2 5449 carlos COMPLETED resolved 2011-09-12 08:53:45 24 PM 1.2-4208/Win/ -Importación de un Proceso/*Mensaje de error al importar un archivo diferente.
2 5449 carlos COMPLETED resolved 2011-09-08 10:10:55 25 PM 1.2-4208/Win/ -Importación de un Proceso/*Mensaje de error al importar un archivo diferente.
3 5883 alvaro COMPLETED resolved 2011-09-15 11:51:02 25 Function executeQuery() does not work when executed from web-service to write to an external database.
4 6627 alvaro COMPLETED resolved 2011-09-13 10:15:28 25 Can not use the variable picker to insert variables after the first one in the properties for a subprocess
5 6824 carlos COMPLETED resolved 2011-09-14 11:11:40 25 Dates under Cases History not working
6 6842 alvaro COMPLETED resolved 2011-09-16 11:34:22 25 WebService getVariables gives an error with 1-element array
7 7103 hugo COMPLETED resolved 2011-10-03 08:45:03 25 Error message after installing the Enterprise plugin
8 7421 erik COMPLETED resolved 2011-09-29 16:47:47 25 No actualiza la tabla APP_DELEGATION el campo DEL_PREVIOUS
9 7432 hugo COMPLETED resolved 2011-10-03 08:45:03 25 Fatal error: Call to undefined method PEAR_Error::download() in /opt/processmaker/workflow/engine/plugins/knowledgeTree/class.kn
10 7469 carlos COMPLETED resolved 2011-09-14 11:11:40 25 Output-document(fecha)
11 7499 carlos COMPLETED resolved 2011-08-24 19:32:46 24 Internet Explorer (ingles)-Visibilidad Icono
12 7500 hector COMPLETED resolved 2011-08-24 19:32:46 24 P.M. 2.0.32 RC2: Notice al ingresar a Information-Dynaform
13 7502 hector COMPLETED resolved 2011-08-24 19:32:46 24 P.M. 2.0.32 RC4: En una columna de la opción Users, el nombre se muestra con simbolos
14 7537 carlos COMPLETED resolved 2011-10-19 09:25:37 24 Issue in v 2.0.32 rc5
14 7537 carlos COMPLETED resolved 2011-10-19 09:25:37 26 Issue in v 2.0.32 rc5
14 7537 carlos COMPLETED resolved 2011-10-19 09:25:37 26 Issue in v 2.0.32 rc5
14 7537 carlos COMPLETED resolved 2011-10-19 09:25:37 26 Issue in v 2.0.32 rc5
15 7538 carlos COMPLETED resolved 2011-10-24 16:26:15 24 need cancel button on the bottom of the Post Note function
15 7538 carlos COMPLETED resolved 2011-10-24 16:26:15 26 need cancel button on the bottom of the Post Note function
16 7545 erik COMPLETED resolved 2011-09-20 17:55:24 25 No se almacenan las ediciones a los datos en los campos que son Primary Key para los PM table
17 7551 carlos COMPLETED resolved 2011-09-14 11:11:40 25 "Require Authentication" checkbox does not hide the "Password" box when Email Settings are first displayed
18 7559 alvaro COMPLETED resolved 2011-09-13 15:10:13 25 Checkbox couldn't save value when it not checked
19 7568 hector COMPLETED resolved 2011-09-06 09:58:44 24 If date field has default value of "Today" and set to "view" mode, then it displays the word "today"
20 7601 hector COMPLETED resolved 2011-09-08 09:38:49 25 There is no comment label for the "Case Notes" button when running a case
21 7607 erik COMPLETED resolved 2011-09-14 11:11:40 25 PM 2.0.32 Problema al importar un pmtable no existe validacion
22 7608 alvaro COMPLETED resolved 2011-09-13 15:10:13 25 Many problems with PM Function PMFGetNextAssignedUsers()
23 7611 hector COMPLETED resolved 2011-09-12 08:53:45 25 0007530: Wraps in Textarea fields are saved as hard returns (in the field and database)
