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PowerUp 2.5.0
(Release date: October 7th, 2014)


ProcessMaker team is proud to announce the release of a new plugin. The PowerUp plugin comes with 12 great extra functions among the most important of these are: the generation of PDF documents, load the data inside a grid, reassign the cases of a user who is on vacation and set a user's status to VACATION, and reassign those users’ cases to another user. These extra functions making coding triggers easier and simpler, since they allow process designers to avoid using complicated methods from ProcessMaker's internal classes and complex database queries. Moreover, it offers three additional fields that to be used in DynaForms, so that forms can display images, view documents and access the Input Document interface.


Minimum Requirements

  • ProcessMaker v2.5.x or higher (stable version + available hotfix)
  • Enterprise Plugin v2.0.17 or higher (stable version + available hotfix)

Browser Compatibility

  • Mozilla Firefox v.26
  • Google Chrome v.31
  • Internet Explorer v. 8.0 and v.9.0

What’s new

This plugin includes the following functionalities:

  • Make an identical copy of a specified case, including all the data generated in the case.
  • Insert, update or delete a single record in a MySQL table. Use this function with any MySQL table, including PMtables and Report Tables.
  • Generate a PDF document with pagination and a footer.
  • Obtain the case number for a specified case.
  • Obtain information about the fields in a DynaForm fields.
  • Obtain a list of groups to which a user is assigned.
  • Obtain the list of files uploaded for a case or for a particular Input Document in a case.
  • Obtain the role of a specified user.
  • Get the unique ID of the supervisor for a specified user.
  • Obtain a list of users assigned to a task, no matter what type of assignment rule the task has.
  • Populates a grid with data stored in a PM Table or other MySQL table.
  • Set a user's status to VACATION and reassigns that user's cases to another use.

The following 3 new fields were also included:

  • The Image field allows users to view images inside Dynaforms, such as a company logo or a user's profile picture.
  • The Document Viewer field displays a single document or image in a DynaForm, which was previously uploaded to an Input Document in the same case.
  • The Input Document Viewer field displays a list of the files uploaded to an Input Document.

Know Issues

The Input Document Viewer file does not work with grids. This issue was fixed inside ProcessMaker Core and it will be available in versions 2.8 or hotfix v.


  • Pagination and footer only works with Output Documents using the TCPDF library.
  • The Document Viewer field only works with jpg, gif, bpm, png, txt y pdf extensions. If using any other extension, they won’t be displayed inside the DynaForm instead ProcessMaker will try to download or open the file.
  • Process Permissions are not applied to the the InputDocument viewer field.


English (Default core language)