My Cases tray filters cases by cases status through tiles, where the currently logged on user has participated in at least one task in the case. My Cases used to be in previous ProcessMaker versions the Participated tray. Take into account the following:
- Check search cases. The search filter in a case tile has an automatic save per user, then, the searching criteria remains through navigation until it is changed or removed.
- Access the case information by double clicking a case row in a case tile. The case information is important for tracking cases.
Take into account the following consideration before using My Cases.
- The My Cases lists do not update automatically after creating a case. Alternative, click a case tile to update your case list.
View My Cases
Note: For a user to view cases, that user must have the PM_CASES permission assigned to their role.
The My Cases screen displays a complete list of cases. These cases are grouped based on their status. By default the Home view displays the My Cases sub menu that contains the logged on users's cases.
Click the Home tab located at the top of the screen and select the My Cases sub menu from the ProcessMaker main menu. This page displays three sections:

The first section contains the My Cases title, a Search icon and the +New Case button. The title displays the type of cases listed. The title changes to the case list selected by status.
The second section displays four tiles where the cases are filtered by case status. For more information, see My Cases Filters. These status are:
- Started by Me: It displays all cases that the logged on user has started.
- In Progress: It displays all cases that the logged on user has in progress.
- Completed: It displays all cases that are completed.
- Supervising: It displays all cases where the logged on user is the Supervisor. For more information, please visit the Process Supervisor page.
The third section displays a list of cases with the following information:
- Case #
- Process Category (Not displayed by default)
- Process Name
- Case Thread Title
- Pending Tasks
- Status
- Start Date
- Finish Date
- Duration
- Case Notes
Started by Me: It filters all the cases started by the user and the Pending Tasks can be organized by the following statuses:
- Draft
- To Do
- Unassigned
- Paused
- Canceled/Completed
- In Progress: It filters all the cases where the user participated in and the tasks status can be either To Do or Unassigned.
- Completed: It filters all the cases where the user participated and the tasks status can be Completed or Cancelled.
- Supervising: It filters all the cases where the user is a supervisor and the tasks status can be To Do or Unassigned. This option is only available if the user is a supervisor in at least one process, otherwise, this tile does not display. This tile open cases if there is an open thread where the Supervisor can review the case. For more information on how to add Supervisors, visit the Process Supervisor page.
Note: Only cases in To Do display in the Supervising list, therefore, Paused cases do not display.
- Case #: Cases are sorted by their case number. Sort cases in ascendent or descendent order.
- Process Category: Available as of ProcessMaker 3.7.2. This column displays the Process Category, but does not display by default.
- Process Name: This column displays the name of the BPMN process.
- Case Thread Title: This column displays multiple threads with the Case title.
Pending Tasks: This column displays:
- The case status
- Current task name
- The case user profile image. Additional user information displays when hovering over the icon as follows:
The status colors are the following:
Note: These status colors work with cases filtered with Started by Me and Completed options.
Green: This means the task is in on time. This task has the lowest priority. It displays an On/time tooltip.
Red: This means the task is overdue. This task has priority over paused or unassigned tasks. It displays an Overdue tooltip.
If the task is delayed but the thread is open, it also displays a red status color, but with the Delayed tooltip.
- Blue: This means the task is paused. This paused task has priority over pending/on timepaused or unassigned tasks.
- Grey: This means the task is unassigned. This unassigned task has priority over pending/on time tasks.
- Orange: This means the task is in draft. If the case's status is in draft has no priority because this will be displayed only in the Draft folder/tray.
- Status: This column displays the current status of the case. The available case statuses are:
.Note: The case status is different to a thread status. When pausing a thread, the case is not pausing. Then the case status is still in
status. - Start date: This column displays the date when the case was initiated.
Finish Date: This column displays the date when the case was completed or canceled.
Note: This column should only be used when all threads of the case are finalized. Then, when filtering cases by the In Progress tile, the Finish Date is always empty.
Duration: This column displays the length of time duration from start date to finish date or today in case the case is still pending. It is displayed by day(s), hour(s), minute(s) and second(s).
Note: The time displayed in pending tasks will use the new day as a reference and will not include hours and minutes to be updated.
The last column displays the Case Notes icon
. When clicking this icon, it displays a modal window with a list of all the case notes and attached documents. It is also possible to add new comments and option to send these new comments as emails to the case participants.
My Cases Filters
This section contains four tiles. After clicking one of them, the page is updated and the list of cases are filtered by the selected status. The title changes accordingly to the selected option.
The statuses considered are the following:
My Cases display the following information columns:
My Cases Column Settings
Available Version: As of ProcessMaker 3.7.0
This option displays all columns in the My Cases list where you can select each column. The column settings display in the same order they display in the columns.
Note: When an Administrator modifies a Custom Case List, any setting in the My Cases Columns are cleared.
Follow the next steps to enable columns:
1. In the My Cases list, locate and click the icon . The Columns popup screen displays.
2. Check/uncheck columns as desired. This settings are per user account.
3. Click Save. The My Cases list updates the column displaying.
4. Otherwise, click Cancel or click the icon to close the popup screen without saving settings.