24 7612 carlos COMPLETED resolved 2011-09-12 08:53:45 25 Cannot create Dynaform using PM table
25 7619 erik COMPLETED resolved 2011-09-14 11:11:40 25 Sale un error al crear Pmtable
26 7620 hugo COMPLETED closed 2011-09-12 10:31:49 0 Problema al crear pmtable
27 7622 hector COMPLETED resolved 2011-09-12 10:31:10 25 Minor text changes for multiple instance tasks
28 7624 carlos COMPLETED resolved 2011-09-15 11:51:02 25 Many problems in Discriminator, Static Partial Join for Multiple Instances, Cancelling Partial Join for Multiple Instances
29 7633 erik COMPLETED resolved 2011-09-14 11:11:40 25 Problema al importar PMtables
30 7668 alvaro COMPLETED resolved 2011-09-30 05:59:47 25 From layout (width) broken when adding a grid
ADDITIONAL BUGS COMPLETED FROM GIT COMMITS --- ---- ----------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -------- -- ----------------------------------------
0 COMPLETED 2010-08-23 10:44:48 0 Bug:5282 Too much introductory text in the trigger wizard
1 5436 alvaro COMPLETED resolved 2012-03-09 10:37:35 32 Under CASES > Documents, files are deleted if don't select a folder to move them to
2 6453 hector COMPLETED resolved 2012-02-29 12:05:36 32 ProcessMaker has many deprecated PHP 5.3 features in code
3 6778 juliocesar COMPLETED resolved 2012-02-28 12:36:29 30 PM 2.0.11 Validar cuando se sube el plugin de multitnenant management antes que de enterprise
4 7108 hugo COMPLETED resolved 2011-08-29 09:47:36 24 Feature requests for Batch Routing - Input/Output Documents
5 7190 juliocesar COMPLETED resolved 2012-03-09 16:40:34 32 PM. 2.0.30 RC13: El boton Save no esta desplegando ningun mensaje
6 7646 victor COMPLETED resolved 2012-03-07 08:56:52 32 Condition Editing option for steps is not working
7 7650 juliocesar COMPLETED resolved 2012-03-08 11:14:17 32 Function PMFRedirectToStep() didn't work properly
8 8062 alvaro COMPLETED resolved 2012-03-06 09:45:10 28 PM 2.0.35rc7 Problema en la generacion de usuarios por medio de un script via web entry no se ven grupos en Chrome ambiente esp
9 8134 erik COMPLETED resolved 2012-02-15 09:30:13 30 0007933: ISSUES Happen when wf_XXX#APPLICATION#APP_DATA contains special symbols
10 8169 alvaro COMPLETED resolved 2012-02-29 12:05:37 32 0007785: Recieve An Error in Parallel Task are finished (2.0.32) and gives error on all processes on 2.0.35
11 8276 alvaro COMPLETED resolved 2012-02-28 12:35:49 30 Remove the "Discriminator" routing rule icon from the process map toolbar
12 8320 alvaro COMPLETED resolved 2012-02-28 12:35:49 30 Request that email attachments be sent with original filename rather than UID as filename
13 8334 alvaro COMPLETED resolved 2012-03-06 16:14:38 30 0008327: add check box in grids
14 8348 alvaro COMPLETED resolved 2012-02-15 09:29:12 30 0008322: case view permission allows generated doc deletion
15 8357 erik COMPLETED resolved 2012-02-28 12:36:41 30 Problema con depenencias una vez que se borran líneas en una grilla
16 8425 alvaro COMPLETED resolved 2012-02-15 09:29:12 30 Var Dump on the Core
17 8432 hector COMPLETED resolved 2012-02-28 12:35:49 30 Triggers apparently doesn't work
18 8434 juliocesar COMPLETED resolved 2012-02-29 12:06:40 32 Security Hole: Do not need to login to access an Input Document file, Output Document file or attached file
