Please rate how useful you found this document:
BUGS COMPLETED FROM QA LIST --- ---- ----------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -------- -- ----------------------------------------
1 4755 fernando COMPLETED assigned 2010-10-28 11:12:15 14 dynaformSetFocus() of maborak.js
2 5449 hector COMPLETED resolved 2011-07-12 10:39:35 0 PM 1.2-4208/Win/ -Importación de un Proceso/*Mensaje de error al importar un archivo diferente.
3 6133 hugo COMPLETED assigned 2011-07-06 09:48:30 20 Special Characters Cause Problems
4 6156 hector COMPLETED resolved 2011-07-26 19:34:20 20 Dependant fields with Suggest boxes
5 6212 hugo COMPLETED resolved 2011-07-27 16:24:35 23 check skins in pmos9b,
6 6492 hugo COMPLETED resolved 2011-05-03 19:45:20 0 For calendars, cannot select the days of the week and cannot select a holiday which occurs on only one day
7 6594 erik COMPLETED resolved 2011-08-01 18:34:43 23 Error "Column 'APP_TAS_TITLE' cannot be null" when running a case
8 6627 alvaro COMPLETED resolved 2011-07-20 12:38:48 23 Can not use the variable picker to insert variables after the first one in the properties for a subprocess
9 6648 hugo COMPLETED resolved 2011-07-26 19:34:20 23 Requerimiento para Proyecto de Mexbrit
10 6824 carlos COMPLETED resolved 2011-07-08 10:24:17 23 Dates under Cases History not working
11 6866 enrique COMPLETED resolved 2011-07-15 12:06:58 23 PM 2.0.23 En campos currency no despliega la variable $ debido a la generacion del default de currency
12 6867 erik COMPLETED resolved 2011-05-19 10:25:27 20 PM 2.0.23 Problema en campo requerido checkbox
13 6876 carlos COMPLETED feedback 2011-07-11 12:47:25 20 PM 2.0.23 Al derivar al subproceso genera un mensaje de error
14 6881 hugo COMPLETED resolved 2011-05-24 17:42:42 0 campo en modo vista
15 6884 hugo COMPLETED resolved 2011-06-06 15:57:31 20 PM 2.0.23 Problema con el checkbox esta editable en IE8 cuando deberia aparecer en modo vista
16 6885 enrique COMPLETED resolved 2011-07-15 12:06:58 23 processmaker-2.0.23/Running cases/Grids con campos dependientes no funciona
17 6900 douglas COMPLETED resolved 2011-06-16 12:39:22 22 PM 2.0.23 No se valida el @ en campos de email y los deja pasar
18 6903 hector COMPLETED resolved 2011-07-28 11:13:50 20 boton Submit inhabilitado
19 6939 enrique COMPLETED resolved 2011-06-27 11:52:31 22 PM. 2.0.26 No esta realizando un buen calculo en la multiplicacion
20 6950 hugo COMPLETED resolved 2011-07-28 11:13:50 20 PM. 2.0.27 Problema de Usabilidad en el scroll
21 6976 hector COMPLETED resolved 2011-06-20 10:06:30 22 PM 2.0.29 Existe un problema en la eleccion de datos dentro del suggest
22 7024 fernando COMPLETED resolved 2011-08-01 18:34:17 23 APP_CACHE_VIEW maintenance triggers are trimming hours
23 7047 enrique COMPLETED resolved 2011-07-15 12:06:58 21 processmaker-2.0.29.rc5/DynaForms/Grids con campos dependientes no funciona
24 7061 douglas COMPLETED resolved 2011-07-08 10:24:18 23 PM. 2.0.29 RC5. Notice
25 7064 hugo COMPLETED resolved 2011-07-21 11:46:31 0 ";" (semicolons) in masks in currency fields do not work--should allow "either, or".
26 7092 hector COMPLETED resolved 2011-07-12 10:39:17 23 [Tracker] Print option in dynaform
27 7106 hector COMPLETED resolved 2011-07-04 10:00:57 22 Problem in editing structure of a PM Table
28 7115 alvaro COMPLETED resolved 2011-07-20 12:38:48 23 Error al configurar regla de derivación por evaluación
29 7130 hugo COMPLETED resolved 2011-07-28 11:14:22 0 PM 2.0.29 Existe problemas con los traslations
30 7136 alvaro COMPLETED resolved 2011-07-15 12:06:58 23 PM. 2.0.30 RC6. Problema en Sintaxis
31 7137 carlos COMPLETED resolved 2011-07-11 12:47:26 23 processmaker-2.0.30.rc6/Subprocess Synchronous/En un subproceso "Synchronous" se pierde el caso
32 7138 erik COMPLETED resolved 2011-08-01 18:34:46 23 Falla al iniciar caso si la tarea inicial no tiene un registro en idioma inglés
33 7143 hector COMPLETED resolved 2011-07-06 09:48:31 23 Error message when editing a PM table on PM 2.0.29
34 7162 hector COMPLETED resolved 2011-07-06 09:48:31 23 PM 2.0.29 Notice al darle save a case scheduler
35 7181 douglas COMPLETED resolved 2011-07-12 10:39:17 23 Email validation in text fields does not work correctly.
36 7186 hector COMPLETED resolved 2011-07-29 18:19:28 23 Cannot execute PMFGenerateOutputDocument before a step
37 7188 hector COMPLETED resolved 2011-07-12 10:39:17 23 Javascript editor changes + to%2B
38 7191 erik COMPLETED resolved 2011-07-12 10:39:17 23 Cuando se ingresa a un caso cuyo case title tiene una comilla simple, aparece un error javascritp
39 7192 hugo COMPLETED resolved 2011-07-27 16:24:35 23 PM Tables menu in ADMIN tab doesn't show existing PM Tables in ProcessMaker 2.0.30.
40 7195 hugo COMPLETED resolved 2011-07-26 19:34:20 23 cron.php script damaged -
41 7196 alvaro COMPLETED resolved 2011-07-21 11:45:59 23 Processes filter in the Unsigned area not working
42 7208 erik COMPLETED resolved 2011-07-12 10:39:17 23 The PM tables are not showing up
43 7213 hugo COMPLETED resolved 2011-07-15 12:06:58 0 Routing the case does not work
44 7214 hector COMPLETED closed 2011-08-01 18:34:17 23 Al guardar una variable en PMtable no escapea el apostrofe '
45 7221 enrique COMPLETED resolved 2011-07-15 12:06:58 21 Las dependencias no funcionan adecuadamente en grillas
46 7261 hugo COMPLETED resolved 2011-07-18 09:49:57 23 Error de java script al correr un caso en IE
47 7278 hugo COMPLETED resolved 2011-07-22 09:54:11 0 Problema al importar PMtables
48 7279 hugo COMPLETED resolved 2011-07-20 12:39:15 0 PM tables can not be created
49 7281 douglas COMPLETED resolved 2011-07-21 11:45:59 23 Javascript functions showRow() and hideRow() not working under Internet Explorer.
