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Release Notes Downloadable version

ProcessMaker v. 3.0 (Release date: May 12th, 2015)

The ProcessMaker team is proud to announce the stable release of ProcessMaker Enterprise Edition v. 3.0.  Since many versions were launched in the past months, a lot of bugs were fixed. As follows you will find a Summary of each release with its respective link to its release notes:

RC1 - Release Candidate 1
RC2 - Release Candidate 2
RC3 - Release Candidate 3


Supported Operating System:

Supported Browsers:

  • Mozilla Firefox v. 37
  • Google Chrome v. 41
  • Internet Explorer v. 10 and v.11

For more information visit this link

New features:

  • A new powerful design for your user experience
  • A new BPMN 2.0 Designer
  • Compatibility with desktops, tablets, and mobile devices
  • A powerful RestAPI
  • Javascript support (code mirrow)
  • Javascript extensions (upload custom javascript libraries in forms)
  • Variables support (Variables are at the process level and are global. They can then be used in forms after they are created.)
  • Import/export dynaform in JSON format
  • Support to upload files in forms and grids (file field)
  • Add preview of forms in different platforms (desktop, tablet, phone)
  • Responsive forms (build once run on: desktop, tablet, phone)
  • New field container
  • New UI/UX
  • DynaForms Multilanguage support.
  • Extensive Dynaforms with panels.
  • Strategic Dashboards.
  • Multiple mail servers registration.


  • Improvements in datepicker control.
  • Improvements in Security.

