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Information About QA Report


Date:March 13, 2012
Ref:Release 2.0.39

Plataforms Tested

Tests were done on the following platforms:

SO VersionPHP VersionDB VersionSO VersionBrowserLanguage
Windows 7PHP 5.2MySql 5.1Windows 7IE9 9.0.5XX
Firefox 10.0.2XX
Chrome 17.0.963.66 mXX
Centos5.5PHP 5.2MySql 5.1Windows 7IE9 9.0.5XX
Firefox 10.0.2XX
Chrome 17.0.963.66 mXX
Windows 7PHP 5.3MySql 5.1Windows 7IE9 9.0.5XX
Firefox 10.0.2XX
Chrome 17.0.963.66 mXX
Windows7 (Microsoft-IIS 7.5)PHP 5.3MySql 5.1Windows 7IE9 9.0.5XX
Firefox 10.0.2XX
Chrome 17.0.963.66 mXX

Bugs Pending

Bug IDDescriptionObservation
8525Visually scroll is not complete.Past
8726Incomplete visualization on the task menu 
8729Fields duplicated when the email configuration is done on the Opera browser 
8169Recieve An Error in Parallel Task are finished (2.0.32) and gives error on all processes on 2.0.35 
8735Data is not save when calendar is edited. 
8738Input documents files can be addedThis bug was incremented due to the dev planification
8739Entering the username with Opera browser, characters are duplicated 
8741It continues loading when a task is executing on Opera browser 
8764When a process with large names, title and the scroll aren't visualized 
8763Improve visibility of the icon on the dynaforms edition 
8767Problems with Case Tracker don't allow to assign dynaforms on the object property 
8769It doesn't display the ProcessMap grid on Opera it only displays on Windows ZendServer 
8770On Chrome, Safari and Opera; condition of the condition editor doesn't add 
8771Selecting None on the Case Tracker, Checks must be disabled 
8782Multiplication on Grids doesn't work on IE, FF, Chrome, SafariThis bug was incremented due to the dev planification
8789Windows "readme" on Spanish doesn't have the property labels 
8792Indexation of size 20 on the user groups doesn't display correctly 
8794Label "Nuevo" with a line under to assign steps in a task (Browser: FF | CR) 
8796Window "Prueba de conexión SMTP" cut (Browser: FF | CR) 
8790Notices on User Experience with the option switchable on admin 
8798Dynaforms editor incorrect visualization on javascript field. 
8609Missing datetime field typePast
8802duplicity on characters on email fields 
8805On IE 9 browser data are lost when the options of the case scheduler are saved 
8801Upload window on "Process File" doesn't have an uniform layout 
8803Warnings and notice are displayed when users are assigned into a task, when groups aren't created 
8806line break on the label "Retornar a la lista" (Browser: IE | FF | CR) 
8811Validation on "Case Scheduler" doesn't have the same behavior than the forms validation of PM 
8550Users assigned on tasks by searches. 
8814On summary window, on the option generated document a second download button is displayed 
8819Error window when doble click on the Summary icon (Browser: IE | FF | CR) 
8820Focus behavior don't appropriate inside the edition of a dynaform when a link is inserted 
8821Adjust Text on Chrome on Authentication Sources - users search 
8825Opera Browser version doesn't match with the Opera version on PM that displays on the "System Information" 
8830User password are not validated on Users 
8829Forgot Password generates a Fatal Error 
8835On all browsers when it is chosen only PDF or DOC for the Output document, bot extensions are displayed. 
8845It's recommended attach the export button on the designer submenu 
8846It's recommended that the save changes button on the configuration option should be hidden. 
8847On the section Admin - Email an undefined message is shown if the checkbox is not clicked 
8848On the section Admin - Environment the field Global Date Format can be read 
8849In all of Spanish browsers, sintaxis error on the link "prueba de servicios web", on createUser 
8869When a document is moved into another folder, PDF and DOC are also moving on the other folder 
8877The first time mail is configured a notice is displayed "Notice: Undefined index: MESS_PASSWORD" 
8866PM 2.0.39 testing 2 Scroll Bar inferior en Dynaform - Condition Editor - Test Condition is displayed complete 
8878PM 2.0.39 testing 2 on dynaform when a process is running with the debug it doesn't display the scroll bar 
8883P.M. 39.testing2: On IE9 when enabling the script, debugging shows an error from java script when creating a dynaform. 
8884P .M. 2.0.39 - testting 2: Alert with message **ID_REQUIRED_NAME_DYNAFORM**" (Browser: IE | FF | CR). 
8886P.M. 2.0.39-testing.2: When derivating the case, with the Batch Routing plugin, it displays an error message. 
8885PM 2.0.39 testing 2 On Reassign, two fields must be hidden in the columns of this; those are. 
8888P.M. 2.0.39 - testting 2: A DATA window in report table does not complete the download (Browser: IE | FF | CR).This bug was increased to the development planification because of its importance.
8887P.M. 39.testing2: the condition bottom in Conditional Editor is too big. 
8894P.M. 2.0.39 - testing 2: the expiration link of the license does not work(Browser: IE | FF | CR) 
8893PM 2.0.39 testing 2. Some browsers present scroll bars in Triggers and some others do not. The last option in triggers cannot be seen. 
8896PM 2.0.39 testing .2 In Users – In Roles there is no manager label like the two other names in the section. 
8898P.M. 2.0.39 - testing 2: count number of file upload is not correct (Browser: IE | FF | CR). 
8899PM 2.0.39 testing 2 In User Experience when a User is been added, the simplified role and user are unlogged. 
8900P.M. 39 testing 2: When cleaning the ProcessMaker cache In all the browsers, it does not follow the visual pattern for clients. 
8902PM 2.0.39 testing 2 In the Databases options the bottom create must be hidden and presents in disable status. 
8823P.M. 2.0testing16: IE9 and CHROME lists both languages. 
8751P.M. 2.0 testing16: there is no space in the alphabetic texts. 
8717PM 2.0 testing 15. User Experience Shows asterisks when changing the role. 
89112.0.39-testing.3: There is an error when configuring External Registration with a Form with a dropdown on it. 