50 7326 hugo COMPLETED acknowledged 2011-08-01 06:55:29 23 exactamente es en la version 2.0.31.rc3 - Enterprise Edition y el problema es con los campos modo vista o read only en las grid
51 7345 enrique COMPLETED resolved 2011-08-01 18:34:17 23 Error en dependencias en las grillas
2 5449 hector COMPLETED resolved 2011-07-12 10:39:35 0 PM 1.2-4208/Win/ -Importación de un Proceso/*Mensaje de error al importar un archivo diferente.
3 6133 hugo COMPLETED assigned 2011-07-06 09:48:30 20 Special Characters Cause Problems
4 6156 hector COMPLETED resolved 2011-07-26 19:34:20 20 Dependant fields with Suggest boxes
5 6212 hugo COMPLETED resolved 2011-07-27 16:24:35 23 check skins in pmos9b,
6 6492 hugo COMPLETED resolved 2011-05-03 19:45:20 0 For calendars, cannot select the days of the week and cannot select a holiday which occurs on only one day
7 6594 erik COMPLETED resolved 2011-08-01 18:34:43 23 Error "Column 'APP_TAS_TITLE' cannot be null" when running a case
8 6627 alvaro COMPLETED resolved 2011-07-20 12:38:48 23 Can not use the variable picker to insert variables after the first one in the properties for a subprocess
9 6648 hugo COMPLETED resolved 2011-07-26 19:34:20 23 Requerimiento para Proyecto de Mexbrit
10 6824 carlos COMPLETED resolved 2011-07-08 10:24:17 23 Dates under Cases History not working
11 6866 enrique COMPLETED resolved 2011-07-15 12:06:58 23 PM 2.0.23 En campos currency no despliega la variable $ debido a la generacion del default de currency
12 6867 erik COMPLETED resolved 2011-05-19 10:25:27 20 PM 2.0.23 Problema en campo requerido checkbox
13 6876 carlos COMPLETED feedback 2011-07-11 12:47:25 20 PM 2.0.23 Al derivar al subproceso genera un mensaje de error
14 6881 hugo COMPLETED resolved 2011-05-24 17:42:42 0 campo en modo vista
15 6884 hugo COMPLETED resolved 2011-06-06 15:57:31 20 PM 2.0.23 Problema con el checkbox esta editable en IE8 cuando deberia aparecer en modo vista
16 6885 enrique COMPLETED resolved 2011-07-15 12:06:58 23 processmaker-2.0.23/Running cases/Grids con campos dependientes no funciona
17 6900 douglas COMPLETED resolved 2011-06-16 12:39:22 22 PM 2.0.23 No se valida el @ en campos de email y los deja pasar
18 6903 hector COMPLETED resolved 2011-07-28 11:13:50 20 boton Submit inhabilitado
19 6939 enrique COMPLETED resolved 2011-06-27 11:52:31 22 PM. 2.0.26 No esta realizando un buen calculo en la multiplicacion
20 6950 hugo COMPLETED resolved 2011-07-28 11:13:50 20 PM. 2.0.27 Problema de Usabilidad en el scroll
21 6976 hector COMPLETED resolved 2011-06-20 10:06:30 22 PM 2.0.29 Existe un problema en la eleccion de datos dentro del suggest
22 7024 fernando COMPLETED resolved 2011-08-01 18:34:17 23 APP_CACHE_VIEW maintenance triggers are trimming hours
23 7047 enrique COMPLETED resolved 2011-07-15 12:06:58 21 processmaker-2.0.29.rc5/DynaForms/Grids con campos dependientes no funciona
24 7061 douglas COMPLETED resolved 2011-07-08 10:24:18 23 PM. 2.0.29 RC5. Notice
25 7064 hugo COMPLETED resolved 2011-07-21 11:46:31 0 ";" (semicolons) in masks in currency fields do not work--should allow "either, or".
26 7092 hector COMPLETED resolved 2011-07-12 10:39:17 23 [Tracker] Print option in dynaform
27 7106 hector COMPLETED resolved 2011-07-04 10:00:57 22 Problem in editing structure of a PM Table
28 7115 alvaro COMPLETED resolved 2011-07-20 12:38:48 23 Error al configurar regla de derivación por evaluación
29 7130 hugo COMPLETED resolved 2011-07-28 11:14:22 0 PM 2.0.29 Existe problemas con los traslations
30 7136 alvaro COMPLETED resolved 2011-07-15 12:06:58 23 PM. 2.0.30 RC6. Problema en Sintaxis
31 7137 carlos COMPLETED resolved 2011-07-11 12:47:26 23 processmaker-2.0.30.rc6/Subprocess Synchronous/En un subproceso "Synchronous" se pierde el caso
32 7138 erik COMPLETED resolved 2011-08-01 18:34:46 23 Falla al iniciar caso si la tarea inicial no tiene un registro en idioma inglés
33 7143 hector COMPLETED resolved 2011-07-06 09:48:31 23 Error message when editing a PM table on PM 2.0.29
34 7162 hector COMPLETED resolved 2011-07-06 09:48:31 23 PM 2.0.29 Notice al darle save a case scheduler
35 7181 douglas COMPLETED resolved 2011-07-12 10:39:17 23 Email validation in text fields does not work correctly.
36 7186 hector COMPLETED resolved 2011-07-29 18:19:28 23 Cannot execute PMFGenerateOutputDocument before a step
37 7188 hector COMPLETED resolved 2011-07-12 10:39:17 23 Javascript editor changes + to%2B
38 7191 erik COMPLETED resolved 2011-07-12 10:39:17 23 Cuando se ingresa a un caso cuyo case title tiene una comilla simple, aparece un error javascritp
39 7192 hugo COMPLETED resolved 2011-07-27 16:24:35 23 PM Tables menu in ADMIN tab doesn't show existing PM Tables in ProcessMaker 2.0.30.