19 8438 erik COMPLETED resolved 2012-02-15 09:30:15 0 $from parameter for the PMFSendMessage() function treats email address as name of sender and leaves the address blank
20 8460 hector COMPLETED resolved 2012-02-15 09:29:12 30 No way for the Process Supervisor to bring back the "Steps List" dialog box in order to edit data in steps
21 8463 alvaro COMPLETED resolved 2012-02-15 09:29:12 30 Ampliar ventana de navegacion de Steps/Conditions/Triggers
22 8467 erik COMPLETED resolved 2012-03-27 10:06:38 32 Regla de derivación en paralelo no funciona correctamente completando el proceso sin terminar todos los camimos
23 8470 alvaro COMPLETED resolved 2012-03-06 09:45:58 30 Request: Add the PM_CANCELCASE permission to the PROCESSMAKER_MANAGER role
24 8475 hector COMPLETED resolved 2012-02-15 09:29:12 30 Problemas en los campos (text, currency, etc) de los dynaforms
25 8503 alvaro COMPLETED resolved 2012-02-28 12:35:49 30 0008418: Dynaform with PM table says no drive registerd
26 8519 alvaro COMPLETED resolved 2012-02-28 12:35:49 30 0008194: 0008181: Link in summary not work in grids
27 8525 alvaro COMPLETED resolved 2012-03-05 10:50:41 32 Duplicidad de pantallas al acceder a los Documentos de Salida mediante el Supervisor de Procesos
28 8532 juliocesar COMPLETED resolved 2012-03-08 11:14:17 32 0008515: Unable to import all users via LDAP Advanced
29 8549 alvaro COMPLETED resolved 2012-03-09 17:57:23 32 0008546: Missing data in grid when delete the first row
30 8558 juliocesar COMPLETED resolved 2012-03-09 10:37:36 32 Invalid HTML on Wrong Password Error page
31 8562 erik COMPLETED resolved 2012-03-12 11:04:50 32 The box to show contents of a variable in the Debugger shows outdated values for variables
32 8594 victor COMPLETED resolved 2012-03-09 16:40:35 32 Triggers fired by the routeCase() web service can't access system variables
33 8606 juliocesar COMPLETED resolved 2012-03-08 16:11:04 32 Dialog box to edit Calendars is too tall to see its Save and Cancel buttons and there are no scroll bars
34 8609 erik COMPLETED resolved 2012-03-08 17:01:07 32 Missing datetime field type
35 8611 hector COMPLETED resolved 2012-03-09 17:57:23 32 0008602: The grid calculate total got NAN
36 8614 erik COMPLETED resolved 2012-03-06 09:45:58 0 P.M. 2.0-testting.12: Al ir a login despliega una ventana nuevamente con el login
37 8615 alvaro COMPLETED resolved 2012-03-08 11:14:17 32 P.M. 2.0-testting.12: Duplicacion de campos en el password
38 8636 erik COMPLETED resolved 2012-03-06 16:15:27 0 PM 2.0.11 testing 13 problemas con User Registration con el campo suggest
39 8641 erik COMPLETED resolved 2012-03-06 16:15:27 0 PM 2.0.11 testing 13 Mejorar la visualizacion de User REgistration
40 8644 erik COMPLETED resolved 2012-03-06 09:45:58 0 P.M. 2.0-testing.13: Al utilizar un output document con la opción user experience no se visualiza el boton
41 8645 erik COMPLETED resolved 2012-03-06 09:45:58 0 PM 2.0. testing 13 Mejorar la visualizacion del inbox
42 8646 alvaro COMPLETED resolved 2012-03-09 16:40:35 32 PM. 2.0-Testing.13: No aparecen los triggers con el debug en español
43 8647 hector COMPLETED resolved 2012-03-09 10:37:36 32 PM. 2.0-Testing.13: No aparece el área "Depurador de ProcessMaker"
44 8656 victor COMPLETED resolved 2012-03-09 10:37:36 32 Problemas con las notificaciones.