Bug Fixes

  • PM-1992 - It is possible to access to the log files and other files located in the workflow/public_hmtl folder.
  • PM-2253 -  When creating a Custom Drill Down dashlet, the following error appears: "Your Query is not valid".
  • PM-2500 - Task Properties > Consolidated Cases Lists: It is not possible to configure the Consolidated Cases in the task Properties.
  • PM-1106 - The notice when an invalid license was uploaded is extended through the browser. This happens in IE1-IE11.
  • PM-1364 - The new designer does not validate the original size of PM Tables fields.
  • PM-1425 - It allows to create tasks and sub-process with the same name.
  • PM-1480 - Designer > Task Steps: There is no action when using the down arrow in a Dynaform - It is possible to access to the log files and other files located in the workflow/public_hmtl folder.
  • PM-1692 - When filing case notes the note is misplaced. (Mantis code 16880)
  • PM-1796 - When a dynaform has multiple columns, the format of each variable or control are being distorted.
  • PM-1874 - Refresh token duration is too short.
  • PM-1879 - Information of templates lost. (Mantis code 1608)
  • PM-1944 - Current User shows as UNASSIGNED when it is routed to a sub-process. (Mantis code 15574)
  • PM-1946 -: ProcessMaker loses connection with database. (Mantis code 17048)
  • PM-2004 -(Enterprise) If using Internet Explorer, the license information message is not aligned in the center.
  • PM-2088 - Not possible to change the order of options in DynaForm field in BPMN Editor. (Mantis code 17095)
  • PM-2194 - Variable creator in BPMN Designer should not allow variables which start with number, but should allow underscores "_". (Mantis code 17076)
  • PM-2106 - When executing the database upgrade, it always shows that one table was altered/modified.
  • PM-2124 - Change text in the first page of Manual Installer wizard. (Mantis code 16918)
  • PM-2137 - Date fields now store their values in format which isn't compatible with databases. (Mantis code 17107)
  • PM-2162 - Dynaforms: The format field o f the Datetime control cannot be set again as default.
  • PM-2166 - Designer -> In the list of processes change New menu option from a drop-down to a button.
  • PM-2209 - Admin>Settings>Login: After enabling the forgot password option, this option is not visible if entering with a different browser.
  • PM-2030 - Step 2 Installer: The body of the text license is not justify with the right margin.
  • PM-2031 - Step 3 Installer: Incorrect validation over the folders where ProcessMaker will be installed.
  • PM-2089 - Accessing Report Tables on the Designer over https. (Mantis code 16722)
  • PM-2138 - Change text "succesfully" to "successfully".  (Mantis code 16935)
  • PM-2144 - ProcessMaker error messages should distinguish between "unauthorized" and login session expired.  (Mantis code 17119)
  • PM-2167 - Designer -> Add waiting/loading icon/gif when the process is being created or loaded.
  • PM-2172 - When changing the order of the Routing Rules, the process design changes.
  • PM-2188 - "REDO action" does not have functionality when creating objects (Activity, Event, Gateway, Artifact, etc)
  • PM-2194 - Takes too long for the process map to load - need loading icon. (Mantis code 17141)
  • PM-2206 - Login> The forgot password field is not too large enough to show the email.
  • PM-2235 - Input Documents: The “Allowed file extensions” field does not have the correct syntaxis required in the required field.
  • PM-2237 - Output Documents -> Create. If the "Output Document to Generate" field has “Doc” type, the "Open Password,Owner Password" fields are enabled.
  • PM-2238 - ProcessFileManager: There isn’t a validation of an existing template if uploading one with an existing name.
  • PM-2242 - Output Documents -> Create. The "PDF security" field is enabled even though the default value is .doc.
  • PM-2251 - Admin>Settings>Plugins>Enterprise Manager: When a workspace name is different than the Database, the list of features is not displayed.
  • PM-2253 -  When creating a Custom Drill Down dashlet, the following error appears: "Your Query is not valid".
  • PM-2254 -  The Custom Cases List label is displayed only as Cases Lists.
  • PM-2263 -  A process design is unconfigured if moving all its elements to a pool.
  • PM-2270 - Triggers > Predefined Function: It does not show the icons in the predefined functions.
  • PM-2278 - Designer BPMN: The Full Size label does not change when using full screen.
  • PM-2316 - Users: When creating groups and/or department with blank space it does not validate it as a required field.
  • PM-2321 - New BPMN> When opening a BPMN process the SAVE button remains in a green color.
  • PM-2338 - PmTables: Error creating pmtables, this message is displayed: "Something was wrong". This if using the SSL protocol and FireFox.
  • PM-2339 - Create ReportTable: Error creating report tables with the SSL protocol.
