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Read on if you want to know what new features are offered in version 2.8.

This document provides a brief description of the improvements offered in ProcessMaker v 2.8. Find information about the 4 new major Enterprise features as well as many other improvements, enhancements and features. Each description will guide you through the official documentation where the complete description of each feature is fully detailed.

Enterprise Features

  • Audit Log. This new feature records all events of the ADMIN section in ProcessMaker in chronological order in a log accessible to users with the PM_SETUPADVANCE permission in their role.
  • Double Database Connection. ProcessMaker now supports multiple database connections allowing large implementations to separate the read and write database for improved performance under heavy loads.

[edit]New ProcessMaker Features

  • The new REST API implemented in version 2.8 allows programmers to design external applications with better performance, scalability, reliability, portability and security (with OAuth 2.0). ProcessMaker offers a large number of available end points, so that large parts of the ProcessMaker can implemented in custom interfaces:
  • OAUTH 2.0 Clients use access tokens in order access the different end points of the ProcessMaker REST API.
  • ProcessMaker Designer This API includes the end points to remotely access and control the designing of processes.
  • Finally, see this example to get the cases list in an external web page.
  • Compatibility with MS IIS 7 or higher
  • Compatibility with PHP 5.4
  • Improved Advanced Search capability with the Delegate Date From' and To fields and the X buttons to clear these fields.
  • When adding a trigger inside Steps, if needed a condition may be defined in order to fire the trigger in a certain situation. To know which triggers have conditions without opening one by one, a check mark was added as an indicator.
  • A maximum of 201 characters is allowed in the dashboard title. It is possible to use numbers, special characters and letters.
  • If the title has spaces between sentences, the text will be adjusted in separate lines.
  • The dashlet titles are sorted in ascending order.
  • Allowed file types. Specify the type of field to upload inside the Input Document, to verify that the uploaded files has the correct type of content.
  • Maximum size. Specify the maximum file size in KB or MB of the uploaded document.
  • In the form to create a new user the label of the field User ID was replaced by Username.
  • The form to create a new Web Entry contains red asterisks * to indicate which fields are required.
  • When JavaScript is disabled inside a browser that must run a DynaForm defined inside a Web Entry, if the assign user does not fill all the required fields an alert is shownnotifying which fields must be filled.
  • The user experience has been adapted to support RTL (right-to-left) languages, such as Hebrew and Arabic.
  • Set the type of process as public if all users with the PM_FACTORY permission in their role will be able to edit the process or private if only the owner of the process will be able to edit it.
  • Restrict the access to see the DynaForm displayed inside the Case Summary by configuring the Summary Form permission.
  • Validation in the name of the Dashboards, so that dashboards aren't created with the same name.
  • Inside the System settings, the label Maximum lifetime cleaned up was replaced by Cookie lifetime, so that its purpose is more understandable.
  • It is possible to add special characters to the title of the case such as [, ], {, }, =,etc.
  • Before removing a group, it verifies that the group is not assigned to a task.