40 7195 hugo COMPLETED resolved 2011-07-26 19:34:20 23 cron.php script damaged -
41 7196 alvaro COMPLETED resolved 2011-07-21 11:45:59 23 Processes filter in the Unsigned area not working
42 7208 erik COMPLETED resolved 2011-07-12 10:39:17 23 The PM tables are not showing up
43 7213 hugo COMPLETED resolved 2011-07-15 12:06:58 0 Routing the case does not work
44 7214 hector COMPLETED closed 2011-08-01 18:34:17 23 Al guardar una variable en PMtable no escapea el apostrofe '
45 7221 enrique COMPLETED resolved 2011-07-15 12:06:58 21 Las dependencias no funcionan adecuadamente en grillas
46 7261 hugo COMPLETED resolved 2011-07-18 09:49:57 23 Error de java script al correr un caso en IE
47 7278 hugo COMPLETED resolved 2011-07-22 09:54:11 0 Problema al importar PMtables
48 7279 hugo COMPLETED resolved 2011-07-20 12:39:15 0 PM tables can not be created
49 7281 douglas COMPLETED resolved 2011-07-21 11:45:59 23 Javascript functions showRow() and hideRow() not working under Internet Explorer.
50 7326 hugo COMPLETED acknowledged 2011-08-01 06:55:29 23 exactamente es en la version 2.0.31.rc3 - Enterprise Edition y el problema es con los campos modo vista o read only en las grid
51 7345 enrique COMPLETED resolved 2011-08-01 18:34:17 23 Error en dependencias en las grillas
ADDITIONAL BUGS COMPLETED FROM GIT COMMITS --- ---- ----------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -------- -- ----------------------------------------
0 COMPLETED 2010-08-23 10:44:48 0 Bug:5282 Too much introductory text in the trigger wizard
0 COMPLETED 2010-08-23 10:44:48 0 Bug:5282 Too much introductory text in the trigger wizard
1 6864 carlos COMPLETED resolved 2011-07-04 13:10:26 22 processmaker-2.0.23/Running cases/En el tab del caso no esta cargando el label definido
2 6905 alvaro COMPLETED resolved 2011-06-28 16:26:28 22 PM 2.0.23 Problemas en el ordenamiento de los input documents
3 7059 alvaro COMPLETED assigned 2011-08-01 09:59:09 22 Calendar inactive
4 7140 hugo COMPLETED resolved 2011-06-28 16:26:28 22 Fatal Error: No Database Array defined for this connection
5 7148 douglas COMPLETED resolved 2011-07-04 10:01:23 22 Department Names appear twice in List
6 7165 erik COMPLETED resolved 2011-07-04 10:00:57 22 PM 2.0.29 Notice en campo suggest
7 7173 carlos COMPLETED resolved 2011-07-04 20:03:50 22 Notice: Undefined variable: passw in /optDaytop/processmaker/workflow/engine/classes/class.dbConnections.php on line 449
8 7344 hugo COMPLETED resolved 2011-08-01 09:59:10 23 PDF Security
0 COMPLETED 2010-08-23 10:44:48 0 Bug:5282 Too much introductory text in the trigger wizard
1 6864 carlos COMPLETED resolved 2011-07-04 13:10:26 22 processmaker-2.0.23/Running cases/En el tab del caso no esta cargando el label definido
2 6905 alvaro COMPLETED resolved 2011-06-28 16:26:28 22 PM 2.0.23 Problemas en el ordenamiento de los input documents
3 7059 alvaro COMPLETED assigned 2011-08-01 09:59:09 22 Calendar inactive
4 7140 hugo COMPLETED resolved 2011-06-28 16:26:28 22 Fatal Error: No Database Array defined for this connection
5 7148 douglas COMPLETED resolved 2011-07-04 10:01:23 22 Department Names appear twice in List
6 7165 erik COMPLETED resolved 2011-07-04 10:00:57 22 PM 2.0.29 Notice en campo suggest
7 7173 carlos COMPLETED resolved 2011-07-04 20:03:50 22 Notice: Undefined variable: passw in /optDaytop/processmaker/workflow/engine/classes/class.dbConnections.php on line 449
8 7344 hugo COMPLETED resolved 2011-08-01 09:59:10 23 PDF Security
----- ---------------- ------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2011-08-01 22:28 Hugo Loza 5e275bbf0e14dfe1889795e3179305089ced6983 BUG 0000 Disabling saving plugin name in output docs [heads/2.0 tags/2.0.31 tags/2.0.31.rc10 ]
2011-08-01 22:13 Enrique Ponce De 9a60cbac941f90e115fd8e46cb8acb7634273ee9 BUG 7326 solved. yes/no readonly and text mode view issues solved.
2011-08-01 21:52 Erik Amaru Ortiz 10fc4259df9c2a7dad2a8cc82f3b2c38cda1ad36 BUG 6594 Error "Column 'APP_TAS_TITLE' cannot be null" when... SOLVED
2011-08-01 21:12 Enrique Ponce De 1d66e9a9a873c9add2bd81447906157c72a05e84 BUG 7345 Fixed. Multiple Dependent fields solved at grids.
2011-08-01 16:02 Erik Amaru Ortiz 5ce46a00fe9779372145c2bad713e41a94ecf72b BUG 0000 Conditional Events feature
2011-08-01 15:14 Fernando Ontiver c283b7722245d7b3ec56740d4e0bf7b63b8e323c BUG 7024 fixing date trimming in APP_CACHE_VIEW
2011-08-01 15:08 Fernando Ontiver e2a87fa41016a220f9bba4b20f92953c8718e875 BUG 0000 IIS compatibility
2011-07-29 21:46 Hugo Loza daf7ac09b1ba8a97433aba5fa2d7a0d1854f310d BUG 7344 Feature ->; PDF Security settings [tags/2.0.31.rc9 ]
2011-07-29 21:40 Hugo Loza b47d9fa01ed583f962db7ef73f518cf2e78ab223 BUG 0000 using mysql_real...
2011-07-26 21:27 Hugo Loza cb77a7a733b8425c718cddb1614f9a415c4ebeaa BUG 0000 Fixed issue with email .. a notice that breaks ajax [tags/2.0.31.rc8 ]
2011-07-26 20:53 Hugo Loza f38dc1045ff61d3525328db6757cd5deba1a6a0c BUG 0000 Case notes Index added and some changes to message body
2011-07-26 20:53 Hugo Loza eb680847da3e78b964b8f395b0229447f527b7a3 BUG 0000 Intermediate change in schema.sql
2011-07-14 23:12 Hugo Loza c186a47691532cc552f7d2cc9d70dbabcdddc44c BUG 5073 Extra features for Case Notes
2011-07-14 14:45 Hugo Loza 0f7cae6d8589b59db7597701652eac3e774b3c73 BUG 5073 Feature Case Notes "Free Notes"
2011-07-28 20:32 Hector Cortez 002a0124d7eb9929f0a0ca4413fbc11133a2898d BUG 7186 Fix Bug in PMFGenerateOutputDocument method.