45 8659 juliocesar COMPLETED resolved 2012-03-08 11:15:25 32 nombre de archivo al exportar / versionado de exportacion
46 8660 juliocesar COMPLETED resolved 2012-03-08 16:11:04 32 Problems in "Case Tracker"
47 8664 erik COMPLETED assigned 2012-04-02 10:29:18 32 P.M. 2.0-testing.13: Con la opción user experience se puede aplicar al usuario Admin
48 8669 erik COMPLETED resolved 2012-03-08 11:14:17 32 External Link when you open a case
49 8670 alvaro COMPLETED resolved 2012-03-08 11:14:17 32 PM. 2.0 -Testing.13: Al asignar permisos no muestra el nombre del grupo
50 8671 hector COMPLETED feedback 2012-03-23 15:16:41 32 PM. 2.0 -Testing.13: Error de traducción
51 8672 victor COMPLETED resolved 2012-03-08 11:14:17 32 PM. 2.0 -Testing.13: Ventana dynaform sin título
52 8673 juliocesar COMPLETED resolved 2012-03-08 11:14:17 32 No deja ingresar numero de caso, valida para que sea solo alfanumerico
53 8691 hector COMPLETED resolved 2012-03-08 11:14:17 32 Add validation before save on Task Notification
54 8693 alvaro COMPLETED resolved 2012-03-12 15:42:42 32 P.M. 2.0-testing.14: En Case Scheduler, con la opción Execution Time, al ingresar : se desconfigura la hora
55 8694 juliocesar COMPLETED resolved 2012-03-12 15:42:42 32 P.M. 2.0-testting.14: Pestañas en IE sobre el scroll
56 8695 juliocesar COMPLETED resolved 2012-03-09 10:38:44 0 P.M. 2.0-testing.14: En la ventana que se despliega al aplicar otro logo, los botones aparecen encima del texto
57 8709 erik COMPLETED resolved 2012-03-12 15:42:42 32 P.M. 2.0-testting.14: Comportamiento de focus no adecuado
58 8719 alvaro COMPLETED resolved 2012-03-13 11:48:39 32 P.M. 2.0-testting.15: Botón de download para output documents extra
59 8730 alvaro COMPLETED resolved 2012-03-16 10:38:18 32 Migrate Email Setup to ExtJS
60 8782 alvaro COMPLETED resolved 2012-03-28 09:35:31 32 P.M. 2.0-testing.16: No esta realizando la multiplicacion dentro de grillas, esto ocurre en IE, FF, Chrome, Safari
----- ---------------- ------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2012-03-27 22:51 Alvaro Campos c2b5a3ee74d6391f3fc747aee2e65149a9ec6d1d BUG 8782 No esta realizando la multiplicacion dentro de grilla SOLVED [heads/2.0-testing tags/2.0.39 tags/2.0.39-testing.3 ] 2012-03-30 15:56 Erik Amaru Ortiz bd4d2754c97a28927aa5a8154b6ec97506c5bd18 BUG 8888 "Ventana DATA de report table no termina de cargar..." SOLVED 2012-03-23 23:21 Erik Amaru Ortiz 2bc228aca5f6448a0e3ef557af3ee5ffb5d471ba BUG 8080 "when we do right click on an step there is a javasc..." SOLVED [tags/2.0.39-testing.2 ] 2012-03-27 22:20 Erik Amaru Ortiz 00d517ebeb05c777e6351ad358026d268bdfafad BUG 0000 Updating Base Translations 2012-03-27 22:09 Erik Amaru Ortiz b9075e1bdf2412709f8cbb7193a99a695a624c46 BUG 8169 "Recieve An Error in Parallel Task are finished (2.0...." SOLVED 2012-03-22 22:46 Marco Antonio Ni 4e9d524d69bf434726ceeeb12dbe8ec7cda862a5 BUG 8606 The dialog box to edit calendars is too high to see their... SOLVED 2012-03-14 19:54 Victor Saisa Lop a6ff6395c8d105fa5d3798cc9713681fbea73d37 BUG 7646 "Condition Editing option for steps is not working" SOLVED 2012-03-27 19:04 Erik Amaru Ortiz 