ProcessMaker v. 2.5.1 (Release date: August 27th, 2013) |
ProcessMaker is a cost effective and easy to use open source business process management (BPM) or workflow software application. Workflow software such as ProcessMaker can assist organizations of any size with designing, automating and deploying business processes or workflows of various kinds.
ProcessMaker workflow software features an extensive toolbox which provides the ability to easily create digital forms and map out fully functioning workflows. The software is completely web based and accessed via any web browser, making it simple to manage and coordinate workflows throughout an entire organization - including user groups and departments. ProcessMaker workflow software can also interact with other applications and systems such as ERP, business intelligence, CRM and document management.
ProcessMaker v.2.5.1 is a regular bug-fix release, this document describes its feature enhancements and many bug fixes including the following highlights:
Release date: August 27th, 2013
What’s new
- More efficient case storage algorithm to overcome 32k objects limit it ext3
- Support for ProcessMaker hotfixes using the command line
- Support to subgroup related items in drop-down fields
What’s fixed
- When a workspace was being restored in other languages besides English, some fields were not properly created (11707)
- When a parallel task in a case was paused, the whole case was paused (11553)
- When a grid included a date field, the date picker was shown away from the DynaForm (11225)
- When sending emails via’s SMTP server, there was an authentication error (11519)
- When a date field had a different mask than the default, it was not being parsed properly (11920)
- When two or more cases were created at the same time, there was a concurrency issue (11510)
- When derivating a case using a condition taken from a drop-down field, an error was displayed (11534)
- When logging in after session expires, interface got duplicated inside an iframe (11921)
For a detailed description of how to use ProcessMaker please see the wiki page (
To see the change log, visit the wiki page:
To report a bug please go to web page:
For more information of ProcessMaker installation requirements please see the wiki page:(
New Feature / Improvements
- 4715 Request that Groups can be assigned as Process Supervisors.
- 7987 Change Process Owner from the web interface.
- 9549 Possible to clone dynaforms..
- 9811 Proposal pivot skin: NOT FOUND.
- 9812 Proposal pivot skin: FORBIDDEN.
- 9814 Proposal pivot skin: UNDER CONSTRUCTION
- 10178 New Feature: Pause the Case
- 10435 System information should show if the current version is an upgrade.
- 10835 Unable to re-size dashboard.
- 10852 Control of the resending email via 'Messages History.
- 10902 Changing the definition of the class head Publisher.
- 10911 "Right click" not works on Designer tab in IE10.
- 10920 Add subtitles inside a drop-down.
- 10921 When changing the password, the old password should be required (and verified)
- 10989 PMFNewCaseImpersonate definition is incomplete
- 11021 Change the role names from PROCESSMAKER_XXXX to only "XXXX"
- 11038 Updating file .po.45 to.46 version (Portuguese language)
- 12610 Send email with link to input/output documents
- English (Default core language)
- Spanish (Updated for 2.5.1)
- Turkish (New language added for 2.0.45 and 2.5.1) Contributor: Fatih Günes
- Italian (Updated for 2.5.1) Contributor: Seacom Company
Fixed bugs
- 4715 Request for Groups to be assigned as Process Supervisors.
- 5120 Change text to clarify the purpose of a user for the Case Scheduler.
- 6396 Grid header alignment issues.
- 7006 Custom notification subject not imported with the process.
- 7228 PM does not have a valid country code for Taiwan.
- 7429 Error when testing e-mail configuration with local Exchange 2007.
- 7569 Date Fields are not storing date strings in standard "YYYY-MM-DD" format and not applying the mask when displaying saved dates.
- 7987 Change Process Owner from the web interface.
- 8462 Directories are created with overly permissive settings.
- 8500 Checkboxes when creating/editing the structure of PM Tables should be centered
- 8665 Maximum folders in shared/sites/files.
- 8907 Need a friendly HTML Editor environment to configure dynaforms and grids.
- 9508 Grids appear without horizontal scrolling.
- 9549 Ability to copy dynaforms.
- 9811 Proposal pivot skin: Not Found
- 9812 Proposal pivot skin: Forbidden
- 9814 Proposal pivot skin: Under Construction.
- 9830 Advanced Search does not work for users with SOLR combo.
- 9837 Date Field, default today wrong Date %d.%m.%Y.
- 9874 Missing translation in Log ID_CRON_ACTIONS.
- 9887 The color of the next task which follows a group of parallel task does not show the correct color when a process is being executed.
- 9891 An error window is displayed while importing a language.
- 9897 uploadDoc() Alfresco, not notified if the file path is incorrect.
- 9899 MySQL displays a warning while upgrading.
- 9901 Error while performing an upgrade.
- 9912 Dashboards instances are not created for new workspaces.
