:53:45 25 Cannot create Dynaform using PM table
25 7619 erik COMPLETED resolved 2011-09-14 11:11:40 25 Sale un error al crear Pmtable
26 7620 hugo COMPLETED closed 2011-09-12 10:31:49 0 Problema al crear pmtable
27 7622 hector COMPLETED resolved 2011-09-12 10:31:10 25 Minor text changes for multiple instance tasks
28 7624 carlos COMPLETED resolved 2011-09-15 11:51:02 25 Many problems in Discriminator, Static Partial Join for Multiple Instances, Cancelling Partial Join for Multiple Instances
29 7633 erik COMPLETED resolved 2011-09-14 11:11:40 25 Problema al importar PMtables
30 7668 alvaro COMPLETED resolved 2011-09-30 05:59:47 25 From layout (width) broken when adding a grid
ADDITIONAL BUGS COMPLETED FROM GIT COMMITS --- ---- ----------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -------- -- ----------------------------------------
0 COMPLETED 2010-08-23 10:44:48 0 Bug:5282 Too much introductory text in the trigger wizard
0 COMPLETED 2010-08-23 10:44:48 0 Bug:5282 Too much introductory text in the trigger wizard
1 4314 hector COMPLETED resolved 2012-02-03 15:44:34 28 Uploading photos and resumes
2 5163 erik COMPLETED confirmed 2011-12-19 11:07:35 19 Need to change all the short opening tags for PHP code so no longer need to set "short_open_tag = On" in php.ini
3 5736 hector COMPLETED resolved 2012-01-30 16:23:12 30 Change text "This form has not a submit action. Do you want to continue anyway?"
4 5739 hector COMPLETED resolved 2012-01-18 10:21:00 30 In Case Scheduler Log, change text: "Case X Command executed successfully"
5 6456 hector COMPLETED resolved 2012-01-18 10:21:00 30 Change text from "Zip Code" to "Zip/Postal Code"
6 6459 alvaro COMPLETED resolved 2012-01-18 10:21:00 30 Make "PROCESSMAKER_OPERATOR" the default role
7 7004 hector COMPLETED resolved 2011-12-22 12:39:06 28 Assign users to group
8 7051 hector COMPLETED resolved 2012-01-09 12:25:47 28 Problem in hidden filed
9 7084 hugo COMPLETED resolved 2011-12-19 11:07:36 28 Reassign user dropdown not working
10 7184 alvaro COMPLETED resolved 2012-01-18 10:21:00 28 Wrong target frame after click Cancel
11 7205 hector COMPLETED resolved 2012-01-18 10:21:00 30 Problemas con consultas SQL Server
12 7292 alvaro COMPLETED resolved 2012-01-18 10:28:09 30 Test - Pause Case/Al presionar el boton submit sale un warning
13 7873 alvaro COMPLETED resolved 2011-10-20 17:08:17 26 UserName do not allow peiod(.) while updating
14 8040 hugo COMPLETED assigned 2012-01-31 18:31:28 0 P.M. 2.0.35.rc7: No se visualiza el nombre de la tarea al hacer correr un caso de ingles a español
15 8132 alvaro COMPLETED resolved 2012-02-03 15:44:34 28 PM 2.0.35 rc10 Problemas en Calendar en fechas de holidays - Horas de trabajo
16 8135 alvaro COMPLETED resolved 2011-12-06 08:57:00 28 Static Date
17 8173 alvaro COMPLETED resolved 2011-12-22 12:39:06 28 When you activate the email notification, the password is in plain text
18 8193 alvaro COMPLETED resolved 2012-01-18 10:21:00 28 0008180: PMFDerivateCase Error in Tasks with option "Reports To"
19 8194 alvaro COMPLETED resolved 2011-12-22 12:39:06 28 0008181: Link in summary not work
20 8212 hector COMPLETED resolved 2012-01-30 16:23:12 30 we can't see the logo if we have a plugin with logo.
21 8222 erik COMPLETED resolved 2012-01-03 12:22:51 0 No despliega opciones de "TIPO" al ingresar las primeras letras (REPORT TABLE)
22 8224 erik COMPLETED resolved 2012-01-03 12:22:51 0 New Trigger
23 8225 alvaro COMPLETED resolved 2012-01-04 18:32:24 28 Translations/ editor de condiciones
24 8226 alvaro COMPLETED resolved 2012-01-30 16:23:12 30 0008203: Report Tables in ProcessMaker 2.0.35 is not viewable in IE8.
25 8232 hector COMPLETED resolved 2012-01-18 10:21:00 30 In the listbox field does not work the "width" option.
26 8242 hector COMPLETED resolved 2012-01-09 12:25:48 28 Renaming a ROLE breaks ROLE assignment for user
27 8251 hector COMPLETED resolved 2012-02-03 15:44:34 28 0008234: Exporting process and download pm file get error
28 8257 erik COMPLETED resolved 2012-01-18 10:22:05 0 0008256: Error when updating PM Table Primary Key Field
29 8260 hector COMPLETED resolved 2012-01-30 16:23:12 30 P.M. 2.0-testing5: Adicionar un mensaje antes que se borre un campo creado en Report Tables
30 8263 alvaro COMPLETED resolved 2012-01-18 10:21:00 30 No funciona el buscador de grupos de usuarios
31 8264 hector COMPLETED resolved 2012-01-30 16:23:12 30 Problems with "formula" in a field on IE
32 8286 erik COMPLETED confirmed 2012-01-26 11:30:18 30 In the process map dropdown menu, change text from "conditional message event" to "Intermediate Conditional Event"
33 8288 alvaro COMPLETED resolved 2012-01-30 16:23:12 30 Dropdown boxes under "Authentification Source Information" should not be editable fields
34 8315 alvaro COMPLETED resolved 2012-01-30 16:23:12 30 Problemas con Web services "casesLIst"
35 8423 juliocesar COMPLETED resolved 2012-02-03 15:45:37 0 Error en PARTICIPATED cuando tiene Columnas Personalizadas
36 8435 hugo COMPLETED resolved 2012-02-03 15:44:34 30 Sugar triggers not using max_results parameter correctly
0 COMPLETED 2010-08-23 10:44:48 0 Bug:5282 Too much introductory text in the trigger wizard
1 4314 hector COMPLETED resolved 2012-02-03 15:44:34 28 Uploading photos and resumes
2 5163 erik COMPLETED confirmed 2011-12-19 11:07:35 19 Need to change all the short opening tags for PHP code so no longer need to set "short_open_tag = On" in php.ini
3 5736 hector COMPLETED resolved 2012-01-30 16:23:12 30 Change text "This form has not a submit action. Do you want to continue anyway?"