2011-07-28 20:23 Erik Amaru Ortiz 9bb0a85e30fd00fdb6d55fbe4e0034f86ca1a9ec BUG 0000 Updating translations base .sql
2011-07-28 20:20 Erik Amaru Ortiz 54fa1b5f076a52db18c778fde473a11ff7b24266 BUG 0000 Updating translations base
2011-07-28 14:36 Alvaro Campos 135083928cbb1554e10968f3bc85ceb7688863fd BUG 6881 solucionado problema con campos tipo file en modo view [tags/2.0.31.rc7 ]
2011-07-28 14:31 Erik Amaru Ortiz 50c07cc66fcf9d47e85293aad678c060888ef53a BUG 0000 Updating translations .po & .sql
2011-07-28 14:20 Erik Amaru Ortiz d65d7452d763f276ceddb819dd4e41d0fef7381d BUG 0000 PM tables, adding missing labels
2011-07-28 14:14 Hector Cortez 4ebf28dde587899e9b013a039febb1179cfb3b3f BUG 0000 Fix Bug Notice in Field File.
2011-07-28 14:05 Erik Amaru Ortiz 21de5a77a4df98c68e63b1c61d26da582d30f9c8 BUG 0000 PM tables data import translation missing error
2011-07-27 23:04 Hector Cortez 5d41c0e2cde7fdf9a7bff198c8bf763f86ccd34c BUG 6903 Adjustment button Submit in dyanforms Mode view.
2011-07-27 19:51 Erik Amaru Ortiz 6df9b50d67b66120291cded0e89ad2192dffda4b BUG 000 PM tables view edit table Fix
2011-07-27 19:51 Erik Amaru Ortiz ba3a74bb2bbf7e42cb4512d7e10f3a7a252de14c BUG 000 PM tables view edit table Fix
2011-07-26 21:54 Hector Cortez 5d99ab68a606ef535d882eba950300cd8c768658 BUG 0000 Validation to import a CSV file in PMTables.
2011-07-26 21:20 Erik Amaru Ortiz 784f3be0d2ac4bbc4130752b13aa88d1d2047341 BUG 000 Updating Sql base insert.sql
2011-07-26 21:17 Erik Amaru Ortiz 06108ee4d80396fdbbf4070261caf92f71fa7b9c BUG 000 Updating .po base translations
2011-07-26 20:17 Alvaro Campos 327ede5ed0b6fdc718e3556dc12602a6417da111 BUG 6881 solucionado problema con campos tipo file en modo view
2011-07-26 16:34 Hugo Loza 5b22027acca5f69912759f3dbf52f696e98ae74c BUG 6212 Skin Feature complete
2011-07-26 15:48 Hector Cortez 46db68ea71597d8f4501a0d881efe24069e7be6f BUG 0000 Adjustments to import a CSV file in PMTables.
2011-07-26 14:42 Erik Amaru Ortiz 36ed1b81c68df7ac587c502fba7c9a9201217572 BUG 6867 problem solved
2011-07-25 22:38 Erik Amaru Ortiz bdf9cda223f6e57b8db5c127be7635fe633d798c BUG 0000 Updating .po translations base language
2011-07-25 16:41 Erik Amaru Ortiz 9c0a70e1cee7ed7c7269687a81d03dc87b10f13f BUG 0000 PM tables - a import issue fixed [tags/2.0.31.rc6 ]
2011-07-25 16:15 Erik Amaru Ortiz ecc0530bc6bf72bcdbe4477c46c136971911d19f BUG 0000 updating .sql base [tags/2.0.31.rc5 ]
2011-07-25 16:05 Erik Amaru Ortiz c7a1655af62b6576108e6af3f8a58acf13672ac6 BUG 0000 UPdating .po base language
2011-07-25 16:04 Erik Amaru Ortiz c7d1b2ce0af0039e50b426257f45a0c55944c9ba BUG 0000 PM tables - Backward compatibility FIX
2011-07-25 13:04 Erik Amaru Ortiz e5232b515bf7e8982d35b7d656b03d4ee756638f BUG 000 PM Tables - Data list grid - disabling temporarily data import [tags/2.0.31.rc4 ]
2011-07-22 23:40 Hector Cortez f8bfb6fb85aa4aa0c84fe717a1182fc60cad98b5 BUG 0000 Fix Bug in import process in ReportTables.
2011-07-22 22:51 Erik Amaru Ortiz f0bd3f5035c40b869c9fb983fae8891732bddbd6 BUG 0000 PM Tables IE compatibility fix on Data Edit
2011-07-22 22:30 Erik Amaru Ortiz ab3fc9f2863797d02d655f714dc8c397cc863f6b BUG 0000 PM tables - disabled data editing for Report tables
2011-07-22 21:08 Erik Amaru Ortiz 48f8a88adb414c958823cdbd9949a9e05b3dc3ad BUG 0000 PM TABLES tweaks
2011-07-21 22:37 Hugo Loza d248f79754d526dd106b42a57da3af18187fdcd3 BUG 6212 Skin Importing feature
2011-07-21 22:35 Erik Amaru Ortiz 65b5a2cc1d47bdcf9d3d9da1f8ee7c73ceef2ce7 BUG 0000 PM TABLES - importing issue
2011-07-21 14:41 Hector Cortez 5ce13dcfc76cbd7a75129dc5fb36ef311e698d9e BUG 0000 Adjustment in import process in PMTables and ReportTables.
2011-07-20 22:47 Hugo Loza 284a4c3bfb47c40df0f71bbd78e91a779299acbd BUG 6212 Skin swtich on row double click
2011-07-20 22:40 Hugo Loza ef15c73de152127fb9905d8e5bf720f7ed45820f BUG 6212 Skin swtich on row double click
2011-07-20 22:16 Hugo Loza e982f4c560eb2147d1a69e691ff0e81e23127608 BUG 6612 small layout changes
2011-07-20 21:15 Hugo Loza 8386ad6514008d7f1adc1fbab7b19bcadcab0bb9 BUG 6212 Way to Export Skins 2.0
2011-07-20 21:54 Alvaro Campos 4bfd4dde2b66dc2dfd065a92e075338c0cdcacdd BUG 7196 fixed issue with Processes filter in the Unsigned area
2011-07-20 21:12 Douglas Medrano a43949b62114047861a360b97b72ff86308add90 BUG 7281 Solved the problem of the javascript with error, Expected '}'
2011-07-18 20:19 Hector Cortez b44fa1a95f16b5b08a0f47ec337e88b40468a62a BUG 0000 Fix Bug changes in the export/import the PM tables.
