This time ProcessMaker 2.0.31 comes with 5 new features in addition to several bugs solved.
Here is a brief description of each feature:
Skins 2.0
Finally this release comes with a fully functional Skins administration that helps any administrator to create, delete, import and export (.tar format) skins that will be available at server level. It is possible to create a skin based on Classic (this will copy all necessary/updated files from classic skin) or based on any other skin.
How to switch skins? The first way is by changing in the URL “classic” by the name of desired skin. The second way is by double click in the name of the skin in the list. Any exported skin is a .tar package that has layout(html) files, css files (style) and images. The a designer just need to unpack it and make the changes inside, pack-it again and import to test.
Cases Notes
Starting this release it is possible to post a Note to a case at any time without even open it. A new icon column will appear in each Case list (Inbox, Draft, Unassigned, Participated and so on) that on a click will open a modal window to see the list of notes and to be able to post new ones. In similar way when a case is open besides Steps,Information and Action there is a new option Case Notes that opens the same described window but not modal allowing user to continue working in the case with the notes opened. Any posted message is notified by email to all case participants until that post moment and it is visible for every case participant.
Conditional Events Now it is possible to create events with conditions... only if the condition is evaluated as tru the event will be triggered.
IIS Compatibility After some research of our Support team now it is possible to install ProcessMaker on Internet Information Server. Of course our QA team needs to test a bit more every functionality in real environments.
PDF Security
Thanks to our Professional Services team research this release comes with a way to include security configuration to an Output Document that generates PDF format. When this type is selected a new option will appear “PDF Security” that after enabling will present a box with following fields:
- Allowed permissions: By default when PDF Security is enabled the only enabled permission is View. By selecting in this list allows print, copy, edit and/or fill forms.
- Open Password: Is a password that is needed to open the PDF. (This password doesn’t overpass any defined restriction)
- Owner Password: This password is required to change any security restrictions in the document.
Fixed bugs
- Currency Field issues
- Email validation
- Issues with required fields (Checkbox and Suggest)
- Sub process Issues
- PM Tables Errors on properties edition
- PMGenerateOutputDocument() now is working correctly
- Some JS errors in IE8 were fixed
- Grid multiple dependencies
- Suggest Field handling
- Output Document properties layout
- Skins
- Cases Notes
- Conditional Events
- IIS Compatibility
- PDF Security
Known Issues
- Chrome, Firefox 4 and IE9 present some issues non tested yet.
- Due date calculation is failing in some cases. Especially in Windows environment.
- Process that started from scratch in a language different from English can't start a case. Workaround: open the process in English once.