Google G-Suite
This section discusses how to set up the SAML Auth plugin with Google G-Suite and how to log on to ProcessMaker.
Prior to starting this procedure, ensure the following:
Ensure that you have experience configuring SAML.
This procedure can only be performed with a public server with a valid SSL certificate.
Download the certificate from the IdP. Contact the IdP if you do not have this certificate.
After Installing and enabling the SAML Auth plugin, follow these steps:
Configure Google G-Suite as a SAML IDP. In order to achieve this, follow the steps from this article.
Note: Normal Google account does not work, a corporate account is required.
Copy the following values from ProcessMaker Service Provider section to the Configure SAML section in Google G-Suite:
Note: Field hints provided by Google G-Suite also provide a guide about how to match values.
- Assertion Consumer Service.
- Entity ID.
- Single Logout Service.
Now SAML configuration is required by ProcessMaker in the Identity Provider section. Copy the following fields from Google G-Suite and then click Update Configuration in ProcessMaker:
- Entity ID.
- Single Sign-On Service.
Locate the certificate downloaded from the IdP. Contact the IdP if you do not have this certificate before proceeding further.
Enter the Idp Attribute Name value on the Field Matching section in the Configurations tab.
Check use Extended Users checkbox and then select the USR_EMAIL value in the User Field option.
In ProcessMaker Configurations tab, click Upload New Certificate and then click Browse.
Select the generated Certificate file, and then click Save.
Click on Update Configuration.
To be redirected to Google G-Suite login, in your ProcessMaker domain, enter the Workspace name and then click Login.
This redirects you to your Google G-Suite domain, then enter your Google credentials. You are now logged on to ProcessMaker via Google G-Suite.