11d4f20812354bf3a5b99b2aa3226f68aad136f2 BUG 0000 "Backward Compatibility for case notes" 2012-03-26 23:13 Alvaro Campos 6bd9964f3e9bf3b4fc4efa5821bd554caca04379 BUG 8615 se adiciono la contraseña desencriptada SOLVED 2012-03-15 21:57 Alvaro Campos d52f60f2a13947be13879cc0db4b87f757e4c6e0 BUG 8730 add template and javascript de este bug. 2012-03-15 21:45 Alvaro Campos ab0d6f65292933dad3eb9f3d2b542b413adbe7dd BUG 8730 Migrate Email Setup to ExtJS SOLVED 2012-03-12 22:07 Alvaro Campos c9aa195898c8a092614baec49c0b499e3c727c33 BUG 8719 Botón de download para output documents extra SOLVED [tags/2.0-testing.16 ] 2012-03-12 22:05 Erik Amaru Ortiz 0b01be74954fb7f7b64d6181df6c159833a6d83a BUG 0000 Updating Translations Base Language 2012-03-12 21:09 Hector Cortez 609a5d25272535a7ddbd4d42fa55682c899be8b7 BUG 8671 PM. 2.0 -Testing.13: Error de traducción SOLVED. 2012-03-12 16:02 Alvaro Campos 8636a38142506196ecd34a9730e7154377ec3f1b BUG 8693 En Case Scheduler,con la opción Execution Time ... SOLVED 2012-03-12 15:55 Julio Cesar Laur 3b05c18bab9b27fb37585b38d6f59968ca9e59a9 BUG 8694 estañen IE sobre el scroll 2012-03-12 14:53 Erik Amaru Ortiz 3fc1318ce2d72ef4dc112f630544a17cf304da88 BUG 8562 "The box to show contents of a variable in the Debugger... " SOLVED 2012-03-09 21:25 Hector Cortez cb948db766c9a9c9c1c05e9b989990830f0741aa BUG 8611 The grid calculate total got NAN SOLVED. 2012-03-09 20:44 Alvaro Campos 8e2f3935e90c54d492a714e4907b639ee2c5f909 BUG 8549 Missing data in grid when delete the first row SOLVED 2012-03-09 20:12 Victor Saisa Lop 509da99a9eeb71d734e9381e90223232dc930b18 BUG 8594 "Triggers fired by the routeCase() web service..." SOLVED 2012-03-09 20:00 Julio Cesar Laur 0ef9fd6b9b619c0fd559a75d82e5e9c90c1f0ee5 BUG 7190 El boton Save no esta desplegando ningun mensaje SOLVED 2012-03-09 16:01 Erik Amaru Ortiz 76d62f0ec9216827adacee5749512a7a6bb9dd43 BUG 8709 "Comportamiento de focus no adecuado" SOLVED 2012-03-09 15:52 Alvaro Campos 22a6a293d7c55537ca83b400cbcbad88522a4dfc BUG 8646 No aparecen los triggers con el debug en español SOLVED 2012-03-09 14:29 Hector Cortez fa3e1dd149f6621d0dc383e00c542e7891b6e8b7 BUG 8647 PM. 2.0-Testing.13: No aparece el área Depurador ... SOLVED. 2012-03-09 13:53 Alvaro Campos e4faf42c8ca79b245b6345356c3dc49a9ca96f32 BUG 5436 Documents, files are deleted if don't select a folder to... SOLVED 2012-03-09 13:54 Julio Cesar Laur 45bc1722e79a6c4c9343b5e658c66d111c42b2de BUG 000 Arreglado problema con referencia a objetos en el listado de plugins 2012-03-08 22:36 Erik Amaru Ortiz b77305f488ab397400ba30c8f6969ec6adca9ebe BUG 0000 Updating Transtalions Base Language 2012-03-08 21:28 Victor Saisa Lop 77bcf6373f652a4c5f8afdf383d8e4b6ea2c39a3 BUG 8656 "Problemas con las notificaciones." SOLVED 2012-03-08 21:07 Marco Antonio Ni 2acd979c3de858b2e5695d093a790466bd0febda BUG 8558 Invalid HTML on Wrong Password Error page SOLVED 2012-03-08 20:08 Erik Amaru Ortiz 4e6ade5d1bd2847e65d22940492f5d097d00bdcb BUG 8609 "Missing datetime field type" SOLVED 2012-03-08 16:30 Julio Cesar Laur 7bb6359bb28fb322fe18dbaab3c4c3590237504d BUG 8695 En la ventana que se despliega al aplicar