2011-07-20 15:59 Erik Amaru Ortiz 69b452c266019f66b488fadb23302f65fb459738 BUG 7279 "PM tables can not be created" SOLVED
2011-07-15 15:57 Hugo Loza a8e4c7c8c51c1969f9a3b5ac90490f0f75f78120 BUG 7261 javascript error clientsize IE
2011-07-13 23:39 Erik Amaru Ortiz 0e74f6e3a8f2e87de95322d676382eeee23ccdfb BUG 0000 PM tables ver 2. (performance improvements) [tags/2.0.31.rc3 ]
2011-07-13 22:36 Hugo Loza f3ee768f1a6b6d604abfcfd856f9130fdb92d434 BUG 7195 error in cron.php coused by sharepoint triggers
2011-07-13 22:34 Enrique Ponce De cbb4f0f5ea1f57c8475cf823a25d8b95f0a8f642 BUG 7221 Notice for indefined array fixed.
2011-07-13 18:43 Enrique Ponce De 062f7155ae0097feffb46d69686bcc12ac713524 BUG 6866 Fixed. Change in default mask to currency fields.
2011-07-13 16:21 Enrique Ponce De 7ed6370dfe818337d2fde35eb44ce26e1d6035f3 BUG 7047 Fixed. Corrections in Reload form order solved.
2011-07-13 14:44 Enrique Ponce De 7b1a4a99f014fd427115a1fd460d041b6c97180f BUG 7221 Solved. Dependent fields can used when are created in batch.
2011-07-12 20:15 Hector Cortez 415975b46179db8598d91b0fb690a5026ad71929 BUG 7188 Fix Bug validation url decode in javascript.
2011-07-12 16:44 Erik Amaru Ortiz 8255b0f91f6312d4a81bf71d072c10364f957bd6 BUG 000 PM tables (fix for imported tables) [tags/2.0.31.rc2 ]
2011-07-12 16:32 Erik Amaru Ortiz e09bba3706fabf33f342b4e0fbc9b93988a478ce BUG 0000 PM tables imporovements [tags/2.0.31.rc1 ]
2011-07-12 16:02 Erik Amaru Ortiz e3add14892cc48b90e87cac1ffdc46fd5a4f460b BUG 0000 PM tables + Report tables have been unified
2011-07-12 14:00 Erik Amaru Ortiz cdc501ab3275490b1b6b37a734b419dbc2823348 BUG 7191 "Cuando se ingresa a un caso cuyo case title tiene una com..."
2011-07-12 13:09 Douglas Medrano df7aa30c1b1aaabd3474b5e25d6568c4b0f66b4e BUG 7181 Fixed Email validation in text fields does not work correctly
2011-07-12 00:08 Erik Amaru Ortiz f8666d3289627a1bb10e1ce0bea8676d47cb6ab8 BUG 0000 PM Tables + Report Tables ver. 2
2011-07-11 23:05 Hector Cortez 9f35a8aa0159eb672bc87654ebdc26cfe691d886 BUG 7188 Fix Bug validation the plus sign in javascript.
2011-07-11 22:06 Erik Amaru Ortiz 7ca0a99a7503246138916e28b176ec321703302d BUG 0000 Report tables ver2 (improvements to pmtables data edit)
2011-07-11 20:08 Hector Cortez 645a465652df6034c3ec90151b5fd5e5e855772f BUG 7092 Fix Bug Print preview in tracker.
2011-07-08 23:06 Erik Amaru Ortiz 4c6fb8d7aba8998b06e825f575ea1e9dc600647d BUG 0000 Report tables ver2, improvements and unification with PMTables
2011-07-08 15:04 Carlos Pacha 5493e6155c796bfdd34fd1c43ebd8aeb2f2fffaa BUG 7137 Subprocess Synchronous/En un subproceso "Synchronous" se pierde el cas
2011-07-07 15:26 Carlos Pacha d3273b698569b2f12bd478674f7a7a89069fa491 BUG 7137 subproceso "Synchronous" se pierde el caso
2011-07-07 13:18 Alvaro Campos 70da54b308951602ed4fb31a58ed8c9a201a4ac3 BUG 6905 solucionado problema el ordenamiento de inputs versionados
2011-07-06 15:33 Hugo Loza 5e3cd2b0f650b685420cf9aaef037941ed72903b BUG 0000 Register Javascript from plugins changes
2011-07-05 14:15 Alvaro Campos c081b4e19dff601bdf5fc3a5eea44a900e5680ec BUG 7059 fixed issue with calendar inactives
2011-07-04 21:09 Hugo Loza e3a0aa7a860fc712e288a84eba902027dd1e9d6d BUG 0000 Feature: Sharepoint Triggers [tags/2.0.30 tags/2.0.30.rc13 ]
2011-07-04 20:50 Hector Cortez 80728423c44eced009bd9944680be34b5e218e36 BUG 7162 Adjustment adding default value for Case Scheduler schema.
2011-07-04 21:09 Hugo Loza 1ff483f45ebf79a2e1d4595fd0593201a73c948d BUG 0000 Feature: Sharepoint Triggers
2011-07-04 16:43 Alvaro Campos f9d8abf8f9a01493f9372d914336e493582ca434 BUG 0000 update file .po english july 4, 2011
2011-07-04 16:38 Carlos Pacha 2ef9ab14604e9c836be9d8ab3cb374aaff8b16bd BUG 7173 Notice: Undefined variable: passw
2011-07-04 16:33 Douglas Medrano dac83c0f58a058cc7e3574e0b42908f3af7baf7d BUG 0000 Traduction of the page main on reportTables
2011-07-04 15:58 Hector Cortez 3e7e67667cac6f310dde255c7301022a81be19b7 BUG 7162 Fix Bug variable initialization when save a case scheduler.
2011-07-04 15:46 Douglas Medrano af1775eeee75931bc0be9b12e497f8525c5485b1 BUG 0000 Traduction of the page edit on reportTables
2011-07-04 15:14 Carlos Pacha e267d01ced623ec367e2b76ea1fa04004a24a4c8 BUG 6864 /En el tab del caso no esta cargando el label definido
2011-07-04 15:06 Carlos Pacha b911528d005c3cdb6aeac8e76966deeca1601b24 BUG 6864 En el tab del caso no esta cargando el label definido
2011-07-04 13:22 Enrique Ponce De 54f6ac749e695064382f4bd54c6b9fdb219d4958 BUG 0000 PEAR LOG Notice Solved.
