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ProcessMaker uses the configuration file env.ini for global settings that aren't available in the Admin panel.

Editing the env.ini File

Use a plain text editor to edit the configuration file located at:

In Linux/UNIX:
In Windows:

The settings in the engine/config/env.ini file are used by all workspaces, whereas the settings in the sites/WORKSPACE/env.ini file only apply to a particular workspace. Settings can added to either file, but a setting in the sites/WORKSPACE/env.ini file will override a setting in the engine/config/env.ini file.

The default content in the env.ini file is the following:

;Setting default_lang - Created by System on Fri 16 Dec, 2016 16:20:43 default_lang = "en" ;Setting default_skin - Created by System on Fri 16 Dec, 2016 16:20:43 default_skin = "neoclassic"

Most of the settings can be enabled by setting them to 1 and disabled by setting them to 0. Settings that are strings should be enclosed in double quotation marks. Lines beginning with ";" (semicolons) are treated as comments and are ignored. Remove the semicolon to uncomment the setting.

Available Settings

  • code_scanner_enable = 0|1
    Set to 1 to activate the Plugin/Trigger Code Security Scanner feature.
    This is an alias of enable_blacklist.
  • code_scanner_scope = "import_plugin, enable_plugin, import_process, trigger"
    The parameter "code_scanner_scope" can be added to ProcessMaker env.ini file to define the scope of Code Scanner. This parameter accepts one or multiple values separated by commas and enclosed in between double quotes. A default behavior will apply to all the elements if this parameter is not present in env.ini or if there is no any valid argument. For more information, see the Plugin/Trigger Code Security Scanner page.
  • debug_sql = 0|1
    Set to 1 to log all SQL queries to the wf_<WORKSPACE> database in MySQL and view SQL error messages in the __ERROR__ system variable in the Debugger. Default is 0. For more information, see the MySQL Logging section.
  • debug_calendar = 0|1
    Set to 1 to log information about calendars. Default is 0.
  • default_lang = "LANG"
    Example: default_lang = "es"
    Sets the default language of ProcessMaker at the login screen. When the web browser is directed to http://IP-ADDRESS, it will automatically be redirected to http://IP-ADDRESS/sysworkflow/LANG/SKIN/login/login. If not set, then the default language is "en" (English).

    Note: This setting is the same configured in the Preferences configuration of the ProcessMaker interface.

  • default_skin = "SKIN"
    Sets the default skin of ProcessMaker at the login screen. When the web browser is directed to http://IP-ADDRESS, it will automatically be redirected to http://IP-ADDRESS/sysworkflow/LANG/SKIN/login/login. If not set, then the default skin is "neoclassic".

    Note: This setting is the same configured in the Preferences configuration of the ProcessMaker interface.

  • disable_advanced_search_case_title_fulltext = 0|1
    Set to 1 to disable full-text search techniques in the Case Title of the Advanced Search. By default, this value is 0.

    Note: It is not recommended for full load environments because this setting affects performance.

  • disable_download_documents_session_validation = 0|1
    Set to 1 to enable the download of input or output documents without restrictions. This means that is not necessary to have a valid session or the right user permissions to download the document. If set to 0, the user must have a valid session and the correct user permissions to download the input or output document. If not set, then the default value is 0. For more information, read the Input Documents Download Restriction section.
  • disable_php_upload_execution = 0|1
    Set to 1 to disable the upload and execution of PHP files. By default, the value is set to 0. This flag can be set for the whole ProcessMaker installation or individually for each workspace. If the flag is active and a user tries to upload a PHP file, an alert message with "phpUpload" type will be recorded in the ProcessMaker Standard Log. This restriction includes: inputs documents, public files, documents, BPMN and classic dynaforms and files uploaded through the file and multiple file uploader control.
  • disable_task_manager_routing_async = 0|1

    Available Version: As of ProcessMaker 3.5.8

    Set whether Task Manager routes cases synchronously or asynchronously. 0 is the default value and routes cases asynchronously using queue jobs. While 1 routes cases synchronously without using queue jobs.
  • ext_ajax_timeout = XX

    Integer number that represents the maximum timeout for Ajax requests in milliseconds. Ensure this timeout sufficiently allows ProcessMaker to get the message list table when that table contains several hundred thousand or more rows. See Best practices when managing a large amount of data in the message inbox.