otro logo... SOLVED 2012-03-08 15:54 Marco Antonio Ni 23d3683ea367c2d357fe30704efb5de53fc44e5f BUG 8606 No scroll bar on the calendar option and are not buttons... SOLVED 2012-03-08 15:11 Marco Antonio Ni fadec156e5225a7c7620bb24880e658779c8eaab BUG 8660 Problems in Case Tracker SOLVED 2012-03-08 14:45 Erik Amaru Ortiz 20e11d747dd0a75700a1ae4c17da8264cecb0bc0 BUG 8664 "Con la opción user experience se puede aplicar al us.. Adm..." SOLVE 2012-03-08 14:34 Erik Amaru Ortiz 2ef37673a19607bc3a19e5fc7b145ecfd0dd4f75 BUG 8669 "External Link when you open a case" SOLVED (3nd) 2012-03-08 14:15 Hector Cortez 163e5ccdabaffc6497adae27582e99fd00c38d9a BUG 8691 Add validation before save on Task Notification. 2012-03-08 13:51 Erik Amaru Ortiz 364a511687198868b1591684dbbd3fed5cfdefa3 BUG 8669 "External Link when you open a case" SOLVED (2nd) 2012-03-07 23:23 Hector Cortez b07e2bca10dda4f5ed8b60409794198c6bb33154 BUG 8691 Add validation before save on Task Notification. 2012-03-07 23:12 Alvaro Campos 0855df04c61a345afda2d14afbecd1b93ea0d892 BUG 8670 al asignar permisos no muestra el nombre del grupo SOLVED 2012-03-07 23:08 Julio Cesar Laur 8e5b5f2c6b37fcd14efef87483cc1cbf1ea385d3 BUG 8659 nombre de archivo al exportar versionado de exportacion SOLVED 2012-03-07 22:17 Julio Cesar Laur 246cda388af3c20b18f005cc724c560939cc9449 BUG 8532 Unable to import all users via LDAP Advanced SOLVED 2012-03-06 21:05 Victor Saisa Lop 8a54d1490389b1c721c767a5ec4df14458e3cfa9 BUG 7646 revert commit 83393581cc8258578fd987186c61c1898ece4ad1 2012-03-06 19:39 Victor Saisa Lop a4929e08ec3449636dc15c59df574ee9843b9ab2 BUG 7646 Solved the problem escaping the character "'" 2012-03-07 22:01 Alvaro Campos 60a8af93cb146de769981d15330187c04a7e8c3f BUG 8615 "Duplicacion de campos en el password" SOLVED 2012-03-07 22:12 Erik Amaru Ortiz a652e2f683143a30525762dada9e3f96634ae429 BUG 8669 "External Link when you open a case" SOLVED 2012-03-07 15:14 Marco Antonio Ni 2be05d382dcaf13ecefbcbcb8e772152d1b9c053 BUG 8673 Do not let enter case number, which is only valid alphanumeric SOLVED 2012-03-07 15:05 Victor Saisa Lop 10ba54d65d127b072fd372d0fa2997e35b390e1f BUG 8672 "Ventana dynaform sin titulo" SOLVED 2012-03-06 23:08 Marco Antonio Ni 51977f45049b8fbd8a33efa93b53b294dace70a4 BUG 7650 Function PMFRedirectToStep didnt work properly SOLVED 2012-03-06 22:58 Victor Saisa Lop 0c33fe44f6bc900a1f3462d0ea3a0518680b6914 BUG 7646 "Condition Editing option for steps is not working" SOLVED 2012-03-06 21:05 Victor Saisa Lop 457feae6e4f8028ec8251f83e4abd7e8b1eb9e92 BUG 7646 revert commit 83393581cc8258578fd987186c61c1898ece4ad1 2012-03-06 19:39 Victor Saisa Lop e46761876258df76399c884514ab6288631270fa BUG 7646 Solved the problem escaping the character "'" 2012-03-06 22:48 Erik Amaru Ortiz c26f8e0d1533a03abacba91015b88f28abd3f095 BUG 8467 "Regla de derivación en paralelo no funciona correc..." SOLVED 2012-03-05 20:32 Erik Amaru Ortiz 2662d8c1c0bdfa93e0d7b51937f38199119649fa BUG 0000 Updating base translations 2012-03-05 16:49 Erik Amaru Ortiz 042c8e9c148b9f183fc2b25488867bfeb0da3c97 BUG 8636 "problemas con User Registration con el campo