Bugs Fixed

Bug IDDescriptionFinal Testing
8525Screen Duplicity to access to the Output Documents with the SupervisorPast
8062Problems to generate users through a script by web entry groups on Chrome don't display Spanish workflowPast


8169Recieve An Error in Parallel Task are finished (2.0.32) and gives error on all processes on 2.0.35Past
6453ProcessMaker has many deprecated PHP 5.3 features in codeNot Run
8434Security Hole: Do not need to login to access an Input Document file, Output Document file or attached fileNot Run
8467Parallel derivation rule doesn't work correctly completing the process without finishing all threadsPast
7646Condition Editing option for steps is not workingPast
7650Function PMFRedirectToStep() didn't work properlyPast
8672Testing.13: Dynaform window without titlePast
8673It can't enter case number, validation only for alphanumeric numbersAccept
8669External Link when you open a caseNot Run


8615Fields duplicated in passwordPast
8532Unable to import all users via LDAP AdvancedPast
8659Filename to export / versioningPast
8670When permissions are assigned, group names aren't displayedPast
8691Add validation before save on Task NotificationPast
9664User Experience applied to the admin userNot Run
8660Problems in "Case Tracker"Past
8606Dialog box to edit Calendars is too tall to see its Save and Cancel buttons and there are no scroll bars.Past
8695In the window displayed to apply another logo, buttons display above the textPast
8609Missing datetime field typePast
8558Invalid HTML on Wrong Password Error pagePast
8656style="border-bottom:1px solid #5F9EEF";Not Run
8436Under CASES > Documents, files are deleted if don't select a folder to move them toPast
8647It doesn't display "Depurador de ProcessMaker" areaPast
8646It doesn't display triggers on the debug when the ProcessMaker language is SpanishPast
8709Focus behaviour is not the appropriatePast
7190Save button is not displaying any messagePast
8594Triggers fired by the routeCase() web service can't access system variablesNOT RUN
8549Missing data in grid when delete the first rowPAST


8611The grid calculate total got NANPAST
8562The box to show contents of a variable in the Debugger shows outdated values for variablesNOT RUN


8694Tabs on IE above scrollPAST
8693On Case Scheduler, with the Execution Time option, entering : the hour misconfigurePAST
7614Task duplicated on the InboxPENDING
7636Simple WS triggers do not work.Not Run
8716Grammar error on case notes notificationPAST
7841Problem con the sum function on GridsPAST
8106The hour on the option skins doesn't displayPAST


8448Inbox navigation not fully displayedPAST
8671error translationPAST
8719Extra Button for output documents.PAST
8080Conditional Compilation error when we do right click on an step there is a javascript error.PAST
8888Window DATA of report table loaded unfinished (Browser: IE | FF | CR)PAST
8782Multiplication on Grids doesn't work, on IE, FF, Chrome, SafariPAST



Version 2.0.39 has stability, bug which haven't been solved until this version are not critic, not affecting ProcessMaker global running.

The Quality Control team defines that, from this release, Safari browser is included for testing. Moreover, IIS server was included as an official platform for tests, characteristics selected on this platform: Windows7, Microsoft-IIS 7.5, Php5.3 y Mysql5.1.


Version 2.0.30 has the following problems:

  • Different visualization of the Output Documents on Windows7/ZendServer, this problem is reported from PM version 2.0.23. ID:6871
  • On grids using different fields. ID:7657
  • For the condition editor, table to do the condition doesn't work on Chrome 17, Safari 5.1.2, Opera 11.61 ID:8638
  • For mobile devices, characters are duplicating for Opera browser. ID:8729
  • On calendar, editing or saving fields on holidays and work hours, data are not stores. ID:8735
  • On the Case Tracker, objects can be added. ID:8767
  • Problems with double submission on the save button, it skips steps.