2011-07-03 15:24 Hugo Loza 5201e3e7f3be04b7c5c2512c4f6a25cc6343b809 BUG 7140 DBArray SQl parser notices removed
2011-07-03 15:19 Hugo Loza c865a4fa8e78f3b4e009f148cc9f9e4d65bc380d BUG 0000 Added some files to be ignored
2011-07-01 22:31 Erik Amaru Ortiz e603b383445e3956386b3b27bd822b9c3eab7031 BUG 0000 - Javascript Registry for plugins was added (docblock corrections)
2011-07-01 22:08 Erik Amaru Ortiz 59d0ae3d342555dfc7664ed6d5bb37f24b2b7533 BUG 0000 - Javascript Registry for plugins was added (fix) [tags/2.0.30.rc12 ]
2011-07-01 21:58 Erik Amaru Ortiz dbb3da02c0a850c41a9d8b7c82c92a6967c38b77 BUG 0000 - Javascript Registry for plugins was added
2011-07-01 21:45 Douglas Medrano a73001833555495a8fcb84f548f5c64f2007662b BUG 7148 Fixed problem for creating various departments of the same name
2011-07-01 16:02 Hugo Loza 76da8ecd2c2a63200e9ee2b8cf64f42afa978b08 BUG 7140 some non defined portions of the query fixed
2011-07-01 15:04 Erik Amaru Ortiz b0302d68715e205725fd211d8bc7290c1aa28a5d BUG 0000 Report tables ver 2. solving notices issues
2011-07-01 14:46 Douglas Medrano 3835807767ce3e581f3d604c41d4dc47cf89d362 BUG 0000 Solved unexpecte variables in reportTables
2011-07-01 14:15 Hugo Loza 3aa2785ef1b8467d80c41f5d4d213a608b96233a BUG 7140 -> Fix complete save label with dbarray connection [tags/2.0.30.rc11 ]
2011-06-30 19:45 Hugo Loza 17a4f8c1cb974ac7396b808b4bd3c715bf229cc8 BUG 0000 Class soapNTLM
2011-07-01 13:39 Hector Cortez 1421434b24a0ba4fce7f884a0679366362d21a6a BUG 7106 Adjustment validation in default workflow for PMtables modification.
2011-06-30 19:06 Erik Amaru Ortiz 59e4d8679ce3916f0d98ed06db2e2c9df928b24b BUG 7165 "Notice en campo suggest" solved
2011-08-01 22:13 Enrique Ponce De 9a60cbac941f90e115fd8e46cb8acb7634273ee9 BUG 7326 solved. yes/no readonly and text mode view issues solved.
2011-08-01 21:52 Erik Amaru Ortiz 10fc4259df9c2a7dad2a8cc82f3b2c38cda1ad36 BUG 6594 Error "Column 'APP_TAS_TITLE' cannot be null" when... SOLVED
2011-08-01 21:12 Enrique Ponce De 1d66e9a9a873c9add2bd81447906157c72a05e84 BUG 7345 Fixed. Multiple Dependent fields solved at grids.
2011-08-01 16:02 Erik Amaru Ortiz 5ce46a00fe9779372145c2bad713e41a94ecf72b BUG 0000 Conditional Events feature
2011-08-01 15:14 Fernando Ontiver c283b7722245d7b3ec56740d4e0bf7b63b8e323c BUG 7024 fixing date trimming in APP_CACHE_VIEW
2011-08-01 15:08 Fernando Ontiver e2a87fa41016a220f9bba4b20f92953c8718e875 BUG 0000 IIS compatibility
2011-07-29 21:46 Hugo Loza daf7ac09b1ba8a97433aba5fa2d7a0d1854f310d BUG 7344 Feature ->; PDF Security settings [tags/2.0.31.rc9 ]
2011-07-29 21:40 Hugo Loza b47d9fa01ed583f962db7ef73f518cf2e78ab223 BUG 0000 using mysql_real...
2011-07-26 21:27 Hugo Loza cb77a7a733b8425c718cddb1614f9a415c4ebeaa BUG 0000 Fixed issue with email .. a notice that breaks ajax [tags/2.0.31.rc8 ]
2011-07-26 20:53 Hugo Loza f38dc1045ff61d3525328db6757cd5deba1a6a0c BUG 0000 Case notes Index added and some changes to message body
2011-07-26 20:53 Hugo Loza eb680847da3e78b964b8f395b0229447f527b7a3 BUG 0000 Intermediate change in schema.sql
2011-07-14 23:12 Hugo Loza c186a47691532cc552f7d2cc9d70dbabcdddc44c BUG 5073 Extra features for Case Notes
2011-07-14 14:45 Hugo Loza 0f7cae6d8589b59db7597701652eac3e774b3c73 BUG 5073 Feature Case Notes "Free Notes"
2011-07-28 20:32 Hector Cortez 002a0124d7eb9929f0a0ca4413fbc11133a2898d BUG 7186 Fix Bug in PMFGenerateOutputDocument method.
2011-07-28 20:23 Erik Amaru Ortiz 9bb0a85e30fd00fdb6d55fbe4e0034f86ca1a9ec BUG 0000 Updating translations base .sql
2011-07-28 20:20 Erik Amaru Ortiz 54fa1b5f076a52db18c778fde473a11ff7b24266 BUG 0000 Updating translations base
2011-07-28 14:36 Alvaro Campos 135083928cbb1554e10968f3bc85ceb7688863fd BUG 6881 solucionado problema con campos tipo file en modo view [tags/2.0.31.rc7 ]
2011-07-28 14:31 Erik Amaru Ortiz 50c07cc66fcf9d47e85293aad678c060888ef53a BUG 0000 Updating translations .po & .sql
2011-07-28 14:20 Erik Amaru Ortiz d65d7452d763f276ceddb819dd4e41d0fef7381d BUG 0000 PM tables, adding missing labels
2011-07-28 14:14 Hector Cortez 4ebf28dde587899e9b013a039febb1179cfb3b3f BUG 0000 Fix Bug Notice in Field File.
2011-07-28 14:05 Erik Amaru Ortiz 21de5a77a4df98c68e63b1c61d26da582d30f9c8 BUG 0000 PM tables data import translation missing error
2011-07-27 23:04 Hector Cortez 5d41c0e2cde7fdf9a7bff198c8bf763f86ccd34c BUG 6903 Adjustment button Submit in dyanforms Mode view.
2011-07-27 19:51 Erik Amaru Ortiz 6df9b50d67b66120291cded0e89ad2192dffda4b BUG 000 PM tables view edit table Fix
2011-07-27 19:51 Erik Amaru Ortiz ba3a74bb2bbf7e42cb4512d7e10f3a7a252de14c BUG 000 PM tables view edit table Fix
2011-07-26 21:54 Hector Cortez 5d99ab68a606ef535d882eba950300cd8c768658 BUG 0000 Validation to import a CSV file in PMTables.