4 5739 hector COMPLETED resolved 2012-01-18 10:21:00 30 In Case Scheduler Log, change text: "Case X Command executed successfully"
5 6456 hector COMPLETED resolved 2012-01-18 10:21:00 30 Change text from "Zip Code" to "Zip/Postal Code"
6 6459 alvaro COMPLETED resolved 2012-01-18 10:21:00 30 Make "PROCESSMAKER_OPERATOR" the default role
7 7004 hector COMPLETED resolved 2011-12-22 12:39:06 28 Assign users to group
8 7051 hector COMPLETED resolved 2012-01-09 12:25:47 28 Problem in hidden filed
9 7084 hugo COMPLETED resolved 2011-12-19 11:07:36 28 Reassign user dropdown not working
10 7184 alvaro COMPLETED resolved 2012-01-18 10:21:00 28 Wrong target frame after click Cancel
11 7205 hector COMPLETED resolved 2012-01-18 10:21:00 30 Problemas con consultas SQL Server
12 7292 alvaro COMPLETED resolved 2012-01-18 10:28:09 30 Test - Pause Case/Al presionar el boton submit sale un warning
13 7873 alvaro COMPLETED resolved 2011-10-20 17:08:17 26 UserName do not allow peiod(.) while updating
14 8040 hugo COMPLETED assigned 2012-01-31 18:31:28 0 P.M. 2.0.35.rc7: No se visualiza el nombre de la tarea al hacer correr un caso de ingles a español
15 8132 alvaro COMPLETED resolved 2012-02-03 15:44:34 28 PM 2.0.35 rc10 Problemas en Calendar en fechas de holidays - Horas de trabajo
16 8135 alvaro COMPLETED resolved 2011-12-06 08:57:00 28 Static Date
17 8173 alvaro COMPLETED resolved 2011-12-22 12:39:06 28 When you activate the email notification, the password is in plain text
18 8193 alvaro COMPLETED resolved 2012-01-18 10:21:00 28 0008180: PMFDerivateCase Error in Tasks with option "Reports To"
19 8194 alvaro COMPLETED resolved 2011-12-22 12:39:06 28 0008181: Link in summary not work
20 8212 hector COMPLETED resolved 2012-01-30 16:23:12 30 we can't see the logo if we have a plugin with logo.
21 8222 erik COMPLETED resolved 2012-01-03 12:22:51 0 No despliega opciones de "TIPO" al ingresar las primeras letras (REPORT TABLE)
22 8224 erik COMPLETED resolved 2012-01-03 12:22:51 0 New Trigger
23 8225 alvaro COMPLETED resolved 2012-01-04 18:32:24 28 Translations/ editor de condiciones
24 8226 alvaro COMPLETED resolved 2012-01-30 16:23:12 30 0008203: Report Tables in ProcessMaker 2.0.35 is not viewable in IE8.
25 8232 hector COMPLETED resolved 2012-01-18 10:21:00 30 In the listbox field does not work the "width" option.
26 8242 hector COMPLETED resolved 2012-01-09 12:25:48 28 Renaming a ROLE breaks ROLE assignment for user
27 8251 hector COMPLETED resolved 2012-02-03 15:44:34 28 0008234: Exporting process and download pm file get error
28 8257 erik COMPLETED resolved 2012-01-18 10:22:05 0 0008256: Error when updating PM Table Primary Key Field
29 8260 hector COMPLETED resolved 2012-01-30 16:23:12 30 P.M. 2.0-testing5: Adicionar un mensaje antes que se borre un campo creado en Report Tables
30 8263 alvaro COMPLETED resolved 2012-01-18 10:21:00 30 No funciona el buscador de grupos de usuarios
31 8264 hector COMPLETED resolved 2012-01-30 16:23:12 30 Problems with "formula" in a field on IE
32 8286 erik COMPLETED confirmed 2012-01-26 11:30:18 30 In the process map dropdown menu, change text from "conditional message event" to "Intermediate Conditional Event"
33 8288 alvaro COMPLETED resolved 2012-01-30 16:23:12 30 Dropdown boxes under "Authentification Source Information" should not be editable fields
34 8315 alvaro COMPLETED resolved 2012-01-30 16:23:12 30 Problemas con Web services "casesLIst"
35 8423 juliocesar COMPLETED resolved 2012-02-03 15:45:37 0 Error en PARTICIPATED cuando tiene Columnas Personalizadas
36 8435 hugo COMPLETED resolved 2012-02-03 15:44:34 30 Sugar triggers not using max_results parameter correctly
----- ---------------- ------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2012-02-03 20:20 Erik Amaru Ortiz 0a15589c316130cc2b798becfc29b8a55d3799a2 BUG 0000 Update insert.sql [heads/2.0-stable heads/2.0-testing tags/2.0-testing.11 tags/2.0.37 ]
2012-02-03 17:01 Erik Amaru Ortiz 993f02244328279a20c605614ce326b1930f176d BUG 0000 Updating base translalions
2012-02-03 19:15 Alvaro Campos cf700e928568a3aae6263cf1baad5110f8dc1e7e BUG 8040 se soluciono problema de label en tas title [tags/2.0-testing.10 ]
2012-02-01 16:48 Hugo Loza 64dc51789eded24461468f8fd329330110182a9f BUG 8435 Sugar Trigger that does nott return more than 50 records
2012-01-31 23:28 Julio Cesar Laur e555b8b3f7199ace06c6a4e5b4f8e1d692a2e0fb BUG 8423 Fixed in the core, second commit
2012-01-31 23:27 Julio Cesar Laur 5aa7ae35f7ad163174c101a7f90922be2843befa BUG 8423 Fixed in the core
2012-01-30 14:16 Victor Saisa Lop 8b528714dde2fe8f2bfcc94d8cc04a96e01af585 BUG 0000 solved problem in "import" for plugins.