  • enable_blacklist = 0|1
    Set to 1 to activate the Plugin/Trigger Code Security Scanner feature. It allows you to set which blacklisted activities to monitor. See Configure the Env.ini file for the Plugin/Trigger Code Security Scanner.
  • enable_httponly_flag = 0|1

    Available Version: As of ProcessMaker 3.7.4

    HttpOnly is an additional flag included in a Set-Cookie HTTP response header. Then, set enable_httponly_flag to 1 to mitigate the risk of the client-side script accessing the protected cookie when generating cookie helps. By default, it is disabled ( 0.) To do not affect this flag to the session_block setting when it is enabled, close the web browser and clean the browser cache.
  • files_white_list = "extension1,extension2,..."

    This setting validates the file extension types that are allowed to be uploaded to ProcessMaker without MIME type validation. To do so, add the file extension white list separated by commas to the files_white_list parameter.

    Example: files_white_list = "jpg,jpeg,png,tiff"
  • google_map_api_key = "API-KEY"
    Set the Google Maps API key after generating a key using the following page: Get API key. This is necessary to use the Geomap control. For more information go here.
  • google_map_signature = "SIGNATURE"
    Set the signature for the Google Maps API to work properly with the Geomap control. For more information, see Google API key.
  • highlight_home_folder_enable = 0 | 1

    Available Version: As of ProcessMaker 3.5.0.

    Enable the highlight functionality replacing the tray counter of the Unassigned Cases List. By default, this setting is disabled (0).
  • highlight_home_folder_refresh_time = 10

    Available Version: As of ProcessMaker 3.5.0.

    Set the time in minutes to refresh the highlight of the Unassigned Cases List. By default, this setting is 10. When running this setting in the Highlighted Unassigned feature, the time elapsed should increase or decrease because there are some case actions running such as triggers (delete case, start a case, pause a case, etc.) but the refresh time for this setting is constant.
  • highlight_home_folder_scope = "unassigned"

    Available Version: As of ProcessMaker 3.5.0.

    Defines the highlight functionality to the Unassigned Cases List.
  • load_headers_ie = 0 | 1
    Set to 1 to disable the 2.X compatibility mode. If not set to 0, code and headers that are used only in 2.X processes will be set to maintain 2.X compatibility mode.
  • logging_level = "level"
    Set the download level of ProcessMaker Standard logs. For more information, see Turn Standard Logs On or Off.
  • logs_location = "<Location-Directory>"
    Set the path to store Log Files. The default path is: logs_location = "<INSTALL-DIRECTORY>/processmaker/shared/sites/<WORKSPACE>/logs/"
  • logs_max_files = XX
    Set the number of days before the last entry in the Standard logs is deleted.
  • mobileNotifications = true|false
    Set to false to deactivate notifications in ProcessMaker Mobile.
    mobileNotifications = false By default, mobile notifications are enabled. If this setting is not found in the env.ini file, the default value is true.

  • on_one_server_enable = 0|1

    Available Version: As of ProcessMaker 3.7.0.

    Set to 1 to run a scheduled job when there are two servers. This parameter is useful when running triggers in two parallel tasks with self service assignment rule. When using a sub domain without multiple workspaces in one server (STM structure), the on_one_server_enable attribute should be disabled. Alternatively, when using multiple application servers, it is recommended to set this parameter as enabled. This parameter is disabled (0) by default.
  • pmftotalcalculation_floating_point_number = XX

    Available Version: As of ProcessMaker 3.5.0.

    Integer number that represents the digits of floating numbers as the return value in the PMFTotalCalculation() function. The default value is 10. The minimum value is 0 and the maximum value is 25.
  • redirect_to_mobile = 0|1
    Set to 1 to open the direct case link directly in the ProcessMaKer Mobile app. Set to 0, to open the link in the device's browser. The default is 0.
  • redirect_to_mobile = 0|1
    Set to 1 to open the direct case link directly in the ProcessMaKer Mobile app. Set to 0, to open the link in the device's browser. The default is 0.
  • report_table_batch_regeneration = X
    Integer number that represents the number of rows. The default value is 1000. The minimum value is 1.
  • report_table_double_number = X

    Available Version: As of ProcessMaker 3.5.3.

