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ProcessMaker v. 3.0 Release Candidate 1 (RC 1)
(Release date: March 17th, 2015)

During the past months ProcessMaker team has been working on improving ProcessMaker 3.0, that's why we are proud to announce the first Release Candidate for this version which includes some features and bug fixes detailed as follows.

Remember that this is still a release candidate. Do not use this version in a production environment.


Supported operating systems

Tested Web Browsers

  • Mozilla Firefox v. 36
  • Google Chrome v. 41
  • Internet Explorer v. 10 and v. 11

For more information visit this link.


Supported operating systems

Tested Web Browsers

  • Mozilla Firefox v. 35
  • Google Chrome v. 40
  • Internet Explorer v. 10 and v. 11

For more information visit this link.

New features

Bug Fixes

  • PM-243 - Change sample Apache VirtualHost definition file for ProcessMaker
  • PM-300 - Error when running a case in a process that has a subprocess within it without the definition of variables.
  • PM-1048 - If using Windows, pop up's do not have an X button to close it.
  • PM-1050 - The context menu remains static if using the assignment rules interface and task properties.
  • PM-1127 - Change some text in the Trigger Wizard.
  • PM-1186 - Upload icon cannot be seen completely.
  • PM-1217 - Edit Input Document - Confirm action does not validate any changes made in Input Documents.
  • PM-1219 - When editing a trigger, the cancel button does not have a confirmation dialog.
  • PM-1222 - Validation error while creating the PMFNewCase function.
  • PM-1229 - There is no validation when importing a responsive form with an invalid extension.
  • PM-1235 - The following syntaxis error appears when using the PMFGetCasesNotes() function, unexpected ',', expecting '('.
  • PM-1286 - "Date" and "DateTime" have the same properties in the Dynaform designer.
  • PM-1407 - If using Internet Explorer, triggers cannot be created.
  • PM-1423 - There isn't a Process Map window information.
  • PM-1428 - Error in the Data Type and Data Object.
  • PM-1586 - The option in the Formula properties does not have any action in grids.
  • PM-1598 - Extra bullets in the message when removing a DynaForm from the list of Steps inside Processes Supervisor.
  • PM-1671 - It is not possible to see all the text in the user's field in the Start Message event.
  • PM-1704 - Process configuration as public or private is not available.
  • PM-1706 - Error saving a form on view mode.
  • PM-1708 - If using Internet Explorer, the Dynaform editor is displaying different than any other browsers.
  • PM-1710 - The variable interface says "Create variables".
  • PM-1712 - The message when creating a new message type says: "Message Type".
  • PM-1791 - By clicking on the Summary option, General Information does not show anything.
  • PM-1753 - Designer > Designer BPMN: When connecting two types of tasks that were not supported inside ProcessMaker 3.0 Beta 5, the designer is blocked.
  • PM-1534 - Connecting text annotation to any element across swimlanes
  • PM-1727 - (New Designer) The Mode field in the properties of a Step is not necessary when assigning an Output Document to the task.
  • PM-1789 - Designer > Designer BPMN > Input Documents: It is not possible to edit the Allowed File Extension and Maximun File Size fields.
  • PM-1698 - The processes are saved empty after using the zoom.
  • PM-1693 - When changing the zoom in the designer, the flows are disconfigured.
  • PM-1605 - Correct the name of the end events inside the option "Result" from the event context menu.
  • PM-1601 - Boundaries can not be added over sub-processes.
  • PM-1545 - Can't create a Text Annotation inside a pool(lane)
  • PM-1539 - Change the color of not supported elements for execution.
  • PM-1453 - Change color of BPMN elements that are not supported for execution.
  • PM-1445 - It is not possible to add existing elements to a pool.
  • PM-1701 - Designer>Input Documents: In Firefox fields are not aligned.
  • PM-1577 - Unnecessary vertical and horizontal scroll bars in the trigger editor in the BPMN Designer.
  • PM-1566 - Change text in the "SUBPROCESS PROPERTIES" dialog box.
  • PM-1556 - Create variable page errors.
  • PM-1507 - Change text "sub process" to "sub-process" in the EDIT PROCESS dialog box.
  • PM-1484 - In the BPMN Designer, the default port number should automatically be inserted when creating Database Connections.
  • PM-1280 - In the Supervisors step message the are 3 extra points.
  • PM-1169 - Hovering over the menu context is not working on IE.
  • PM-878 - Change description of the "processmaker change-password-hash-method" command in the help
  • PM-1793 - The name of the pools and lanes are not saving.
  • PM-1779 - Designer: Unable to edit the "height" of a pool, if it does not have a lane allocated.
  • PM-1738 - Designer > Designer BPMN: If the process has an element of Text Annotation type. This edition shows the label each time the zoom mode is changed.
  • PM-1688 - The flow between an End Message Intermediate Event or Message Start Event and A to move the task flow is lost.
  • PM-1551 - Swimlane and Lane are the same
  • PM-1487 - Designer: The designer window does not readjust the size of the browser.
  • PM-1455 - Reset controls do not have the correct tooltip.
  • PM-1794 - When changing the type of a task it is not possible to save the process.
  • PM-1490 - The creation of Web Entries single HTML is not possible.
  • PM-1485 - In the BPMN Designer, can not connect to Oracle (and probably MS SQL) databases because no "Encode" options.
  • PM-1783 - Designer > Designer BPMN: "Close" is not seen and has not functionality in the designer.
  • PM-1782 - BMPN Designer: When an "Annotation" is resized with a large string, its content is positioned above the shape.
  • PM-1777 - Designer: Label in black box pool disconfigures when the size is changed.
  • PM-1734 - Designer > Designer BPMN: Zoom has an unexpected behavior in the designer when changing among different views.
  • PM-1427 - The final destiny of a connection is dis faced when using the scroll.
  • PM-1696 - Designer > Designer BPMN > Output Documents: When creating and deleting an Output Document an error is shown.
  • PM-1694 - The search field in the inbox sends an error.
  • PM-1607 - Designer > Designer BPMN: Lane overlays on other elements.
  • PM-1656 - Add the option to remove gridlines.
  • PM-1520 - BPMN Designer should have a "Close" button in toolbar.
  • PM-1726 - Designer>Steps: When editing and saving an Input Document inside the steps of a task, it redirects to the steps of all the documents.