2012-01-26 21:32 Fernando Ontiver dc3ccdcfdeac06a94e17f346f01471502a676dbb BUG 0000 fixing a notice to enable pmMonitor time log
2012-02-03 15:31 Hector Cortez 9eaf116730141d60efbb1d44304d5649b98e0d30 BUG 5736 Adjust in the save button message in the Dynaforms editor.
2012-02-03 13:46 Erik Amaru Ortiz 73ab870465c688bca9b09a99c5deb831c57e0a12 BUG 0000 User Inbox Simplified (6th commit)
2012-02-01 21:59 Erik Amaru Ortiz dcff4b3acce1f10f603030a2baeb453f3c0ca7c7 BUG 0000 BUG 0000 User Inbox Simplified (th commit)
2012-02-01 21:28 Erik Amaru Ortiz b6ff08b6f475a47d4b3487c127224a1c08f4a3ae BUG 0000 BUG 0000 User Inbox Simplified (4th commit)
2012-01-31 22:45 Erik Amaru Ortiz 8ba64f6898d916e04f27d718f9ec614d6e66ec14 BUG 0000 BUG 0000 User Inbox Simplified (third commit)
2012-01-27 21:01 Alvaro Campos d2632e9066c747b9b860371117897640fa88ba48 BUG 8135 sedio solucion a date static5y
2012-02-01 20:33 Alvaro Campos 68fe0217bf31ca70cd5e9930f11e683af0eef211 BUG 7084 fixed issue of multiple reassign
2012-02-01 21:08 Hector Cortez fca7892d73a2d1779adb2e9502a5e08afd14c4e7 BUG 4314 Validation to uploading Photos and Removal Resume element.
2012-02-03 14:11 Alvaro Campos 61dccfe893a907e2fa0012602305bae3eb21f0c3 BUG 8132 se quito la validacion javascript y se adiciono la misma al boton
2012-01-26 16:23 Erik Amaru Ortiz 21a3bdeb9355bb60c2cc22923494dcb465ae2edf Merge branch '2.0-experimental' into 2.0-testing [tags/2.0-testing.9 ]
2012-01-26 16:21 Erik Amaru Ortiz a5c4fbdf7d2313f37ed575c0454a246fc18c2640 BUG 0000 Adding User experience icon & granting UX menu admin
2012-01-26 15:30 Erik Amaru Ortiz ce6ebd140eceeb76319b7d54773fb3b57ed6422e BUG 0000 Merge branch '2.0-experimental' into 2.0-testing
2012-01-26 15:27 Alvaro Campos 6b88a836b534657f0113bc79b11ba32242fc6225 BUG 8286 se añadio los id_labelsJavascript
2012-01-26 13:33 Erik Amaru Ortiz 5599ca8b96e044d3e4cedac3f46f82bbab361e0c BUG 0000 BUG 0000 User Inbox Simplified (second commit)
2012-01-25 22:08 Hector Cortez f5f4b527f55da33ec59a08daef44e6f6c61aa051 BUG 8264 Fix Bug in the property calculate an Form element to iExplorer.
2012-01-25 16:45 Victor Saisa Lop ee6e27b4bed8f43def1c56187544dd58c9dcfecf BUG 0000 Solved problem to message Notice: Undefined index: USER_ASSIGNED
2012-01-25 16:05 Alvaro Campos 7d996aeefe84996b7fbae25e2b068e2a50cfdb63 BUG 8288 These fields are no longer editable
2012-01-25 15:34 Alvaro Campos d727b6584531af7d82b2d5189c88f6770b76e9f0 BUG 8286 was changed text to'Intermediate Conditional Event'
2012-01-25 13:29 Fernando Ontiver 3c005935a06932fd634f4e4d3c42aeb08937fa58 BUG 0000 fixing a notice in install.php
2012-01-24 22:02 Alvaro Campos 1b81153d75f738488eb9c67478734d1834a175ca BUG 8226 solved the problem for IE8 and lowers.
2012-01-20 16:44 Hector Cortez 9f9fe7ec93caf9c6b054705ceb6e2fca61ffa211 BUG 8212 Fix Bug in loading a new plugin logo.
2012-01-20 16:01 Erik Amaru Ortiz 0bade635c19ca5b30ca25de8450fb93f3f455dc9 BUG 0000 User Inbox Simplified (first commit)
2012-01-20 14:07 Hector Cortez 236bdd2d9cd19df3a945b9f4bb620b1cccb7cfdc BUG 8260 Adjustment in Confirmation to drag and drop a user defined field.
2012-01-19 21:56 Alvaro Campos a40db2bd9dbdbda6b726a6b36d5c14c9169e6c2d BUG 8315 añadido de los archivos nuevos para este webservice
2012-01-19 21:22 Alvaro Campos a55548cfd17b48d7001f11243c2a18cd2a3322a1 BUG 8315 Se añadio el webservice unassignedCaseList.
2012-01-19 20:25 Fernando Ontiver 0e03847386d3a350000fc8750ff8e1f68066c586 fourth commit to enable pmMonitor plugin
2012-01-19 20:21 Julio Cesar Laur 13d850daf2bc3731518ba026fbf5b7dd2be8bab1 BUG 000 Add dummy function registerDashboard for backwards compatibility
2012-01-19 13:11 Hector Cortez 12e92918ccd664e7ccf84ec86310927b6a3d0cea BUG 5736 FixBug Msg text at save in Dynaform & adjustment in import/export.
2012-01-18 14:21 Alvaro Campos b94cede0edd839847713743769bf27f823d2e51f BUG 7292 se soluciono problema de alert en campos suggest.
