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This new section has been added to focus on new features included on version 2.5.0.
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Installation and Configuration
- Apache version was updated on Windows Installations, the latest version is 2.2.20.
Installation Requirements
- MySQL: 5.1.7 or greater
- Apache 2.2.3 or higher is required.
- PHP: 5.2.10 as a minimum requirement. (PHP 5.4 is not supported yet)
Browser Compatibility
- Firefox 20.x
- Google Chrome 26.0.x
- Internet Explorer 8.0 and 9.0
Configure and check configuration inside the Admin tab
- Configuring The Case Inbox Refresh Time: This new configuration option was added to improve ProcessMaker performance by setting the time (in seconds) that the cases inbox will be refreshed automatically
- Log Module to manage notifications: The log of all mails sent inside a process was added, this is optimized emulating APP_MESSAGE inside this log, allowing admins to search emails according to different search parameters added.
Also you now have access to:
- Obtaining System Information
- Checking ProcessMaker Requirements
- Checking PHP Information
Backup and Restore
Note: These commands are only for Linux installations
- Backing up bigger workspaces:a new parameter - s was added to back up workspaces with files bigger than 2 GB in size, this parameter allows admins to compress one file into several files.
- Restoring Workspaces: restore workspaces with more than 2 GB in size
Managing Languages
- If you create and personalize your own languages, a validation was added to accept these two headers X-Poedit-Language and Language since X-Poedit-Language was deprecated form POEdit version 1.4.6 and later.
Cron Configuration
- unassigned-case has been added to send pending notifications for unassigned cases in order for them to be claimed.
Basic and Advanced Design
ProcessMaker Tiny MCE Editor Integration
- New WYSIWYG HTML Editor: TinyMCE, also known as the Tiny Moxiecode Content Editor, has been integrated to this version in order to standardize the existing WYSIWYG HTML editors used within ProcessMaker. TinyMCE editor will be integrated to be used with:
- Creation of templates for Output Documents.
- Creation of Email Templates.
- Creation of Dynaform HTML Templates.
Also this new editor provides the possibility to:
- Load templates from an external file.
- Use the new variable picker which was deprecated on the editor used in previous versions.
- Use the Dynaform Grids wizard, replacing the old code used to replicate an entire grid from a dynaform inside a template.
- Setting time limit to claim a case: a time limit was added, which allows users the possibility to configure the time the case will remain in the unassigned folder, if that time is surpassed a notification will be sent to all users to let them know that there is a case to claim.
- Specifying a Process as a SubProcess: When a case is about to start, it's difficult to distinguish the main process from the SubProcess or going back to the main list of process to check whether the name of the main process is. To avoid this, a new option was added where it is possible decide which will be the SubProcess.
Configuring and Using Skins
- Possibility to configure skins by workspace
- Modify Simplified Layout: it is possible to modify not only CSS code but also HTML code to make the Simplified skin, more personalized.
- Modify Loading Page View: It is possible to customize the loading page which is displaying when ProcessMaker is starting a session.
- New Error Skins: Sometimes when the main URL was not entered correctly, an error page was displayed, but the message was not clear how to fix the problem. From this version, 3 new pages will come up, specifying the error and some possible reasons of the error and some resources which will help users to identify it.
New functionality inside the simplified skin
- Advance Search: The Advanced Search option gives the possibility to search for specific information about processes running.
- Send Notifications to Case Participants: Users who add case notes will have the possibility to send an email to all participants of the case.
Configuring and Designing a Process
- Sending a notification when a case is deleted, cancelled, paused, or reassigned.
- New Self Service Value Based Assignment: This new routing rule allows the use of a variable to dynamically assign the case to a pool of users assigned to a group, it means that self service will route the case to all users assigned into a specific group.
Self Service Value Based Assignment
- Validation added on Report to assignment when the top of a level is reached.
- It is possible to copy or import Dynaforms giving users the possibility to reuse an existing DynaForm created ONLY in the current workspace.
Importing Dynaforms !
- XML syntaxis validation: XML will be able to recognize syntax errors occurring during the creation of the Dynaform. It will open a message window with a brief description of the error; moreover, those errors will be corrected automatically.
- Preventing Session Timeout: when the session expires, users get a warning which allows them to save the Dynaform without losing any changes previously made.
Preventing Session Timeout !
- Editing Multiple Dynaforms: A dropdown was added in the toolbar to have the possibility to edit multiple dynaforms without closing the current one.
- Depending on the type of Dynaform, master or grid, fields will be available to be filled.
- JavaScript tab was removed from grid form.
- Two new fields were added: File and Suggest field inside Grid Form.
- Adjust the grid width to the width of the main form: This option allows grid width to be adjusted to the width of the master Dynaform.
- Dyanforms accessibility: Improving a Dynaform's accessibility, a label control was included in this version providing users easier access when fields are being filled out.
- Saving Addresses and Labels as Case Variables: Adding Addresses and Labels give the possibility to set and save them as Case Variables, this can be used to populate links in a grid via a trigger and also using JavaScript.
- Populating a Link Using Case Variables
Output and Input Documents
- Create Output Documents using TCPDF generator
- Now it is easy to download Input and Output Documents from uploaded documents, when a process permission is assigned to a user or a user group just double click on the name of the Document to download it.
Process Permission and Process Supervisor
- Case Notes Permission: This permission works on a user level allowing them to have a restriction when case notes need to be added.
- Permission to delete Generated Documents: By giving the permission to Delete, the Delete button on the Output Document screen will be enabled to have the possibility to delete the document generated. If the document was generated on .PDF and .DOC format, both of them will be deleted.
- Assigning a Group as Supervisor: Groups can be assigned as Process Supervisors. This will allow users not to lose the Process Supervisor settings when a process is exported. However, when a process is exported users assigned into supervisor's group will not be exported.
Web Services
- getVariablesNames(): get all variables from the selected system and case.
- AddCaseNote() creates a case note.
- caseList(): returns a list of the cases for the logged-in user.
ProcessMaker Functions
- PMFAddCaseNotes(): returns a string of information about the case notes added during a process.
- PMFAddInputDocument(): adds an input document.
- userInfo(): returns an array with the information about a particular registered user in ProcessMaker. This information is stored in the wf_<WORKFLOW>.USERS table.
- informationUser(): Obtains user information, such as: username, address, email, etc.
- PMFSendMessage(): showmessage and delIndex parameters were added.
- executeQuery(): UPDATE and DELETE statements, will return the number of affected rows.
- PMFAddCaseNote(): New example of how to use system or process variables inside the $note parameter.
Importing Triggers
- Copy/Import Triggers From a Process: Often sub-processes need the same triggers as the main process, or to reuse a trigger used in a different process located in the same workspace. To avoid doing this manually; the possibility to copy or import Triggers was included, which allows users to copy them from the server or current workspaces to the current process.