    Integer number that represents the number of decimal places to round double numbers such as 4.5345567 from the real number 4.55678 in the Reports table in that ProcessMaker workspace. The default value is 4. The minimum value is 1 and the maximum value is 8.
  • report_table_floating_number = X

    Available Version: As of ProcessMaker 3.5.3

    Integer number that represents the number of decimal places to round floating point numbers in the Reports table in that ProcessMaker workspace. The default value is 4. The minimum value is 1 and the maximum value is 5 If a number greater than the maximum is set such as report_table_floating_number = 30, the value is automatically set to 5 which is the maximum value permitted for floats. If this attribute's value is invalid, such as report_table_floating_number = x5&!, then the value is automatically set to 4.
  • samesite_cookie_setting = Lax | Strick

    Available Version: As of ProcessMaker 3.7.2

    Set to Lax or Strict to avoid cross-site request forgery, cross-site script inclusion, or timing attacks for all cookies. Empty value is the default value.
  • session_block = 0 | 1
    Set to 1 to disallow the use of multiple browser instances of ProcessMaker. The default value is 0. For more details, see Blocking Multiple Browser Instances.
  • smtp_timeout = XX
    For PHPMailer, set the SMTP mail timeout in seconds. If this value is not set in the env.ini file, then the default value is 20. If set to a non-numeric value, then it will be ignored and the default value will be used.
  • system_utc_time_zone = 0 | 1
    Set to 1 to enable the multi time zone. Default is 0. When the parameter is set to 1, all dates in the database are stored as UTC0. When the parameter is set to 0. All dates in the database are stored applying the server time zone.
    For best practices regarding using this parameter, see Time Zone best practices.
  • time_zone = "zone"
    Set the time zone of the ProcessMaker server. This setting determines the time zone used for all timestamps in ProcessMaker, such as the starting and ending time for cases. By default, the time zone is set to "America/New_York". A list of available time zones can be found at:
  • upload_attempts_limit_per_user = 'XX,YY'
    Set the XX and YY integer numbers. Upload a file in any place of ProcessMaker that stands XX attempts every YY minutes per user.
    The default value is sixty attempts every minute per user ('60,1'). If the number of attempts has been exceeded, the ProcessMaker server will return status 429 (Too many requests).
  • wsdl_cache = 0|1
    Set to 0 to disable the caching of WSDL (Web Services Description Language) function calls. The default is 1, so WSDL function calls are cached for up to 24 hours, which increases the reliability (especially if there are connection problems), but there is a problem if an immediate execution for debugging is necessary.

Input Document Download Restriction

If the disable_download_documents_session_validation flag is set to 1, then unauthorized users may download Input Documents. If the disable_download_documents_session_validation flag is set to 0 or is not included in the env.ini file, then only authorized users may download Input Documents. Therefore, if the user is not the one who uploaded the documents, he/she will need an Input Document process permission to download Input Documents.

This restriction affects:

Remember that this restriction is enabled by default. If the user is not allowed to download the file, a "403 Access denied" error message will be displayed:

If this setting is not enabled and the user doesn't have an open login session, then clicking on a link to download an Input or Output Document file will redirect to the ProcessMaker login screen. After login, the web browser will be redirected to the URL to download the file.

This setting is often enabled when needing to include links to files in emails and Output Documents or when accessing ProcessMaker files remotely via REST or web services. However, keep in mind that enabling this setting is a security hole, since it allows files to be downloaded using their file IDs and version numbers without verifying that the downloader is a valid ProcessMaker user and has permissions to access the file. If needing to guarantee that the files saved in ProcessMaker can only be accessed by authorized users, then do NOT enable this setting.

MySQL Logging

If the debug_sql option is set to 1 (or debug is set to 1), then every SQL query to the wf_<WORKSPACE> database (which is named wf_workflow by default) will be written in the following log file:


Each line in the log file records SQL actions in the following format:

time(HH:MM:SS.mmm) | workspace | address-of-user | #### | Type | Processing-time | SQL-query | [URL-path -> code-file.php:line-number:function() -> ...]