- 9939 Date Picker4 () does not work in IE 8 & 9. NOT_FIXABLE
- 9959 Error activating processes.
- 10048 ExecuteQuery does not retrieve data from a view in Oracle.
- 10053 UX skin to support Right-to-left languages and translations.
- 10118 Upgrade script fails when upgrading several WS.
- 10138 Getting error in command workspace-restore.
- 10197 Chinese unreadable code.
- 10219 After uploading a file in an input document, and repeatedly pressing save, a different window loads
- 10285 Creation of Workspaces not permitted.
- 10324 The Report To functionality is not working properly
- 10328 It is not possible to import processes in Chrome
- 10394 The modal window of Database Connections and Case Scheduler can be moved upwards.
- 10395 The Every option in the Case Scheduler runs as 0 from 0.2, it is not well validated.
- 10396 Invalid message Response when creating Dynaform.
- 10400 When the browser is reduced in size, the information is not completely visible and the vertical and horizontal scrolls are not activated.
- 10401 After editing Output Documents, a confirmation message to leave the page is displayed.
- 10405 Problems in the sub processes derivation.
- 10430 The "Commercial License" link is broken and leads to a Page not Found page.
- 10435 System information should show if the current version is an upgrade.
- 10550 Case lists. After the session has expired the filters do not work.
- 10703 Case labels don’t support html tags
- 10806 Date field not working properly in PM 2.0.45
- 10830 The correct key n English is "Field \"table\ "is required" but Chinese n "Field \\\"table\\\ "is required"
- 10835 Unable to re-size dashboard.
- 10852 Control of the notifications resending via Message History.
- 10911 "Right click" does not work on Designer tab in IE10.
- 10921 When changing the password, the old password should be required (and verified)
- 11003 Alfresco triggers are hardcoded to look for the "Sites" folder as the main root folder. This doesn't work in other languages.
- 11017 The admin user disappears in the table USER_ROLES.
- 11040 Error using PMFCancelCase function and PMFPauseCase.
- 11051 Upgrade from 2.0.42 to 2.0.46 always redirects to uxmodern login page.
- 11052 Notice in the Report Table to run a case with old version.
- 11060 Date time picker with time enabled does not work properly.
- 11068 Intermediate Message Event Does not fire on first Task in a Sub Process.
- 11077 XSS vulnerability.
- 11081 The data report has a column with an empty header.
- 11083 The description of the tables does not display html tags.
- 11086 When you try to add a row into a pmTable, if you leave an empty row the next added rows are being ignored and not saved.
- 11092 The admin button to hide the menu disappears when the menu is reduced in size.
- 11093 Advanced search. The Delegate filter does not work properly.
- 11095 Advanced Search. Process option shows processes un ordered.
- 11106 Several processes should be removed from the list of processes of the library.
- 11109 Event of adding a new line doesn’t work with dependent fields in Grids.
- 11110 Unable to enter a Linux server by IE8 browser.
- 11135 Names of processes do not accept ":" despite PM creating copies with ":" in the name
- 11138 PM Table with a 3 character name.
- 11142 It is not possible to see a user’s last name when a case needs to be reassigned
- 11147 Error creating a Report Table from a grid.
- 11184 Changes in the skin, the date in the welcome message in the upper right corner of the screen.
- 11213 Date field is showing misaligned in grids
- 11214 There isn’t a correct pagination on admin->cron -> logs.
- 11216 Sql stripped from suggest field
- 11217 Double scroll in the frame of information where documents are uploaded.
- 11219 Events. Notice when you create an event triggers are not loaded.
- 11220 Deleting a case a second time - the case displays a message with an incorrect button.
- 11223 When you pause a case the popup shows an incorrect case ID.
- 11224 Actions/reassign window does not disappear when you reassign a case, which allows you to reassign a case several times.
- 11225 The Datepicker is not displayed correctly.
- 11236 Problems in the Output Documents html editor.
- 11239 Problems in grids.
- 11246 Problems with the Supervisor user within a Department.
- 11249 The search of the lists does not filter with the text entered in the filters
- 11250 Border property is not applied in word documents.
- 11255 ProcessMaker allows the creation of report tables without warning about the selection of processes.
- 11271 When user has all permissions except PM_USER, user is directed to login screen
- 11272 Error: The system allows the edition of the login or the user
- 11275 Error in the Case Scheduler creation.
- 11284 When you choose an image shows a part of the apply button in the bottom right.
- 11291 The resizing of the window should not be allowed to pause cases.
- 11303 Dependent Fields don't work.
- 11421 Check Groups option ZERO always selected.
- 11423 Problem doing ProcessMaker workspace-restore when you have activated the plugin Enterprise.
- 11449 Enter Admin/Settings/System, a notice displays at the top.