suggest" SOLVED 2012-03-05 16:38 Erik Amaru Ortiz 9ea6027db88e2f94e9b18c576f26be9c3a8f6ef8 BUG 8641 "Mejorar la visualizacion de User REgistration" SOLVED 2012-03-05 16:12 Erik Amaru Ortiz 83eaa2fa2bd922003fc70ec4cee9513f0bed3f31 BUG 8645 "Mejorar la visualizacion del inbox" SOLVED 2012-03-05 15:47 Erik Amaru Ortiz bafe98531b4cfb7b0f97b0712c9388de2683b6cf BUG 8644 "Al utilizar un output document con la opción user..." SOLVED 2012-03-05 15:20 Alvaro Campos 8404fa67455d9ca65390916ce4e73f627cbe789d BUG 8062 se dio solucion a este problema de la manera sugerida por erik 2012-03-02 14:58 Julio Cesar Laur 8e43037faa4381e71c24f73fdab031349e82b513 BUG 000 Fix bug with Firefox 10.0.2 in the dashlets 2012-03-01 20:27 Julio Cesar Laur 81699e932005bc7af76432765df2aa23b23e219c BUG 000 Improvements in the additional fields in the daslhets 2012-02-29 20:12 Erik Amaru Ortiz 46040dca93da540fcd2e3236990d07464dad907c BUG 0000 litle fix for double case title in outputcos 2012-02-29 20:04 Julio Cesar Laur dd2632c9245d145d9d5fdf9bca4e23a5717f7c7e BUG 000 Add after render event for the additional fields in the daslhets 2012-02-29 19:22 Alvaro Campos 9f212c4b7fc05d1f83142703c242a5a87b22cc82 BUG 8525 problema solucionado de duplicidad de pantallas 2012-02-29 15:48 Julio Cesar Laur 96ddc62c2dadfafd6af1b3d778dd07c54e3b1683 BUG 000 Add listeners for the additional fields in the daslhets 2012-02-29 15:05 Marco Antonio Ni 9eecacae733d59280314021ea6ac7cc034320ac7 BUG 000 Modification of alignment windows to scrollbar 2012-02-28 23:10 Alvaro Campos 989747381ba3720966dc71e33a4f5ceeda6668bc BUG 8470 se verifico el id del rol. 2012-02-28 22:40 Erik Amaru Ortiz d371fc698211fe3b09c4bcc60253ca0b135e41a6 BUG 0000 PHP 5.2.x compatibility on G::getBrowser() func.. 2012-02-28 22:03 Marco Antonio Ni e3e5537618d1c16bc8134ded39e27312caa0ab12 Merge branch '2.0-experimental' of git.colosa.net:/processmaker into 2.0-experi 2012-02-28 22:03 Marco Antonio Ni 0671943da5b4fa7f88af964f365640c0c3f9c0df BUG 8434 Permit Modification to download document 2012-02-28 21:51 Erik Amaru Ortiz 502d20f82a796634934d27b6f0bc0c728e9c7f24 BUG 0000 Missing php shot tag replacement "<?" -> "<?php" 2012-02-28 20:15 Hector Cortez 3f695d28c65fae115282e20e3c16248a1a91f889 BUG 6453 Fix Bug deprecated PHP 5.3 features and functions in code. 2012-02-28 16:37 Alvaro Campos dd8d08eb8f12a11635d42382dfbef0df2fb9300b BUG 8169 fixed error in Parallel Task 2012-02-28 14:55 Erik Amaru Ortiz 69e2336871d24975b8ebf49b734c42d3afea546e BUG 8614 "Al ir a login despliega una ventana nuevamente.." SOLVED [tags/2.0-testing.13 ] 2012-02-27 22:37 Marco Antonio Ni 23ddf74e79c21e2a5ff2e644a52e3ba6ad505d40 Merge branch '2.0-experimental' of git.colosa.net:/processmaker into 2.0-experi 2012-02-27 22:37 Marco Antonio Ni 684c407bd9b14e43a69f77820f943188d86eddc9 BUG 000 Modification to see the scroll triggers 2012-02-27 20:59 Erik Amaru Ortiz 61e94adcf79a493a2edf8449f0e41ccca4f9cb59 BUG 8357 "Problema con depenencias una vez que se borra lineas.." SOLVED [tags/2.0-testing.12 ] 2012-02-27 15:06 Erik Amaru Ortiz 8fedd547618640bed7ac9b520b35089aa84eb878 BUG 0000 User Experience (single app option added) 2nd commit 2012-02-24 23:32 Erik Amaru Ortiz f8ab55a061a28ee3e71dfe819ce8f866d0aaf9d3 BUG 0000 User Experience (single app option added) 1st commit 2012-02-24 15:07 Marco Antonio Ni 04abe5f19fb06f04786222f4620f4b0f32382601 BUG 6778 Validation of the plugins when need the Plugin Enterprise 2012-02-23 16:40 Hector Cortez d22fbfa49d12dbab401c579f8acd34f84943b72b BUG 8475 Adjustment in the ReadOnly fields validation. 