  • PM-2344 - REST endpoint DELETE /cases/{app_uid} doesn't check if the user has the PM_DELETECASE permission in his role. (Mantis code 17193)
  • PM-2346 - BPMN Designer: The main page of the designer has blank spaces in the bottom side of the designer, this do not allow the correct visualization of the designer components.
  • PM-2353 - Message Type: When saving a Message type it displays an error message.
  • PM-2355 - When modifying an Intermediate message event, it displays an error message.
  • PM-2360 - BPMN Designer: Standardize typographies in all buttons and change the format to 'Capitalize each word'
  • PM-2361 - .exe installer. Misspellings when enabling/disabling the heartbeat.
  • PM-2361 - Implement a way to delete the expired access_token.
  • PM-2364 - . exe installer: When installing ProcessMaker it shows a text in English even though the installer is being executed in Spanish.
  • PM-2365 - Designer BPMN: Cancel button in the alerts are not necessary.
  • PM-2366 - Variables > Edit: It is not possible to edit a variable name with the same characteristics.
  • PM-2367 - BPMN Designer: Standardize typographies in the table headers and chante to format to “'Capitalize each word”.
  • PM-2371 - Login: When pressing the enter key, the form is not submitted if the cursor is in the workspace field.
  • PM-2373 - Login: The background image, labels and palceholders does not display if using Internet Explorer.
  • PM-2376 - New Feature: We need the ability to modify the Subject. (Mantis code 17133)
  • PM-2378 - Login > License Requirement: In the license Window it shows a label over a required field.
  • PM-2387 - Import: If using Internet Explorer, when importing a process that contains unsupported elements, it opens in the same designer.
  • PM-2381 - It shows the warning message: Wrong login credentials randomly.
  • PM-2387 - Login: After the installation, The Get Started window appears with paragraphs in different sizes and styles.
  • PM-2388 - New BPMN: If using Internet Explorer, the X button to close the process appears underlined.
  • PM-2389 - MessageType: It is not possible to order the Message Name field.
  • PM-2390 - Login: After the installation, it shows a window with a header without styles.
  • PM-2391 - Designer BPMN: It is not possible to drag and drop from certain areas the menu elements.
  • PM-2392 - ProcessFileManager: The space to design a template is short.
  • PM-2393 - Calendar > New: Name field shows in red when creating a new calendar.
  • PM-2394 - It shows a warning php" in the "web entry" when the DynaForm is empty
  • PM-2395 - Files Manager: The dropdown fields in the HTML editor remain open and active in the designer.
  • PM-2398 - Home>Cases List : The cases counter shows incorrect numbers.
  • PM-2404 - Error message when creating a flow message between an End message and a Start message event.
  • PM-2406 - Incomplete text in the DynaForm grid.
  • PM-2407 - Variables: If the 'Define accepted variable values' fields are empty in the form and variable edition, tooltips shows misaligned.
  • PM-2408 - ProcessFileManager: The Process File Manager search does not work.
  • PM-2412 -Admin>Settings>Users: If using Internet Explorer, the SAVE button does not display.
  • PM-2423 - Home: Error in the INBOX when executing the messageeventcron.php, the cases counter displays with negative numbers.
  • PM-2425 - Variables: Alert Message contains an incomplete message.
  • PM-2429 - Message Types: Alert Message contains an incomplete message.
  • PM-2424 - WebEntry: The case is not routed to the next task if the case is started from a Web Entry.
  • PM-2427 - When changing the variable name, it does not change the ID of the dynaform control.
  • PM-2428 - Variables: Placeholders has the same text used in the labels.
  • PM-2430 - Users > Authentication Sources > New: It shows the ldapadvanced option even if the this is in a Disable status in the workspace.
  • PM-2432 - DataBaseConnection: If using Internet Explorer the validation to the server is failing.
  • PM-2433 - Admin>Settings>Email Servers: In Windows Server 2012 displays a message indicating that there is a missing table when configuring an email.
  • PM-2435 - New feature request for a web method that attaches documents. (Mantis code 17206)
  • PM-2436 - WebEntry: The webentry configuration does not work with sup-process included in the design
  • PM-2437 - It is not possible to create a Web Entry. (Mantis code 17240)
  • PM-2439 - Problems with the span column in DynaForms. (Mantis code 17242)
  • PM-2441 - Dynaform: Cancel button does not work when creating a DynaForm if using Chrome.
  • PM-2442 - Designer BPMN: The group element loses all its functionality if this is placed inside a pool or a lane.
  • PM-2448 - Dynaform: Required fields in grids are not validated.
  • PM-2449 - Dynaform: Grid fields does not have identificator when they are required.
  • PM-2450 - Variables: String variables does not support Datetime controls.
  • PM-2453 - Dynaform: Required field “FILE” in grids does not change to red color when routing to next task.
