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Business Rules 2.0.41 
(Release date: December 12th, 2014)


A business rule is a bunch of rules that captures and implements business policies and practices. A rule can enforce business policy, make a decision, or infer new data from existing data.

The business rules plugin is intended to help users to define Business Logic rulesets and share them amongst cases, those rules will be defined in each process by using a user interface which make the definition easy-to-understand; with the help of a trigger the business rules execution can be defined.


  • ProcessMaker v2.5.x or higher (stable version + available hotfix)
  • Compatibility with ProcessMaker Enterprise Edition v. 2.8
  • Enterprise Plugin v2.0.17 or higher (stable version + available hotfix)

Fixed Bugs

Below you will find the list of fixed bugs in this version:

  • Open in Editor - Table inside the editor is not showing if using IE 10 or IE 11
  • PM-932 Business Rules does not validate days in a predefined rule.
  • If using IE 10 or IE 11, the rules of the options do not execute any action.
  • Business Rules - Currency Field does not execute the trigger in a rule.


No improvements available in this version.

New features

No new features available in this version.


English (Default core language)