2012-01-18 13:28 Hector Cortez 42f12949c4c5639713f8e0a670adc86677d34c88 BUG 8232 Adjustment default width in the ListBox item.
2012-01-18 13:15 Fernando Ontiver e30ab19c4f07acdea2b78ce3257aea996b015c43 third commit to enable pmMonitor plugin
2012-01-18 13:04 Fernando Ontiver 0885d9d260e194a124b6dc394aeba2174de05f4b second commit to enable pmMonitor plugin
2012-01-17 23:57 Fernando Ontiver 0ff9d919af86923276405f8ceec959bce92348a4 BUG 0000 first commit enabling pmMonitor code
2012-01-17 22:52 Victor Saisa Lop e2d5e9aa7ca1e59f786a8f7269ea2adf65a49d1b BUG 0000 files and methods for the plugin pmMonitor
2012-01-16 23:08 Hector Cortez 54ad7ff7d6ff31484cff46dcb3ee915154101355 BUG 5739 Fix Bug hard coded labels & changed label in message in scheduler log.
2012-01-16 16:09 Erik Amaru Ortiz 766da556db64515074aa548085d6e7a35bbd910e BUG 8257 "Error when updating PM Table Primary Key..." SOLVED
2012-01-16 15:47 Erik Amaru Ortiz 7c4a71e60974f39fb8132515ca9f13b77c0cbfdd BUG 8277 "Report table from grid issue" SOLVED
2012-01-13 21:08 Erik Amaru Ortiz a46f61228491325cd2f229bc3c6409f89558b269 BUG 8314 "Text field with validation Real doesn't support" SOLVED
2012-01-13 15:47 Alvaro Campos f5d6dfa157900c3d07707d38eee550e8980a9318 BUG 6459 it changed the default option of role to "PROCESSMAKER_OPERATOR"
2012-01-13 13:51 Julio Cesar Laur c39e17d4fc2540add5c52035bfe11bdaccb6b600 BUG 000 Add USR_UID parameter for the hook PM_CREATE_NEW_DELEGATION
2012-01-12 22:45 Hector Cortez df1fa32b7630392f9350d3369ee2a40efe52e1db BUG 6456 Changed text from "Zip Code" to "Zip/Postal Code"
2012-01-12 22:20 Julio Cesar Laur 705e2c1b8b2fcb4a60a3cf762374a852dfeace0e BUG 8284 Add validation if the class of the plugin doesnt exists
2012-01-12 15:05 Hector Cortez 5e5e3c9d0fcf444999a88fdf8b5db7819bd20987 BUG 7205 Adjustment in SQL queries in the element suggest.
2012-01-11 20:52 Alvaro Campos 4363041484997027588a03dd30fe64d323d345d9 BUG 8263 se soluciono el problema de busqueda de grupos
2012-01-10 16:22 Julio Cesar Laur baad71c5d92f362a48ae87b02c08390d6b205528 BUG 000 Hook for the trigger PM_CREATE_NEW_DELEGATION
2012-01-10 13:45 Alvaro Campos 7e52c7e41097985e30fb464be50404f07865d863 BUG 7184 this problem was solved and it will come probably on February
2012-01-10 13:14 Alvaro Campos 9959a4eb22435a9d655d2b177237ace637cd8987 BUG 8193 The problem of PMFDerivateCase in case 'reports to' was solved.
2012-01-06 19:53 Erik Amaru Ortiz e63d296d1ad710f23b61ffcab0a64a9c4c6b4df6 BUG 7873 Problem already fixed! [tags/2.0-testing.8 tags/2.0.36 ]
2012-01-06 19:53 Erik Amaru Ortiz a9337bb0e5692591f418ba876ba88ebc6f93211d BUG 7873 Problem already fixed!
2012-01-06 19:21 Victor Saisa Lop 9e78e3354b6af7f0ffe5b0f6701db7097ec626d2 BUG 0000 Load url of the first option for each tab, this in ADMIN
2012-01-06 16:04 Erik Amaru Ortiz 757dfed80527eefbb624c5b611ccd36749a31786 BUG 0000 Updating Base Translations [tags/2.0-testing.7 ]
2012-01-06 15:34 Erik Amaru Ortiz d74a61820527bedccf1293d93bbeba10769be53d BUG 0000 Problem in file type on dynaform when has a input doc linked. FIXED!
2012-01-06 15:53 Erik Amaru Ortiz 26aa899530c57408bf858fb0f25b3790575abff0 BUG 0000 Updating Base Translations
2012-01-06 15:34 Erik Amaru Ortiz 90770bd0bbea794ba6148915c25bd643deb2732d BUG 0000 Problem in file type on dynaform when has a input doc linked. FIXED!
2012-01-05 21:47 Hector Cortez 350cf82714b2ada8b18fd93d1e4b3ebcf7ede6c7 BUG 8242 Set to readonly Code field, when editing the selected role.
2012-01-05 21:09 Victor Saisa Lop e67eb5427932319d674a50e6d281ee150a74cbd0 BUG 0000 the option "Enterprise Plugins Manager" is always first.
2012-01-05 20:43 Hector Cortez 01a2c5ad991c123129b305c34d7ddba6b64d44ca BUG 8251 Fix Bug the export process To discriminate chars doesn't allowed.
2012-01-04 21:41 Julio Cesar Laur 4be1b222acd784d03aa087968593d0bf0a1ebfb9 BUG 000 Fix another bug in the home menu [tags/2.0-testing.6 ]
2012-01-04 22:18 Hector Cortez 6f9e71fa57813bc19b0bf3174858c067b66eb5dd BUG 7051 Fix Bug in the Grids to disable/enable the required fields.