- 11455 The font Size of the HTML editor is displayed under the home not in the same Font Size.
- 11461 Users are not displayed in alphabetical order in Advance Search
- 11467 PM does not export JavaScript.
- 11468 Error in checkgroup.
- 11505 Translate errors in some labels when executing the upgrade
- 11510 Number of duplicate cases.
- 11518 Cases List: problem in Data.
- 11519 Authentication error when testing the sending of email via Hotmail.
- 11534 Failed to derive a case by condition.
- 11553 Pause of cases does not apply in parallel tasks.
- 11562 To upload a document twice with the same name does not get an alert message.
- 11565 Advanced search tray: The data in the column of the current user is not correct.
- 11584 After disabling a user, they can still login.
- 11632 You can skip steps without checking if there are required fields.
- 11707 Executing workspace-restore of a backup created on a previous version to 2.5, in 2.5 the APP_LAST_INDEX field is not created.
- 11717 In an output document when you put two grids and the first grid has many records the second does not show.
- 11718 Field type in the creation of a report table is not validated.
- 11726 Triggers counter for assignment is not restored to its true value.
- 11793 SUBMIT buttons are not included in the POST array.
- 11835 If the assignment rule was set to self service at 2.0.45 version, after the upgrade to 2.0.46 it changes to self service value based assignment.
- 11846 The owner of the process is not shown in the DESIGNER
- 11855 ACTION parameter of the url of the cases does not change in view mode.
- 11858 Problem uploading an image of 329 kb in admin-> settings-> logo.
- 11865 Problem with date fields.
- 11867 When a task is derivated the task is not displaying with bold, this only happens on neoclassic skin.
- 11869 The buttons save and cancel when a user is imported are incomplete
- 11871 In admin -> logs -> mail tasks names, where cases are being sent, are not displayed.
- 11896 PM shows an error 500 server internal, having a process with fields date.
- 11920 date fields always return 1899-12-31 instead of what is inputed in the date field in the dynaform.
- 11921 When the session is closed, the login page is loaded inside the case container
- 11928 Last digit of a date is shown incomplete.
- 11946 Translation error in the permission id inside user roles
- 11951 Required fields validation in grids in version 2.0.46
- 11963 Problem in the creation of PM tables.
- 11964 Error in the strftime function in date fields in a dynaform .
- 11965 Validation when importing a language in Processmaker.
- 11967 Error in ID's on some options of Processmaker.
- 11973 Images of calendar misalignment after adding more than one row in the grid.
- 11980 The system allows to change the administrator user to an operator role
- 11982 Issue in the order by modified date in the Documents Section.
- 11984 The horizontal menu is not displayed in the case tracker with the neoclassic skin.
- * 11988 It is not possible to create Dashboards.
- 11993 To enable the HTMl code of any field in a Dynaform, html tags replace them with character entities.
- 12030 Grammar mistakes on new sinks
- 12032 Problem with fields date to submit forms with Report Tables.
- 12036 Problem when importing Plugins.
- 12116 It displays an error when clicking on Reassing button.
- 12141 Shows an error in the validation of the data type of a PMTABLE.
- 12145 An error is shown to give permissions to a role.
- 12147 Misspelling in a label of the English .po file
- 12170 Shows an error in the creation of Cases Notes.
- 12173 Trigger Execution
- 12185 It is not possible to upload a file when the title parameter already exists on a site of "Alfresco".
- 12213 Add support for hotfixes.
- 12256 Overflow Triggers editor from Steps.
- 12257 It is not possible to create a Report Table-New Version from the designer, it displays an error message.
- 12295 Imports of Triggers in a process cannot be saved.
- 12339 When you create a table report system redirects to a list of reports tables and not to the list of original pmtables.
- 12346 Error creating Pm Tables using fields double, real, smallint, tinyint and setting field size.
- 12386 Departments cannot be edited admin->users->departments.
- 12389 Problem on dates that are defined in the grids, displayed in format dd-mm - yyyy.
- 12394 The headers are lost in Chrome Browser.
- 12538 Report tables by admin-> settings are loaded into a process after creating a report table in the designer.
Known Issues
- 3860 Add options "Capitalize Phrase" and "Title Case" to "Text transform to" in Text fields for DynaForms.
- 10250 E-mail validation do not work with dot info.
- 10834 When configured incorrectly list "Cache Builder" DB data does not perform a review.
- 10870 A better trigger editor is needed.
- 11037 Hook for session time setting.
- 11075 Addition of triggers: UP-DOWN does not work.
- 11283 Simplified Interface not reflecting minutes.
- 11581 In Home/Documents inputs with versioning are not downloadable.
- 12118 In Linux, fatal error in dynaform when enabling html editing.