Known issues

  • PM-38 - Refactor Webentry.
  • PM-76 - The SQL query specified in the percentage field Grid only executes in the first row of a grid.
  • PM-326 - Date validation grid.
  • PM-632 - BPMN designer import standardization of element size.
  • PM-1223 - Time in Self Service Assignment Rule accepts letters.
  • PM-1609 - The generated Web Entry does not show all elements assigned to a DynaForm.
  • PM-1330 - The order of the routing rules are not saved
  • PM-1336 - The task defined by default in the gateways doesn't require a condition.
  • PM-1339 - It is not possible to order the condition in the routing rules of the Exclusive Gateway.
  • PM-1417 - If using Internet explorer, the import window remains open after importing a process.
  • PM-1422 - When executing a case fields are not validating.
  • PM-1444 - Once a lane is added to a pool, it is not possible to edit any element inside the pool.
  • PM-1516 - It is not possible assign conditions in triggers Before assignment, Before routing and After routing.
  • PM-1563 - Variables in DynaForms are not synchronized.
  • PM-1564 - It does not show a diagram of an imported process as BPMN diagram.
  • PM-1630 - Rest API not respecting input documents file extension.
  • PM-1681 - The message event cron functionality does not work with imported process.
  • PM-1686 - In start, intermediate and end message events the correletaion value is not saved.
  • PM-1690 - Suggest field does not have the option to make this field as required.
  • PM-1699 - yes/no variables shows checkbox options.
  • PM-1778 - If the label is long, it is not possible to resize a subprocess or a task.
  • PM-1804 - It is not possible to add a group element over pools and lanes.
  • PM-1672 - Once a file is uploaded it should be visible in the following form. It must show the name of the uploaded file in the form (view / edit)
  • PM-1580 - A variable of suggest type that is configured as required is not respected when filling the form.
  • PM-1559 - Review the file type control in pmDynaforms
  • PM-1513 - Functionality of the calendar type of control. Widen the functionality of ranges in fields.
  • PM-77 - The default value of gridField checkBox only applies to the first row of a grid. Verify that it works in the new Dynaform designer.
  • PM-46 - Formula property review.
  • PM-1429 - Add a service to upload the .bpmn file
  • PM-948 - Complete the file upload- backend endpoint
  • PM-1005 - WebEntry refactor (Frontend/Backend)
  • PM-1433 - Create a new cron to run events.
  • PM-977 - Complete the Import/export .bpmn
  • PM-10 - Designer need parametric SQL query for suggest control types.


  • English (Default Core)

Release Candidate 1 (RC1) Availability

ProcessMaker 3.0 RC 1 version is available for Linux and Windows platforms. Download them from our this site


  • For a detailed description of ProcessMaker 3.0 and its new features please see our latest documentation.
  • To report any issues in ProcessMaker 3.0 (RC1) please go to this page, select ProcessMaker [community] “Project” and select "ProcessMaker v3.0 RC1" in Product version.

How to contribute?

  • We need your help to make ProcessMaker 3.0 the best release, so please take some time to download and try out the RC1, your feedback is very important to us!.
  • if you are willing to help us translating this version into your native language just tell us by sending an email to communityATcolosaDOTcom.

Don't forget that any contribution you provide us will be mentioned in our Wiki, Social Media and Forum!

Enjoy it!