2012-01-04 21:41 Julio Cesar Laur a24cb843e84f4f32f70b23787524e5ae7449d36e BUG 000 Fix another bug in the home menu
2012-01-04 19:54 Alvaro Campos 17af889464364bbf20bc181f638ff1037110e6b5 BUG 8225 quitando print no deseado de publisher
2012-01-04 19:50 Alvaro Campos 791f2a892c57c63cba105ad5afc8c164c87e52f3 BUG 8225 se añadio mas labels y soluciono problema de visualizacion
2012-01-04 16:23 Julio Cesar Laur 9fa3fee3b25b292bce0449afd8e5c257b9aea821 BUG 000 Fix bug with the home menu [tags/2.0-testing.5 ]
2012-01-04 16:23 Julio Cesar Laur d4b5a984b3169e30ae2ce2dff4eb9e8d0924f3a7 Merge branch '2.0-experimental' of into 2.0-experi
2012-01-04 16:23 Julio Cesar Laur 6978f5f282e18db61bad6b9950087fb49307cc11 BUG 000 Fix bug with the home menu
2012-01-04 14:18 Alvaro Campos 6dbfb05095b718b30189c49c3ff88ced5972095d BUG 8135 se añadio labels y alertas para fechas estaticas
2012-01-03 22:31 Julio Cesar Laur b02d8b6d8224d32287ef2c4cf5ee5f313c9df672 BUG 000 Add hook for dashlets [tags/2.0-testing.4 ]
2011-12-19 21:42 Victor Saisa Lop 1555c24f48f95b1cf26acdb6a2ce57aff7fcd40e BUG 0000 solved, blue border that appeared on the icon
2011-12-14 20:56 Julio Cesar Laur 6d0e549d22217e905ebf06685e655ea60e732109 BUG 000 Improvements in the layout of the dashlets
2011-12-09 21:05 Victor Saisa Lop 074d5b45858d79d7bc23103f153aa748069599c8 BUG 0000 Addition of the path to the plugin in the method uninstallPlugin()
2011-12-08 20:56 Victor Saisa Lop ba325a3821971da78ab59cfc8103f1b7e72e9ac3 BUG 0000 installPluginArchive() after of install or upgrade enable plugin
2011-12-06 23:05 Julio Cesar Laur 40087491aad00ae65c32728a44c3a54bf059b8c5 BUG 000 New plugins wizard creation
2011-12-06 22:54 Julio Cesar Laur 4fe27121128a519ceee8fdf494f93b195b1f89ca BUG 000 Add new wizard plugins extracted of master branch
2012-01-03 15:46 Erik Amaru Ortiz 3cecec7aa0701e5127dbf3780e9584e2cee7abee BUG 8250 "Grid Report Table not being saved" SOLVED
2012-01-03 22:31 Julio Cesar Laur c003597d1b615356e36e292059312cbf9cac196f BUG 000 Add hook for dashlets
2012-01-03 15:46 Erik Amaru Ortiz d142665842b2130f2fb8c9d845508f793a89db97 BUG 8250 "Grid Report Table not being saved" SOLVED
2011-12-23 15:40 Marco Antonio Ni b12b73627b544e5fcaeed45074e90103f39632cd BUG 000 - correction form new Authentication Sources, IE format
2011-12-22 20:56 Hector Cortez ee22d188cd12c03f400cb26dfd010eeb9cd79c94 BUG 5163 Changed the short open tags for PHP code to long open tag.
2011-12-22 16:00 Alvaro Campos 86dc20738a655a04dd18d64c252c216077bb9bf0 BUG 8194 we proceeded to the empowerment of the link in view mode
2011-12-22 15:17 Erik Amaru Ortiz bf46976610750f293ffd3360ee1536e8a2e37092 BUG 8222 "No despliega opciones de "TIPO" al ingr..." SOLVED [tags/2.0- testing.3 ]
2011-12-22 14:39 Erik Amaru Ortiz bf4cb84346aa362b0cf512717f2bd8238326dd25 BUG 8224 "Al crear un nuevo trigger salen warnings" SOLVED
2011-12-21 22:59 Enrique Ponce De 06fd054fc28864fa1afc8874195f2cd5ec71045c BUG 0000 Formula/Functions problem with grids - Take 2
2011-12-21 22:05 Enrique Ponce De 12b17c54200e3e631b1924e50001b3c990753f74 BUG 0000 Formula/Functions problem with grids
2011-12-22 15:17 Erik Amaru Ortiz 70cd6ebcbc7d7fb35d750814498ab643acd1bf00 BUG 8222 "No despliega opciones de "TIPO" al ingr..." SOLVED
2011-12-22 14:39 Erik Amaru Ortiz c03566eb1ce2bf4c1f4ee71d2a46042a3c578f7d BUG 8224 "Al crear un nuevo trigger salen warnings" SOLVED
2011-12-22 14:34 Hector Cortez db6a1ea88a3015d0bbe89fbe4cc144f973285bad BUG 7004 Adjustment in the paging the users selection by group.
2011-12-22 14:16 Alvaro Campos cfe3c190415d4c4255d0c629ab5bc6a65df920a1 BUG 8173 password is encrypted of email settings
2011-12-21 22:59 Enrique Ponce De fe09cc865fd6cd905f021183bcb621bb074867ea BUG 0000 Formula/Functions problem with grids - Take 2
2011-12-21 22:05 Enrique Ponce De 2985ce55a2cdb217925721253198f33bb7a4090b BUG 0000 Formula/Functions problem with grids
2011-12-19 21:42 Victor Saisa Lop 8c3460aadf063b863ce28f6f340644c10b967316 BUG 0000 solved, blue border that appeared on the icon
2011-12-14 20:56 Julio Cesar Laur b0d8b797e36ba5b9b0a30f593713925da6359084 BUG 000 Improvements in the layout of the dashlets
2011-12-09 21:05 Victor Saisa Lop 595135b1745bdc7fd5feae78c2a367dd0cddc6e6 BUG 0000 Addition of the path to the plugin in the method uninstallPlugin()
2012-02-03 17:01 Erik Amaru Ortiz 993f02244328279a20c605614ce326b1930f176d BUG 0000 Updating base translalions
2012-02-03 19:15 Alvaro Campos cf700e928568a3aae6263cf1baad5110f8dc1e7e BUG 8040 se soluciono problema de label en tas title [tags/2.0-testing.10 ]
2012-02-01 16:48 Hugo Loza 64dc51789eded24461468f8fd329330110182a9f BUG 8435 Sugar Trigger that does nott return more than 50 records
2012-01-31 23:28 Julio Cesar Laur e555b8b3f7199ace06c6a4e5b4f8e1d692a2e0fb BUG 8423 Fixed in the core, second commit
2012-01-31 23:27 Julio Cesar Laur 5aa7ae35f7ad163174c101a7f90922be2843befa BUG 8423 Fixed in the core
2012-01-30 14:16 Victor Saisa Lop 8b528714dde2fe8f2bfcc94d8cc04a96e01af585 BUG 0000 solved problem in "import" for plugins.