2011-07-26 21:20 Erik Amaru Ortiz 784f3be0d2ac4bbc4130752b13aa88d1d2047341 BUG 000 Updating Sql base insert.sql
2011-07-26 21:17 Erik Amaru Ortiz 06108ee4d80396fdbbf4070261caf92f71fa7b9c BUG 000 Updating .po base translations
2011-07-26 20:17 Alvaro Campos 327ede5ed0b6fdc718e3556dc12602a6417da111 BUG 6881 solucionado problema con campos tipo file en modo view
2011-07-26 16:34 Hugo Loza 5b22027acca5f69912759f3dbf52f696e98ae74c BUG 6212 Skin Feature complete
2011-07-26 15:48 Hector Cortez 46db68ea71597d8f4501a0d881efe24069e7be6f BUG 0000 Adjustments to import a CSV file in PMTables.
2011-07-26 14:42 Erik Amaru Ortiz 36ed1b81c68df7ac587c502fba7c9a9201217572 BUG 6867 problem solved
2011-07-25 22:38 Erik Amaru Ortiz bdf9cda223f6e57b8db5c127be7635fe633d798c BUG 0000 Updating .po translations base language
2011-07-25 16:41 Erik Amaru Ortiz 9c0a70e1cee7ed7c7269687a81d03dc87b10f13f BUG 0000 PM tables - a import issue fixed [tags/2.0.31.rc6 ]
2011-07-25 16:15 Erik Amaru Ortiz ecc0530bc6bf72bcdbe4477c46c136971911d19f BUG 0000 updating .sql base [tags/2.0.31.rc5 ]
2011-07-25 16:05 Erik Amaru Ortiz c7a1655af62b6576108e6af3f8a58acf13672ac6 BUG 0000 UPdating .po base language
2011-07-25 16:04 Erik Amaru Ortiz c7d1b2ce0af0039e50b426257f45a0c55944c9ba BUG 0000 PM tables - Backward compatibility FIX
2011-07-25 13:04 Erik Amaru Ortiz e5232b515bf7e8982d35b7d656b03d4ee756638f BUG 000 PM Tables - Data list grid - disabling temporarily data import [tags/2.0.31.rc4 ]
2011-07-22 23:40 Hector Cortez f8bfb6fb85aa4aa0c84fe717a1182fc60cad98b5 BUG 0000 Fix Bug in import process in ReportTables.
2011-07-22 22:51 Erik Amaru Ortiz f0bd3f5035c40b869c9fb983fae8891732bddbd6 BUG 0000 PM Tables IE compatibility fix on Data Edit
2011-07-22 22:30 Erik Amaru Ortiz ab3fc9f2863797d02d655f714dc8c397cc863f6b BUG 0000 PM tables - disabled data editing for Report tables
2011-07-22 21:08 Erik Amaru Ortiz 48f8a88adb414c958823cdbd9949a9e05b3dc3ad BUG 0000 PM TABLES tweaks
2011-07-21 22:37 Hugo Loza d248f79754d526dd106b42a57da3af18187fdcd3 BUG 6212 Skin Importing feature
2011-07-21 22:35 Erik Amaru Ortiz 65b5a2cc1d47bdcf9d3d9da1f8ee7c73ceef2ce7 BUG 0000 PM TABLES - importing issue
2011-07-21 14:41 Hector Cortez 5ce13dcfc76cbd7a75129dc5fb36ef311e698d9e BUG 0000 Adjustment in import process in PMTables and ReportTables.
2011-07-20 22:47 Hugo Loza 284a4c3bfb47c40df0f71bbd78e91a779299acbd BUG 6212 Skin swtich on row double click
2011-07-20 22:40 Hugo Loza ef15c73de152127fb9905d8e5bf720f7ed45820f BUG 6212 Skin swtich on row double click
2011-07-20 22:16 Hugo Loza e982f4c560eb2147d1a69e691ff0e81e23127608 BUG 6612 small layout changes
2011-07-20 21:15 Hugo Loza 8386ad6514008d7f1adc1fbab7b19bcadcab0bb9 BUG 6212 Way to Export Skins 2.0
2011-07-20 21:54 Alvaro Campos 4bfd4dde2b66dc2dfd065a92e075338c0cdcacdd BUG 7196 fixed issue with Processes filter in the Unsigned area
2011-07-20 21:12 Douglas Medrano a43949b62114047861a360b97b72ff86308add90 BUG 7281 Solved the problem of the javascript with error, Expected '}'
2011-07-18 20:19 Hector Cortez b44fa1a95f16b5b08a0f47ec337e88b40468a62a BUG 0000 Fix Bug changes in the export/import the PM tables.
2011-07-20 15:59 Erik Amaru Ortiz 69b452c266019f66b488fadb23302f65fb459738 BUG 7279 "PM tables can not be created" SOLVED
2011-07-15 15:57 Hugo Loza a8e4c7c8c51c1969f9a3b5ac90490f0f75f78120 BUG 7261 javascript error clientsize IE
2011-07-13 23:39 Erik Amaru Ortiz 0e74f6e3a8f2e87de95322d676382eeee23ccdfb BUG 0000 PM tables ver 2. (performance improvements) [tags/2.0.31.rc3 ]
2011-07-13 22:36 Hugo Loza f3ee768f1a6b6d604abfcfd856f9130fdb92d434 BUG 7195 error in cron.php coused by sharepoint triggers
2011-07-13 22:34 Enrique Ponce De cbb4f0f5ea1f57c8475cf823a25d8b95f0a8f642 BUG 7221 Notice for indefined array fixed.
2011-07-13 18:43 Enrique Ponce De 062f7155ae0097feffb46d69686bcc12ac713524 BUG 6866 Fixed. Change in default mask to currency fields.
2011-07-13 16:21 Enrique Ponce De 7ed6370dfe818337d2fde35eb44ce26e1d6035f3 BUG 7047 Fixed. Corrections in Reload form order solved.
2011-07-13 14:44 Enrique Ponce De 7b1a4a99f014fd427115a1fd460d041b6c97180f BUG 7221 Solved. Dependent fields can used when are created in batch.
2011-07-12 20:15 Hector Cortez 415975b46179db8598d91b0fb690a5026ad71929 BUG 7188 Fix Bug validation url decode in javascript.
2011-07-12 16:44 Erik Amaru Ortiz 8255b0f91f6312d4a81bf71d072c10364f957bd6 BUG 000 PM tables (fix for imported tables) [tags/2.0.31.rc2 ]
2011-07-12 16:32 Erik Amaru Ortiz e09bba3706fabf33f342b4e0fbc9b93988a478ce BUG 0000 PM tables imporovements [tags/2.0.31.rc1 ]
2011-07-12 16:02 Erik Amaru Ortiz e3add14892cc48b90e87cac1ffdc46fd5a4f460b BUG 0000 PM tables + Report tables have been unified
2011-07-12 14:00 Erik Amaru Ortiz cdc501ab3275490b1b6b37a734b419dbc2823348 BUG 7191 "Cuando se ingresa a un caso cuyo case title tiene una com..."
