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ProcessMaker Service Level Agreement 2.0.9 
(Release date: July 25th, 2013)


The Service Level Agreement plugin offers a new level of control over unfinished tasks and processes, which means that this will help users to have a strict control over task and processes executed by any user assigned to it, avoiding any possible delay on sending information that may be important, all this while the process will be active; moreover, it will help to follow up unfinished tasks.

This plugin allows users to have a workflow control according to specific conditions set by an admin user, also penalties may be defined depending on exceeded time while a task or process is being executed. The admin user will have the possibility to generate reports based on the SLA information set for process. If it was set a penalty for hours exceeded this will be reflected on the report.


  • ProcessMaker v2.0.45 or higher (stable version + available hotfix)
  • Enterprise Plugin v2.0.17 or higher (stable version + available hotfix)

Fixed Bugs

  • 9965: Error viewing reports (simple reporting plugin) for pmSLA plugin.
  • 9966: Cron script doesn't execute plug-ins tasks of pmSLA
  • 9967: The reports option of pmSLA is not display.
  • 9969: Double tab in pmReports for pmSLA plugin.
  • 9999: Plugin SLA: error when name has more than 50 characters,
  • 10004: Suggest to display the entire title in the SLA report.
  • 10005: Error calculating the hour to generate the pmReport using plugin SLA
  • 10006: Plugin pmSLA: Error in reports that are generated other SLA’s
  • 10008: Fatal error in Services JSON class
  • 10009: Case history not display in SLA report.
  • 10012: Changing SLA execution time doesn’t update cases already executed.
  • 10014: Plugin pmSLA: Format error in report excel or pdf.
  • 10016: Different data in reports generated in Excel and PDF
  • 10018: Missing validation to select task in multiple task or Task types.
  • 10112: configuration is deleted when SLA plugin is disabled.
  • 10113: PDF report can’t be opened in the SLA plugin
  • 10114: Format error in report excel or pdf.
  • 10016: Different data in reports generated in Excel and PDF.
  • 10018: Missing validation to select task in multiple task or Task types.
  • 10112: Configuration is deleted when SLA plugin is disabled.
  • 10113: PDF report can’t be opened in the SLA plugin.
  • 10114: When many SLA’s are created, they are not display in the list (pagination error?)
  • 10518: The order in the SLA must be ascending to descending.
  • 10841: Error in the fields of text inside the SLA configuration
  • 10879: Cron not executing plugins, print $file display cron_single.php warnings.
  • 10973: It’s not possible to get reports in PDF format.
  • 10975: Imprecise penalties calculation.
  • 10976: Scroll bar horizontal not enabled in reports.
  • 10981: Validation messages not visible.
  • 10982: Many horizontal scroll bar when form is created.
  • 10983: It’s not possible to introduce text in the process.
  • 10984: It is possible to create an SLA without name.
  • 10985: The table prefix is not expanded in the variable window.
  • 11165: Problem charging tasks with multiple task option. Enterprise Edition 2.0.17.
  • 11170: Problem in process configuration with more than one task.
  • 11172: Configuration popup error.
  • 11174: Charge task UID in dropdowns "task" and "to" editing an SLA configuration
  • 11175: SLA Configuration SLA can save changes with empty penalty.
  • 11182: The SLA list column order missing.
  • 11185: Condition field only stores 150 characters.
  • 11188: The number of cases has commas in the report.
  • 11191: The duration field not validated when it’s empty.
  • 11897: Process variables not display in SLA.
  • 11904: Pagination and counter incorrect in reports list.
  • 12027: Reports header is hide when it’s moved in the SLA report.
  • 12043: Column order not working properly.
  • 12045: The save option is not enabled when all the fields are completed.
  • 12046: Duration field override when empty or 0 is set.


No improvements available in this version.

New features

No new features available in this version.

Known Issues

The following bugs/new feature requests are planned for fixing in the next stable release of the plug-in:

  • 10017: SLA's counter and pagination not working
  • 10979: Form to create a new SLA not support HTML.
  • 11173: Alphabetic order error.
  • 10979: The case status doesn’t match report.
  • 11195: Status Column in SLA report not correctly display.
  • 11905: Name field allows to enter html code. This corrupt configuration.
  • 12005: Impossible to restore columns in SLA configuration
  • 12006: The information of SLA is display as one text when columns are restore.
  • 12025: IError creating a new SLA, the tasks are not display in sequence
  • 12210: Incorrect numeration in pagination.
  • 12217: Horizontal and vertical scroll enabled when changing SLA type to multi task.
  • 12225: Exceeded hour is rounded.


English (Default core language)