2012-01-26 21:32 Fernando Ontiver dc3ccdcfdeac06a94e17f346f01471502a676dbb BUG 0000 fixing a notice to enable pmMonitor time log
2012-02-03 15:31 Hector Cortez 9eaf116730141d60efbb1d44304d5649b98e0d30 BUG 5736 Adjust in the save button message in the Dynaforms editor.
2012-02-03 13:46 Erik Amaru Ortiz 73ab870465c688bca9b09a99c5deb831c57e0a12 BUG 0000 User Inbox Simplified (6th commit)
2012-02-01 21:59 Erik Amaru Ortiz dcff4b3acce1f10f603030a2baeb453f3c0ca7c7 BUG 0000 BUG 0000 User Inbox Simplified (th commit)
2012-02-01 21:28 Erik Amaru Ortiz b6ff08b6f475a47d4b3487c127224a1c08f4a3ae BUG 0000 BUG 0000 User Inbox Simplified (4th commit)
2012-01-31 22:45 Erik Amaru Ortiz 8ba64f6898d916e04f27d718f9ec614d6e66ec14 BUG 0000 BUG 0000 User Inbox Simplified (third commit)
2012-01-27 21:01 Alvaro Campos d2632e9066c747b9b860371117897640fa88ba48 BUG 8135 sedio solucion a date static5y
2012-02-01 20:33 Alvaro Campos 68fe0217bf31ca70cd5e9930f11e683af0eef211 BUG 7084 fixed issue of multiple reassign
2012-02-01 21:08 Hector Cortez fca7892d73a2d1779adb2e9502a5e08afd14c4e7 BUG 4314 Validation to uploading Photos and Removal Resume element.
2012-02-03 14:11 Alvaro Campos 61dccfe893a907e2fa0012602305bae3eb21f0c3 BUG 8132 se quito la validacion javascript y se adiciono la misma al boton
2012-01-26 16:23 Erik Amaru Ortiz 21a3bdeb9355bb60c2cc22923494dcb465ae2edf Merge branch '2.0-experimental' into 2.0-testing [tags/2.0-testing.9 ]
2012-01-26 16:21 Erik Amaru Ortiz a5c4fbdf7d2313f37ed575c0454a246fc18c2640 BUG 0000 Adding User experience icon & granting UX menu admin
2012-01-26 15:30 Erik Amaru Ortiz ce6ebd140eceeb76319b7d54773fb3b57ed6422e BUG 0000 Merge branch '2.0-experimental' into 2.0-testing
2012-01-26 15:27 Alvaro Campos 6b88a836b534657f0113bc79b11ba32242fc6225 BUG 8286 se añadio los id_labelsJavascript
2012-01-26 13:33 Erik Amaru Ortiz 5599ca8b96e044d3e4cedac3f46f82bbab361e0c BUG 0000 BUG 0000 User Inbox Simplified (second commit)
2012-01-25 22:08 Hector Cortez f5f4b527f55da33ec59a08daef44e6f6c61aa051 BUG 8264 Fix Bug in the property calculate an Form element to iExplorer.
2012-01-25 16:45 Victor Saisa Lop ee6e27b4bed8f43def1c56187544dd58c9dcfecf BUG 0000 Solved problem to message Notice: Undefined index: USER_ASSIGNED
2012-01-25 16:05 Alvaro Campos 7d996aeefe84996b7fbae25e2b068e2a50cfdb63 BUG 8288 These fields are no longer editable
2012-01-25 15:34 Alvaro Campos d727b6584531af7d82b2d5189c88f6770b76e9f0 BUG 8286 was changed text to'Intermediate Conditional Event'
2012-01-25 13:29 Fernando Ontiver 3c005935a06932fd634f4e4d3c42aeb08937fa58 BUG 0000 fixing a notice in install.php
2012-01-24 22:02 Alvaro Campos 1b81153d75f738488eb9c67478734d1834a175ca BUG 8226 solved the problem for IE8 and lowers.
2012-01-20 16:44 Hector Cortez 9f9fe7ec93caf9c6b054705ceb6e2fca61ffa211 BUG 8212 Fix Bug in loading a new plugin logo.
2012-01-20 16:01 Erik Amaru Ortiz 0bade635c19ca5b30ca25de8450fb93f3f455dc9 BUG 0000 User Inbox Simplified (first commit)
2012-01-20 14:07 Hector Cortez 236bdd2d9cd19df3a945b9f4bb620b1cccb7cfdc BUG 8260 Adjustment in Confirmation to drag and drop a user defined field.
2012-01-19 21:56 Alvaro Campos a40db2bd9dbdbda6b726a6b36d5c14c9169e6c2d BUG 8315 añadido de los archivos nuevos para este webservice
2012-01-19 21:22 Alvaro Campos a55548cfd17b48d7001f11243c2a18cd2a3322a1 BUG 8315 Se añadio el webservice unassignedCaseList.
2012-01-19 20:25 Fernando Ontiver 0e03847386d3a350000fc8750ff8e1f68066c586 fourth commit to enable pmMonitor plugin
2012-01-19 20:21 Julio Cesar Laur 13d850daf2bc3731518ba026fbf5b7dd2be8bab1 BUG 000 Add dummy function registerDashboard for backwards compatibility
2012-01-19 13:11 Hector Cortez 12e92918ccd664e7ccf84ec86310927b6a3d0cea BUG 5736 FixBug Msg text at save in Dynaform & adjustment in import/export.