  • PM-2455 - Variables: The label field is not in the DynaForms anymore.
  • PM-2456 - Variables: The Delete option does not refresh the list of variables.
  • PM-2458 - New Case > Case Notes: There is an error when attaching a case notes if the email server is configured as default.
  • PM-2460 - Variables: The Supported controls label does not show all the supported controls in a FLOAT variable.
  • PM-2461 - WebEntry: The information filled with a Web Entry is not reflected in the initial task.
  • PM-2462 - Variables: The text that list all supported controls in a Boolean variable does not have the checkbox control.
  • PM-2464 -  BPMN Designer: Change the “Full Screen” icon and the tooltip after changing from Full Screen to Reduce Screen.
  • PM-2467 -  BPMN Designer: When the Process Objects menu is collapsed the (-) icon should be (+).
  • PM-2468 -  Designer BPMN: In the gateways context menu, the Gateway type option shows the gateway type used enabled.
  • PM-2472 -  Execution: Grids in view modo does not display information filled in a previous step.
  • PM-2475 -  Triggers: There isn’t the option to add variables (@@) from a step.
  • PM-2476 -  The UID alerts are not standardized.
  • PM-2477 -  Steps: The scroll is not enabled when there is a lot of steps.
  • PM-2479 -  New Case: The sub-process value is not sent to the master process.
  • PM-2480 -  When ordering data in a Report Table the window is blocked.
  • PM-2481 -  Variables in the PMFNewCase() function are not set.
  • PM-2483 -  Process Permissions: It is not possible to edit a permission more than twice.
  • PM-2485 -  It is not possible to see the Report Table registries.
  • PM-2484 -  Variables: Align, change color and position of the Save and Cancel buttons.
  • PM-2487 -  It is not possible to change the zoom if using Internet Explorer.
  • PM-2491 -  Dynaforms: Hints in the grid affects all the control hints assigned to the grid.
  • PM-2492 -  Designer: Error when exporting a bpmn diagram if this contains flow messages.
  • PM-2493 - Home > New Case:  "The case will be paused until you receive the corresponding message" message must be displayed in the center of the container.
  • PM-2494 - Designer: Error message when moving the events connecting to different polls.
  • PM-2496 - The workspace name is not aligned to the right side of the header.
  • PM-2497 - New Case: The second task without a title shows empty when routing the case.
  • PM-2500 - Task Properties > Consolidated Cases Lists: It is not possible to configure the Consolidated Cases in the task Properties.
  • PM-2501 - Triggers: When creating a Trigger with the Copy Trigger option, the Description label is misaligned.
  • PM-2502 - BPMN Designer: Standardize the typography in the SHOW ID button in the Dynaforms, Input/Output Documents and Triggers list.
  • PM-2530 - Triggers: If using Internet Explorer, it is required to double click in the option to save the trigger.
  • PM-2531 - Text in the Get Started Interface appears in different sizes
  • PM-2532 - When pressing the Create button in the toolbox, it does not show the form, instead it shows the list of elements.
  • PM-2539 -Design: the task name is misplaced when there is a blank space.
  • PM-2540 - /{workspace}/cases/454535015553fed8da2b0a7083417966/cancel not working propertly
  • PM-2542 - Designer BPMN > Dynaforms: Dependent fields do not work if using from a dropdown to a text.
  • PM-2543 - Designer BPMN > Task Steps: When adding triggers to a DynaForm, an error message is displayed.
  • PM-2544 - Dynaforms > Preview: The fields in a colspan are misplaced.
  • PM-2545 - Designer > Designer BPMN: Report Table does not save data in a DynaForm if the Consolidated case is configured in a task.
  • PM-2567 - If having a checkbox in a DynaForm, the preview does not load.


  • The directory where ProcessMaker is installed should have write permissions.
  • Dependent fields are working if they have just one dependent field, when it depends on more than one field only the dropdowns are working.
  • ProcessMaker does not support MySQL strict mode.
  • Remember that this is a release candidate. Do not use this version in a production environment.


  • English (Default Core)


  • For a detailed description of ProcessMaker 3.0 and its new features please see our latest documentation.
  • To report any issues in ProcessMaker 3.0 please go to this page, select ProcessMaker [community] “Project” and select "ProcessMaker v3.0" in the Product version.

How to Contribute?

  • We need your help to make ProcessMaker 3.0 a better release, so please take some time to download and try out the release candidate. Your feedback is very important to us!.
  • If you are willing to help translate this version into your native language just tell us by sending an email to communityATprocessmakerDOTcom.

Don't forget that any contribution you provide us will be mentioned in our Wiki, Social Media and Forum!

Enjoy it!