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ProcessMaker Release Notes
v. 2.0.32 (Release date: September 6th, 2011)

This time ProcessMaker 2.0.32 comes with 3 new features in addition to several bugs solved.

Here is a brief description of each feature:

Email Attachments A very popular request of our community was included in this release. The function PMSendMessage now accept an extra parameter that is a list of files to be attached in the message. Thanks ProcessMaker community for this! (specially to budfrog532 for the inspiration).

Cases Summary Another great new feature included is a way to use any dynaform to be shown as Case Information. You have just to edit your process where a new property was added “Dynaform to show a case summary”. Select any item from that list and save. After that in Cases list you can click on the new Icon (besides Cases Notes) that will open a windows with Case Information (the common information and the Dynaform that you’ve selected).

Alfresco triggers We added a new library to our Triggers Library for Alfresco® DM operations:

  • Checkin document/file (Checkin)
  • Checkout document/file (Checkout)
  • Cancel Checkedout document/file (cancelCheckout)
  • Create a folder in Alfresco Repository (createFolder)
  • Delete an object(Folder/File) from Alfresco Repository (deleteObject)
  • Download Document/File from Alfresco Repository (downloadDoc)
  • Get a list of Checkedout Document/File from Alfresco Repository (getCheckedoutFiles)
  • Get Children of the given folder (getFolderChildren)
  • Upload file/document in Alfresco Repository (uploadDoc)

Fixed bugs

  • Using DBConnection in executeQuery
  • Email templates using UTF8 encode (allowing “special characters”)
  • Output Document issues
  • Grid issues (related to view/edit mode)
  • And many others.., 64 in total


  • Case Notes layout (adding cancel button and showing names based on system format)
  • Documents Sorting enabled
  • User with only PM_USERS permission are able to go to admin and manage users


  • Case Summary
  • Email Attachments
  • Alfresco Triggers

Known Issues

  • PMTables. We still working in a better PMTables engine. The current one works well but we need to add support for autoincrement keys and better error catching for database errors and fix issues generating Report Tables from grids
  • Column “sent by” still showing wrong information.