2012-01-18 14:21 Alvaro Campos b94cede0edd839847713743769bf27f823d2e51f BUG 7292 se soluciono problema de alert en campos suggest.
2012-01-18 13:28 Hector Cortez 42f12949c4c5639713f8e0a670adc86677d34c88 BUG 8232 Adjustment default width in the ListBox item.
2012-01-18 13:15 Fernando Ontiver e30ab19c4f07acdea2b78ce3257aea996b015c43 third commit to enable pmMonitor plugin
2012-01-18 13:04 Fernando Ontiver 0885d9d260e194a124b6dc394aeba2174de05f4b second commit to enable pmMonitor plugin
2012-01-17 23:57 Fernando Ontiver 0ff9d919af86923276405f8ceec959bce92348a4 BUG 0000 first commit enabling pmMonitor code
2012-01-17 22:52 Victor Saisa Lop e2d5e9aa7ca1e59f786a8f7269ea2adf65a49d1b BUG 0000 files and methods for the plugin pmMonitor
2012-01-16 23:08 Hector Cortez 54ad7ff7d6ff31484cff46dcb3ee915154101355 BUG 5739 Fix Bug hard coded labels & changed label in message in scheduler log.
2012-01-16 16:09 Erik Amaru Ortiz 766da556db64515074aa548085d6e7a35bbd910e BUG 8257 "Error when updating PM Table Primary Key..." SOLVED
2012-01-16 15:47 Erik Amaru Ortiz 7c4a71e60974f39fb8132515ca9f13b77c0cbfdd BUG 8277 "Report table from grid issue" SOLVED
2012-01-13 21:08 Erik Amaru Ortiz a46f61228491325cd2f229bc3c6409f89558b269 BUG 8314 "Text field with validation Real doesn't support" SOLVED
2012-01-13 15:47 Alvaro Campos f5d6dfa157900c3d07707d38eee550e8980a9318 BUG 6459 it changed the default option of role to "PROCESSMAKER_OPERATOR"
2012-01-13 13:51 Julio Cesar Laur c39e17d4fc2540add5c52035bfe11bdaccb6b600 BUG 000 Add USR_UID parameter for the hook PM_CREATE_NEW_DELEGATION
2012-01-12 22:45 Hector Cortez df1fa32b7630392f9350d3369ee2a40efe52e1db BUG 6456 Changed text from "Zip Code" to "Zip/Postal Code"
2012-01-12 22:20 Julio Cesar Laur 705e2c1b8b2fcb4a60a3cf762374a852dfeace0e BUG 8284 Add validation if the class of the plugin doesnt exists
2012-01-12 15:05 Hector Cortez 5e5e3c9d0fcf444999a88fdf8b5db7819bd20987 BUG 7205 Adjustment in SQL queries in the element suggest.
2012-01-11 20:52 Alvaro Campos 4363041484997027588a03dd30fe64d323d345d9 BUG 8263 se soluciono el problema de busqueda de grupos
2012-01-10 16:22 Julio Cesar Laur baad71c5d92f362a48ae87b02c08390d6b205528 BUG 000 Hook for the trigger PM_CREATE_NEW_DELEGATION
2012-01-10 13:45 Alvaro Campos 7e52c7e41097985e30fb464be50404f07865d863 BUG 7184 this problem was solved and it will come probably on February
2012-01-10 13:14 Alvaro Campos 9959a4eb22435a9d655d2b177237ace637cd8987 BUG 8193 The problem of PMFDerivateCase in case 'reports to' was solved.
2012-01-06 19:53 Erik Amaru Ortiz e63d296d1ad710f23b61ffcab0a64a9c4c6b4df6 BUG 7873 Problem already fixed! [tags/2.0-testing.8 tags/2.0.36 ]
2012-01-06 19:53 Erik Amaru Ortiz a9337bb0e5692591f418ba876ba88ebc6f93211d BUG 7873 Problem already fixed!
2012-01-06 19:21 Victor Saisa Lop 9e78e3354b6af7f0ffe5b0f6701db7097ec626d2 BUG 0000 Load url of the first option for each tab, this in ADMIN
2012-01-06 16:04 Erik Amaru Ortiz 757dfed80527eefbb624c5b611ccd36749a31786 BUG 0000 Updating Base Translations [tags/2.0-testing.7 ]
2012-01-06 15:34 Erik Amaru Ortiz d74a61820527bedccf1293d93bbeba10769be53d BUG 0000 Problem in file type on dynaform when has a input doc linked. FIXED!
2012-01-06 15:53 Erik Amaru Ortiz 26aa899530c57408bf858fb0f25b3790575abff0 BUG 0000 Updating Base Translations
2012-01-06 15:34 Erik Amaru Ortiz 90770bd0bbea794ba6148915c25bd643deb2732d BUG 0000 Problem in file type on dynaform when has a input doc linked. FIXED!
2012-01-05 21:47 Hector Cortez 350cf82714b2ada8b18fd93d1e4b3ebcf7ede6c7 BUG 8242 Set to readonly Code field, when editing the selected role.
2012-01-05 21:09 Victor Saisa Lop e67eb5427932319d674a50e6d281ee150a74cbd0 BUG 0000 the option "Enterprise Plugins Manager" is always first.
2012-01-05 20:43 Hector Cortez 01a2c5ad991c123129b305c34d7ddba6b64d44ca BUG 8251 Fix Bug the export process To discriminate chars doesn't allowed.
2012-01-04 21:41 Julio Cesar Laur 4be1b222acd784d03aa087968593d0bf0a1ebfb9 BUG 000 Fix another bug in the home menu [tags/2.0-testing.6 ]
2012-01-04 22:18 Hector Cortez 6f9e71fa57813bc19b0bf3174858c067b66eb5dd BUG 7051 Fix Bug in the Grids to disable/enable the required fields.