2011-07-12 13:09 Douglas Medrano df7aa30c1b1aaabd3474b5e25d6568c4b0f66b4e BUG 7181 Fixed Email validation in text fields does not work correctly
2011-07-12 00:08 Erik Amaru Ortiz f8666d3289627a1bb10e1ce0bea8676d47cb6ab8 BUG 0000 PM Tables + Report Tables ver. 2
2011-07-11 23:05 Hector Cortez 9f35a8aa0159eb672bc87654ebdc26cfe691d886 BUG 7188 Fix Bug validation the plus sign in javascript.
2011-07-11 22:06 Erik Amaru Ortiz 7ca0a99a7503246138916e28b176ec321703302d BUG 0000 Report tables ver2 (improvements to pmtables data edit)
2011-07-11 20:08 Hector Cortez 645a465652df6034c3ec90151b5fd5e5e855772f BUG 7092 Fix Bug Print preview in tracker.
2011-07-08 23:06 Erik Amaru Ortiz 4c6fb8d7aba8998b06e825f575ea1e9dc600647d BUG 0000 Report tables ver2, improvements and unification with PMTables
2011-07-08 15:04 Carlos Pacha 5493e6155c796bfdd34fd1c43ebd8aeb2f2fffaa BUG 7137 Subprocess Synchronous/En un subproceso "Synchronous" se pierde el cas
2011-07-07 15:26 Carlos Pacha d3273b698569b2f12bd478674f7a7a89069fa491 BUG 7137 subproceso "Synchronous" se pierde el caso
2011-07-07 13:18 Alvaro Campos 70da54b308951602ed4fb31a58ed8c9a201a4ac3 BUG 6905 solucionado problema el ordenamiento de inputs versionados
2011-07-06 15:33 Hugo Loza 5e3cd2b0f650b685420cf9aaef037941ed72903b BUG 0000 Register Javascript from plugins changes
2011-07-05 14:15 Alvaro Campos c081b4e19dff601bdf5fc3a5eea44a900e5680ec BUG 7059 fixed issue with calendar inactives
2011-07-04 21:09 Hugo Loza e3a0aa7a860fc712e288a84eba902027dd1e9d6d BUG 0000 Feature: Sharepoint Triggers [tags/2.0.30 tags/2.0.30.rc13 ]
2011-07-04 20:50 Hector Cortez 80728423c44eced009bd9944680be34b5e218e36 BUG 7162 Adjustment adding default value for Case Scheduler schema.
2011-07-04 21:09 Hugo Loza 1ff483f45ebf79a2e1d4595fd0593201a73c948d BUG 0000 Feature: Sharepoint Triggers
2011-07-04 16:43 Alvaro Campos f9d8abf8f9a01493f9372d914336e493582ca434 BUG 0000 update file .po english july 4, 2011
2011-07-04 16:38 Carlos Pacha 2ef9ab14604e9c836be9d8ab3cb374aaff8b16bd BUG 7173 Notice: Undefined variable: passw
2011-07-04 16:33 Douglas Medrano dac83c0f58a058cc7e3574e0b42908f3af7baf7d BUG 0000 Traduction of the page main on reportTables
2011-07-04 15:58 Hector Cortez 3e7e67667cac6f310dde255c7301022a81be19b7 BUG 7162 Fix Bug variable initialization when save a case scheduler.
2011-07-04 15:46 Douglas Medrano af1775eeee75931bc0be9b12e497f8525c5485b1 BUG 0000 Traduction of the page edit on reportTables
2011-07-04 15:14 Carlos Pacha e267d01ced623ec367e2b76ea1fa04004a24a4c8 BUG 6864 /En el tab del caso no esta cargando el label definido
2011-07-04 15:06 Carlos Pacha b911528d005c3cdb6aeac8e76966deeca1601b24 BUG 6864 En el tab del caso no esta cargando el label definido
2011-07-04 13:22 Enrique Ponce De 54f6ac749e695064382f4bd54c6b9fdb219d4958 BUG 0000 PEAR LOG Notice Solved.
2011-07-03 15:24 Hugo Loza 5201e3e7f3be04b7c5c2512c4f6a25cc6343b809 BUG 7140 DBArray SQl parser notices removed
2011-07-03 15:19 Hugo Loza c865a4fa8e78f3b4e009f148cc9f9e4d65bc380d BUG 0000 Added some files to be ignored
2011-07-01 22:31 Erik Amaru Ortiz e603b383445e3956386b3b27bd822b9c3eab7031 BUG 0000 - Javascript Registry for plugins was added (docblock corrections)
2011-07-01 22:08 Erik Amaru Ortiz 59d0ae3d342555dfc7664ed6d5bb37f24b2b7533 BUG 0000 - Javascript Registry for plugins was added (fix) [tags/2.0.30.rc12 ]
2011-07-01 21:58 Erik Amaru Ortiz dbb3da02c0a850c41a9d8b7c82c92a6967c38b77 BUG 0000 - Javascript Registry for plugins was added
2011-07-01 21:45 Douglas Medrano a73001833555495a8fcb84f548f5c64f2007662b BUG 7148 Fixed problem for creating various departments of the same name
2011-07-01 16:02 Hugo Loza 76da8ecd2c2a63200e9ee2b8cf64f42afa978b08 BUG 7140 some non defined portions of the query fixed
2011-07-01 15:04 Erik Amaru Ortiz b0302d68715e205725fd211d8bc7290c1aa28a5d BUG 0000 Report tables ver 2. solving notices issues
2011-07-01 14:46 Douglas Medrano 3835807767ce3e581f3d604c41d4dc47cf89d362 BUG 0000 Solved unexpecte variables in reportTables
2011-07-01 14:15 Hugo Loza 3aa2785ef1b8467d80c41f5d4d213a608b96233a BUG 7140 -> Fix complete save label with dbarray connection [tags/2.0.30.rc11 ]
2011-06-30 19:45 Hugo Loza 17a4f8c1cb974ac7396b808b4bd3c715bf229cc8 BUG 0000 Class soapNTLM
2011-07-01 13:39 Hector Cortez 1421434b24a0ba4fce7f884a0679366362d21a6a BUG 7106 Adjustment validation in default workflow for PMtables modification.
2011-06-30 19:06 Erik Amaru Ortiz 59e4d8679ce3916f0d98ed06db2e2c9df928b24b BUG 7165 "Notice en campo suggest" solved