The Documents panel allows users to put documents into folders that can be created in this interface, or configure the folder where output documents will be generated. Only users, such as the admin, who have the PM_FOLDERS_VIEW permission in their role will have access to this new option.
Note: It is not necessary to give users process permission to access files managed during the execution of a process. All files uploaded or generated in a process will be stored in this section.
When the user clicks on the Documents option, they will see the right side panel divided into two panels (observe the following image):
a. Directory: Manages folders and their structure, so a list of folders created using the Documents option or the Destination Path option for output or input documents can be created in this panel. Directories will be created following a tree structure using sub-directories and files.
b. List of Folders and Files: Manages folders and files, so a list of all the input documents uploaded and output documents generated during the process, as well as folders, will be displayed inside this panel.
Note: Due to data consistency, only a logical delete of the document is performed, which means the document will still be stored in the database. The only modification is in the APP_DOCUMENT table, where the status changes to DELETED when the document is deleted.
Folders will be displayed on the left side of the panel, and will be organized in a tree structure, as shown in the image below:
By right clicking on a folder, a menu containing the New Folder, Copy, Move and Delete options will be displayed:
Creating New Folders
Take into account that folders can be manually created, and can also be created by running cases where an output or input document was created with a destination file defined. To manually create a folder, right click on the folder where the sub folder will be created. To create a folder at the root level, right click on a folder, click on the New Folder option, and the following box will be displayed:
- Path: Shows the path where the folder will be created.
- Name: Name of the folder to be created.
Note: As a best practice and in order to prevent future errors, the name of the folder must not use special characters.
The new folder will be created inside the parent folder:
The + button will be added automatically next to the parent folder when more than one file or folder has been created inside the parent folder. Click on the + button to expand or contract the directory:
Moving Folders
A folder and all of its contents can be moved to another folder. Once the folder is moved from one location to another, it will be removed from the original location.
For example, the following structure includes a file uploaded inside the PDF Documents folder:
Move the PDF Documents folder to the same level as the root folder by right clicking on the PDF Documents folder and selecting the Move option. A destination box will appear where the path of the folder that will be moved must be selected:
A dropdown will show all available paths to move folders to. Select / to move the folder:
Finally, the folder and its files will be moved. The final structure is shown in the image below:
Copying Folders
A folder and all of its content can be copied from one location to another while keeping the original file in both locations.
For instance, to copy the PDF Documents folder inside folder 2, right click on the PDF Documents folder and click on Copy. The following box will be displayed:
Select the destination and click on the Copy button. The folder and its content will be copied:
Renaming Folder Names
A folder can be renamed by clicking on the name of the folder or by right clicking and selecting the Rename option.
Note: As a best practice and in order to prevent future errors, the name of the folder must not use special characters.
Rename the Documents folder to "Mobile Pictures"; the result will be:
Note: Folders will only be able to have the same name if they are located in different paths.
Deleting Folders
A folder and all of its content (including sub folders) can be deleted. Right click on the folder then click on the Delete option, and a message box will be displayed to confirm if the user wants to delete the folder.
List of Folders and Files
Folders and files can be managed in the left side panel:
Root folder: Click on this option to go into the root folder.
Reload: Refreshes the list of documents.
New Folder: Creates a new folder in the current directory.
Delete Folder: Deletes the selected folder.
Download a file: Downloads a specific file previously chosen from the list. If the file has two versions available (.pdf and .doc), the pdf version will be downloaded.
Upload a file: Uploads a file.
- Show Dirs: Shows the directory of folders next to the files inside them. For example, if this option is selected and then the Root Folder icon is clicked, all folders located at that level will be displayed:
After clicking on this button and showing the directories, the button changes its label to Hide Dirs
- Filter current view: Only searches the files displayed in the current page view. Only the files that match the search are shown in the list.
Managing Files
This section displays the list of files manually uploaded or generated while running cases in ProcessMaker.
- Name: Name of the folder/file.
- Version: Version of the document. This is defined if the output or input document has versioning enabled.
- Modified: Date when the documents or folders were modified.
- Owner: Owner of the document or folder. The person who ran a case and uploaded or generated the document, or the person who created the folder.
- Type: The document type, which can be a PDF, Word Document, External, Power Point File, PNG, JPG, GIF, Input File, Output File.
- Process: Name of the process where the file was uploaded or generated. Folders are not associated with a process, even if they were created while running a case, so no information will be displayed.
- Case: Name and number of the case where the file was uploaded or generated.
Deleting Files
It is possible to delete one or more files at a time. To delete a file, right click on it and select the Delete option. To delete more than one file at the same time, select multiple files by using the SHIFT or CTRL keys. Right click on the selected files and select the Delete option.
A confirmation box is displayed before deleting the files. Click on Yes to delete the file, or click on No to close the box without deleting any files.
Note: If during the process the same document was generated in both .pdf and .doc formats, and one of them is deleted from the list, then both formats will be deleted because they have the same ID.
Downloading Files
A document in the list can be downloaded to the computer in the following ways:
- Right click on the file to be downloaded and select the Download option.
In the case of Output Documents, if the file was configured to be generated in both .doc and .pdf formats, the Download button won't be enabled and a different icon will be assigned. Double click on the file to display the available format:
Click on a format to start the download process.
Uploading Files
Up to seven files can be uploaded to the folder by clicking on the Upload option in the top menu.
If an existing file is being uploaded, check the Overwrite option, otherwise it will be uploaded as a different file.