2012-01-04 21:41 Julio Cesar Laur a24cb843e84f4f32f70b23787524e5ae7449d36e BUG 000 Fix another bug in the home menu
2012-01-04 19:54 Alvaro Campos 17af889464364bbf20bc181f638ff1037110e6b5 BUG 8225 quitando print no deseado de publisher
2012-01-04 19:50 Alvaro Campos 791f2a892c57c63cba105ad5afc8c164c87e52f3 BUG 8225 se añadio mas labels y soluciono problema de visualizacion
2012-01-04 16:23 Julio Cesar Laur 9fa3fee3b25b292bce0449afd8e5c257b9aea821 BUG 000 Fix bug with the home menu [tags/2.0-testing.5 ]
2012-01-04 16:23 Julio Cesar Laur d4b5a984b3169e30ae2ce2dff4eb9e8d0924f3a7 Merge branch '2.0-experimental' of into 2.0-experi
2012-01-04 16:23 Julio Cesar Laur 6978f5f282e18db61bad6b9950087fb49307cc11 BUG 000 Fix bug with the home menu
2012-01-04 14:18 Alvaro Campos 6dbfb05095b718b30189c49c3ff88ced5972095d BUG 8135 se añadio labels y alertas para fechas estaticas
2012-01-03 22:31 Julio Cesar Laur b02d8b6d8224d32287ef2c4cf5ee5f313c9df672 BUG 000 Add hook for dashlets [tags/2.0-testing.4 ]
2011-12-19 21:42 Victor Saisa Lop 1555c24f48f95b1cf26acdb6a2ce57aff7fcd40e BUG 0000 solved, blue border that appeared on the icon
2011-12-14 20:56 Julio Cesar Laur 6d0e549d22217e905ebf06685e655ea60e732109 BUG 000 Improvements in the layout of the dashlets
2011-12-09 21:05 Victor Saisa Lop 074d5b45858d79d7bc23103f153aa748069599c8 BUG 0000 Addition of the path to the plugin in the method uninstallPlugin()
2011-12-08 20:56 Victor Saisa Lop ba325a3821971da78ab59cfc8103f1b7e72e9ac3 BUG 0000 installPluginArchive() after of install or upgrade enable plugin
2011-12-06 23:05 Julio Cesar Laur 40087491aad00ae65c32728a44c3a54bf059b8c5 BUG 000 New plugins wizard creation
2011-12-06 22:54 Julio Cesar Laur 4fe27121128a519ceee8fdf494f93b195b1f89ca BUG 000 Add new wizard plugins extracted of master branch
2012-01-03 15:46 Erik Amaru Ortiz 3cecec7aa0701e5127dbf3780e9584e2cee7abee BUG 8250 "Grid Report Table not being saved" SOLVED
2012-01-03 22:31 Julio Cesar Laur c003597d1b615356e36e292059312cbf9cac196f BUG 000 Add hook for dashlets
2012-01-03 15:46 Erik Amaru Ortiz d142665842b2130f2fb8c9d845508f793a89db97 BUG 8250 "Grid Report Table not being saved" SOLVED
2011-12-23 15:40 Marco Antonio Ni b12b73627b544e5fcaeed45074e90103f39632cd BUG 000 - correction form new Authentication Sources, IE format
2011-12-22 20:56 Hector Cortez ee22d188cd12c03f400cb26dfd010eeb9cd79c94 BUG 5163 Changed the short open tags for PHP code to long open tag.
2011-12-22 16:00 Alvaro Campos 86dc20738a655a04dd18d64c252c216077bb9bf0 BUG 8194 we proceeded to the empowerment of the link in view mode
2011-12-22 15:17 Erik Amaru Ortiz bf46976610750f293ffd3360ee1536e8a2e37092 BUG 8222 "No despliega opciones de "TIPO" al ingr..." SOLVED [tags/2.0- testing.3 ]
2011-12-22 14:39 Erik Amaru Ortiz bf4cb84346aa362b0cf512717f2bd8238326dd25 BUG 8224 "Al crear un nuevo trigger salen warnings" SOLVED
2011-12-21 22:59 Enrique Ponce De 06fd054fc28864fa1afc8874195f2cd5ec71045c BUG 0000 Formula/Functions problem with grids - Take 2
2011-12-21 22:05 Enrique Ponce De 12b17c54200e3e631b1924e50001b3c990753f74 BUG 0000 Formula/Functions problem with grids
2011-12-22 15:17 Erik Amaru Ortiz 70cd6ebcbc7d7fb35d750814498ab643acd1bf00 BUG 8222 "No despliega opciones de "TIPO" al ingr..." SOLVED
2011-12-22 14:39 Erik Amaru Ortiz c03566eb1ce2bf4c1f4ee71d2a46042a3c578f7d BUG 8224 "Al crear un nuevo trigger salen warnings" SOLVED
2011-12-22 14:34 Hector Cortez db6a1ea88a3015d0bbe89fbe4cc144f973285bad BUG 7004 Adjustment in the paging the users selection by group.
2011-12-22 14:16 Alvaro Campos cfe3c190415d4c4255d0c629ab5bc6a65df920a1 BUG 8173 password is encrypted of email settings
2011-12-21 22:59 Enrique Ponce De fe09cc865fd6cd905f021183bcb621bb074867ea BUG 0000 Formula/Functions problem with grids - Take 2
2011-12-21 22:05 Enrique Ponce De 2985ce55a2cdb217925721253198f33bb7a4090b BUG 0000 Formula/Functions problem with grids
2011-12-19 21:42 Victor Saisa Lop 8c3460aadf063b863ce28f6f340644c10b967316 BUG 0000 solved, blue border that appeared on the icon
2011-12-14 20:56 Julio Cesar Laur b0d8b797e36ba5b9b0a30f593713925da6359084 BUG 000 Improvements in the layout of the dashlets
2011-12-09 21:05 Victor Saisa Lop 595135b1745bdc7fd5feae78c2a367dd0cddc6e6 BUG 0000 Addition of the path to the plugin in the method uninstallPlugin()