For example, here is the shared/log/propel.log file for the admin user's login from the IP address

04:54:03.4044|dani3018||413862|executeQuery|0.00016093254089355|SELECT PMT_BLACKLISTTRY.ID, PMT_BLACKLISTTRY.NAME, PMT_BLACKLISTTRY.DNI FROM PMT_BLACKLISTTRY LIMIT 20|app.php:61:include()->sysGeneric.php:1018:call()->class.httpProxyController.php:97:dataView()->pmTablesProxy.php:509:getAllData()->AdditionalTables.php:479:eval()->AdditionalTables.php(479) : eval()'d code:1:doSelectRS()->BasePmtBlacklisttryPeer.php:278:doSelect()->BasePeer.php:467:executeQuery()->PreparedStatementCommon.php:334:executeQuery()->|GET|/sysdani3018/en/neoclassic/pmTablesProxy/dataView?id=61419351656f372b9924b29018254312&_dc=1458766640428|id=61419351656f372b9924b29018254312 _dc=1458766640428

04:55:05.1668|dani3018||546286|executeUpdate|0.00035500526428223|INSERT INTO BLACKLISTTRY (Name, DNI) VALUES (\'Daniela\', 167)]\";s:15:\"__VAR_CHANGED__\";N;}',`APP_DRIVE_FOLDER_UID` = '' WHERE APPLICATION.APP_UID='86281452856f37325e5c2a8033826603'|app.php:61:include()->sysGeneric.php:1022:require_once()->cases_Step.php:241:updateCase()->>Application.php:448:save()->BaseApplication.php:1004:doSave()->BaseApplication.php:1041:doUpdate()->BaseApplicationPeer.php:480:doUpdate()->BasePeer.php:420:executeUpdate()->PreparedStatementCommon.php:356:executeUpdate()->|GET|/sysdani3018/en/neoclassic/cases/cases_Step?TYPE=DYNAFORM&UID=80263955456d8ab9949a783019937009&POSITION=1&ACTION=EDIT|TYPE=DYNAFORM  UID=80263955456d8ab9949a783019937009    POSITION=1  ACTION=EDIT

05:13:32.4765|dani3018||604648|executeUpdate|0.00020098686218262|UPDATE PMT_BLACKLISTTRY SET Name = 'Dani123' where DNI = 167|app.php:61:include()->sysGeneric.php:1022:require_once()->cases_Step.php:196:executeTriggers()->>class.pmScript.php:349:executeAndCatchErrors()->class.pmScript.php:208:eval()->class.pmScript.php(208) : eval()'d code:2:executeQuery()->class.pmFunctions.php:317:executeUpdate()->|GET|/sysdani3018/en/neoclassic/cases/cases_Step?TYPE=DYNAFORM&UID=80263955456d8ab9949a783019937009&POSITION=1&ACTION=EDIT|TYPE=DYNAFORM   UID=80263955456d8ab9949a783019937009    POSITION=1  ACTION=EDIT

Logging will noticeably slow down ProcessMaker's performance, so it is not suggested to use this option except for debugging. The log file is not automatically deleted, so it will continue to append new information until the file system runs out of space. If SQL logging is enabled for long periods of time, it is a good idea to periodically delete the log file so it doesn't occupy too much hard drive space.

Note that the processing time is in seconds and milliseconds, so a time of 1.309 means 1 second and 309 milliseconds.

Blocking Multiple Browser Instances

Set the setting session_block to 1 in the env.ini file to disallow the use of multiple browser instances of ProcessMaker. If this setting is not found in the env.ini file, the default value is 0.

session_block = 1;

This restriction affects the following tabs: Home, Designer, Dashboards, KPIs, Admin and any of the options inside them.
Whenever trying to open multiple instances, the following warning page will display:

For the restriction to take effect, it is strongly recommended to log out of ProcessMaker and clear the cache of the browser.

Note: This restriction does not affect Dynaforms or Processes in the Designer tab that are automatically opened in other tabs in Internet Explorer 11 and later.

ltiple instances, the following warning page will display:

For the restriction to take effect, it is strongly recommended to log out of ProcessMaker and clear the cache of the browser.

Note: This restriction does not affect Dynaforms or Processes in the Designer tab that are automatically opened in other tabs in Internet Explorer 11 and later.