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Configure the ProcessMaker Environment to give users the ability to configure settings as if it were global variables.

Configuring ProcessMaker Environment from the ADMIN menu

ProcessMaker Environment settings can be modified from the ADMIN menu. Login into ProcessMaker with a user such as the "admin" user who has the PM_SETUP_ADVANCE permission in his/her role. Then go to ADMIN > Settings > Environment.

Note: Take into consideration that from version on, users must have the PM_SETUP_ENVIRONMENT permission assigned to their role to access the ADMIN > Settings > Environment option.

By clicking on this option the ProcessMaker Environment Settings window will open showing all the possible information to be configure:

In the setting window, some samples will be displayed to show, as a preview, how the configuration is set by default; so, when different settings have been configured, samples will be refresh with the latest changes.

Configuring User Display Information

The Display Information Settings section allows to configure how a user information will be display. On the dropdown all possible configurations will be listed as seen in the image below:

When this configuration is applied the changes will be reflected on the following places:

  • User List (Admin > Users).
  • Cases List (Inbox, Draft, Participated, Unassigned).
  • User Information (When user logs into ProcessMaker).

The current configuration is @lastName @firstName (username). For example on the "Full Name" it will be displayed as follows:

For instance, if the current configuration is changed to @firstName, @lastName then it will be displayed as follows:

Configuring Regional Settings

As each country has its own date format, ProcessMaker gives the possibility to configure dates amongst a list of available formats. This configuration will be set for all places where dates are used, it means that it will be configured only once. This configuration is based on the International time notation supported by the ISO 8601.

By default, the configuration set is Y-m-d H:i:s. Available formats are explained below:

Date Format Example
d/m/Y 12/01/2013
m/d/Y 01/12/2013
Y/d/m 2013/01/12
Y/m/d 2013/12/01
F j, g:i a February 17, 2011, 7:15 pm
m.d.y 01.12.13
j,n,y 2, 1, 2013
D M j G:i:s T Y Thu Jan 02 19:15:38 EST 2013
D d M, Y Thu 02 Jan, 2012
D M, Y Thu Jan, 2013
d M, Y 12 Jan, 2013
d m, Y 12 01, 2013
d m, Y 12 01, 2013

For more information about date notation, check this documentation.

Configuring Home Settings

Hiding Process Information

Hide the process information by going to the Home Settings > New Case panel and mark the Hide Process Information checkbox.

The image below shows when the panel is not hidden:

By selecting the "Hide Process Information" option panel will be hidden as it is shown on the image below:

Configuring Cases List

Cases List could be configured depending on the number of cases process has or the date format established by the user.

Configuring Date Format

Dates displayed on cases list could be configured depending on the region. This configuration will change dates on:

  • Inbox
  • Draft
  • Participated
  • Unassigned
  • Advance Search

The List of available date formats is the same used as the one on the configuration for regional settings. The default date set is Y-m-d H:i:s.

A preview of a selected date could be seen on the Sample section: Case List: Date Format

Configuring Number of Rows per Page

The numbers of rows displaying per page could be configured depending on the number of cases listed on the case list. the higher the number of cases, the higher the number chosen on this configuration will be. By default the number set is 25.

Configuring Case Inbox Refresh Time

This new configuration has been added to improve ProcessMaker performance by setting time (in seconds) case inbox will be refreshed automatically. The greater will be the time configured the better will be the performance. By default the refresh time is set in 120 seconds