2012-02-23 16:34 Marco Antonio Ni 6437cf47ef45ff32a4ae24d05d98b05e3a5d65cc Merge branch '2.0-experimental' of git.colosa.net:/processmaker into 2.0-experi 2012-02-23 16:34 Marco Antonio Ni f8fd7f1cf774199976380bee7c67c494f0c31742 BUG 7108 Add the tabs in the summary to download and build documents 2012-02-23 16:32 Hector Cortez 8c38a10db5919c5b164b8172e8d0eb86b6137ae6 BUG 8432 Adjust the tracking when debugging triggers. 2012-02-22 19:56 Alvaro Campos 54cee715028b0a7817299f57a1a5b7a89daf01c1 BUG 8503 fixed issue of Dynaform with PM Table 2012-02-17 16:28 Marco Antonio Ni 4caa1382ef190ae173c453b2c90cc9026dd9c18e Merge branch '2.0-experimental' of git.colosa.net:/processmaker into 2.0-experi 2012-02-17 16:19 Marco Antonio Ni fed8d0e0eabb39f0b727615bac8d882a44e711e8 BUG 000 Delete Button permmision in EditReport 2012-02-16 19:28 Alvaro Campos 4304e4a9a5dc0fca7d644885d51b8bf7bdf6943c BUG 8320 it was added changes proposed by Amos 2012-02-16 15:45 Alvaro Campos a64ca5443bbfa2fb582181777c537e1a0d79f475 BUG 8334 se adiciono un arreglo solo para IE 2012-02-16 13:46 Alvaro Campos 59c28fef0145051096ca585424336c15c4dad2a0 BUG 8519 we proceeded to the empowerment of the link in grid view mode 2012-02-15 14:24 Alvaro Campos 60ec8b1ac08ee141b017d931ccfa9333be16b16d BUG 8276 was removed 'Discriminator' from the process map toolbar 2012-02-14 23:04 Alvaro Campos 187eb2e9a1a00f2736a52076810adf15ff624e84 BUG 8334 was added to the grid the functionality of checkbox 2012-02-14 14:32 Erik Amaru Ortiz ec9875d53780f2b3664b794d4dee70a80453e495 BUG 8438 8341 " $from parameter for the PMFSendMessage() function .." SOLVED 2012-02-13 16:55 Hector Cortez befd02ac54fddfcf87f3de3c5c69d052bcf7aebe BUG 8460 Adjustment in the window "Steps List", was added button show/hide. 2012-02-10 22:35 Erik Amaru Ortiz 1a1c7fcd1c5d6bf81f167533ee87ad89dddb09ac BUG 8134 "0007933: ISSUES Happen when wf_XXX#APPLICATION#APP..." 2012-02-10 13:53 Alvaro Campos cfe28ca4c2d637481fed6c9701753a2c3f71abd4 BUG 8425 var_dump has been deleted od class.case 2012-02-10 13:47 Alvaro Campos 45f13c3d08c8fd268e96f6079ca01c91a8fe5837 BUG 8348 fixed issue of permission allows generated doc deletion 2012-02-08 22:32 Alvaro Campos 2ebbfe40feffbb0442e8fd91522e1d63d4c4920d BUG 4070 was added PM_CANCELCASE permission to PROCESSMAKER_MANAGER role 2012-02-08 22:01 Alvaro Campos d08d5ab30edfde19d6d14bbdec56a23e89cdbb84 BUG 8463 se expandio la pantalla de edicion de triggers 2012-02-08 15:27 Marco Antonio Ni 2a1d591e75181e62fd8dcc683ec70f13c0888478 BUG 000 Modification of height to scroll to tabs in Dynaform 2012-02-07 15:58 Marco Antonio Ni 7385de9c1f11569e95ffeefe97000c2e3caaa392 BUG 000 Add srollbar for multiple tabs in task properties